I used the Dockerfile and start-griddb.sh file in griddb-docker/tree/main/griddb/5.3/bionic
But after building the image (docker build -t griddb_server) and start container (docker-compose up -d)
So after many hours of investigating, according to this document, I must start node before join node into cluster
Moreover, command gsserver is redundant after adding start node so I remove it and start-griddb.sh file needs to update to
I've improved start-griddb.sh for GridDB V5.6CE by 68b37c8.
I adopted join_cluster() method adding loop to join cluster in start-griddb.sh.
Could you try it ?
I used the Dockerfile and start-griddb.sh file in griddb-docker/tree/main/griddb/5.3/bionic But after building the image (docker build -t griddb_server) and start container (docker-compose up -d)
But after checking the container log, there's an error
And executing
yield result with no active cluster
So after many hours of investigating, according to this document, I must start node before join node into cluster Moreover, command
is redundant after adding start node so I remove it and start-griddb.sh file needs to update to