gridstack / gridstack.js

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Change event not firing on nested grids (resize, move...) #2671

Open ddowie opened 2 months ago

ddowie commented 2 months ago


does "change" event work on nested grid items? In my situation change event is triggered only when moving or resizing parent (1st level) grid items.

Steps to reproduce

`var items = [{"x":0,"y":0,"w":6,"id":"5352223231011-3142222-410151-132321-200104202021152022100","subGridOpts":{"children":[]}},{"x":6,"y":0,"w":6,"id":"133014223145-112141-4112121-120214-43422114222221410","subGridOpts":{"children":[{"id":"01344140020-1013320-4151323-1521411-1140103111252101411","subGridOpts":{"children":[]},"x":0,"y":0},{"id":"412141422121-102202-42145-12152321-5223321101112214225","subGridOpts":{"children":[]},"x":3,"y":0}]}},{"x":0,"y":1,"w":12,"id":"1122021332120-2201014-4151315-1521145-12102130152142222321","subGridOpts":{"children":[]}}];

let options = { // main grid options resizable: { handles: 'se' }, margin: 8, minRow: 2, // don't collapse when empty acceptWidgets: true, subGridDynamic: false, subGridOpts: subOptions // all sub grids will default to those };

var grid = GridStack.init(options); grid.load(items);

grid.on('change', function (event, el) { serializeFullGrid(grid); });


adumesny commented 2 months ago

events are currently per grid and don't bubble up when nested. that is a feature request if you want to donate for it.