gridgain / gridgain-old

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Graphics Designer / Modeling #54

Open sirinath opened 10 years ago

sirinath commented 10 years ago

Is it possible to provide a graphics designer for GG like what is available for SORCER ( perhaps based on

sirinath commented 10 years ago

May be you can use and as the editor. You get web editing also. The editor framework can be a framework which can be re used in applications.

sirinath commented 10 years ago

Basically make the designer such that it can be used as a component in own projects.

sirinath commented 10 years ago

If you are going deeper into visual CEP / Data Flow / Big Data Analytics as part of graphics modeler these also may give you some ideas:

Ease of use in Analytics:

Visual CEP Designer: StreamBase

sirinath commented 10 years ago

Modeling front end can be something like UF: so the applications can customise this. Use case for customiser bility would be that this would help design systems like,,

dsetrakyan commented 10 years ago

I don't see GridGain data flow to grow in complexity to the point where visual modeling will be beneficial. Usually, such visual tools instead of helping just get in the way.

sirinath commented 10 years ago

I agree with this as I am also not a big fan of visual development mainly because many of the tools that come out are not that high quality. But having said this if it is well thought out and well designed this would be very beneficial. E.g. Matlab has Simulink and also LabVIEW which are such well designed visual systems.

Also having such facility can help with end user rapid customisation to be developed into the product also. End user most likely would appreciate a Projectional Editor approach than having to churn out code. (Also something interesting to look at is JetBrains MPS which has projectional editing also.)

GG wins if the developer wins and intern would win if the end user wins. I am not saying you should implement this but in the form suggested by me but all features should be designed by looking at the value chain UX it gives. (GG -> Developer -> end user) You have to put in the best and most effort in there you will be able to give the developer or the end user the most UX and / or utility. It there are other areas which does this better than this they should be prioritised ahead of this. My thinking is this is also a area to consider.

Sometimes something as simple as closure with data flow as a DAG would itself be a big productive boost and can be reused to provide functionality to end users. Anything more like would be a bonus. Also see which users simple constructs to achive a lot.

sirinath commented 10 years ago

E.g. Vertex uses a non graphical overlay through on top of which impliment a Noflowjs UI ( which is, (example UI at may be a similar approch can be done.

sirinath commented 10 years ago

Another set of frameworks which have good graphical overlays with textual modeling language is Modelica. (This might not be a good fit for GG but you can get some ideas to investigate this a bit further before making the final decision.)