griddynamics / OpenGenesis

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Puppet integration #744

Open bugzmanov opened 11 years ago

bugzmanov commented 11 years ago

Note: not sure if it's actually needed

Apperently puppet gaining it's momentum in devops community

In order to appeal to devops favours, genesis should provide abilities to use puppet instead of chef for deployment.

rsvato commented 11 years ago

In fact, just a contrary: chef is gaining it's momentum. Puppet is older in fact, and before chef it was like a single option for devops. However, it does not mean we should not support it.

bugzmanov commented 11 years ago

puppet is old, but after "everybody chef now!" party ton of people come to conclusion that ruby dsl sucks. and puppet approach leads to less problems after all.

bugzmanov commented 11 years ago

Your can google fresh artiles about puppet poping up on habr, infoq, dzone..