griff / metaz

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MetaZ not finding info #106

Open cubfan2491 opened 10 years ago

cubfan2491 commented 10 years ago

I've been using MetaZ for several months tagging my MP4 files for my iTunes library. All of a sudden yesterday when I tried tagging files, no information comes up anymore. As if the program is no longer checking the online databases or something. Is there something wrong with the system? Did I accidentally check off some kind of preference? Anyone else having issues? I reinstalled the software this morning just in case, but no change. When I load a file, it no longer populates the data, I have to do everything manually.

KevinJaques commented 10 years ago

I just installed it. Not only does it not look anything up, I can't find anything in the preferences or menus to suggest that it would. Has this feature been abandoned?

griff commented 10 years ago

There are several preferences that affect the search. Most the of plugins can be disabled in the preferences and the setting "Enable auto-search" will when unchecked require you to perform the search manually with Cmd-F. Different plugins will also search only when certain tags have certain values. TheMovieDB will only be searched if the video type is Movie, TheTVDB will only be searched if the video type is TV Show, TV Show tag is filled in and the season is specified. And lastly TagChimp experiences occasional breakdown.

@cubfan2491 your problem might be something else though. Some time back iTunes changed the meaning of the video type field so that the value in the file that meant Movie before now means Home Movie. This change didn't affect your iTunes library because they cache the video type and only read it from the file when importing files. But when MetaZ reads the file it will show the video type as Home Movie. Also when doing this change I missed some places that should also have been changed. Like the default video type when loading a file and that a Home Movie should also trigger a search.

cubfan2491 commented 10 years ago

griff, this is something strange i've never seen before with this software. i was tagging files and all of a sudden, it's like metaZ was no longer getting info from the imdb database. one minute it worked and was populating tag info just fine, the next it did not. i don't know what happened. this is happening at my work computer only. if i bring the files home to be tagged on my laptop, they work just fine. it's like something in the software was accidentally switched off. i've been through this message board looking for a way to delete my preferences and start from scratch, but i can't find how to do that. i re-downloaded the newest software, but since the preferences were never erased, it just keeps this error with the new install. it's not the biggest deal in the world, but my work computer is much faster than my laptop so i'd like to try and find a solution to this.

griff commented 10 years ago

@cubfan2491 Could I get you to check in the log for any errors? The Help menu has a shortcut to view it.

One thing that it might be is that sometimes the plugins get disabled for some reason without warning or indication. So try and go to the Plug-ins preferences and enable and disable the search plugins (Tag Chimp, The Movie Db & TheTVDB) by clicking their checkboxes twice. There has never been an IMDB plugin because their terms of service prevent it.

Lastly if you do decide that you just want to delete the preferences they are stored in the file ~/Library/Preferences/org.maven-group.MetaZ.plist but since the Library folder is hidden you have to use the menu Go to Folder in Finder to get to the ~/Library/Preferences folder. If you do go this route could I get you to take a backup of the file first and if it fixes the problem get you to mail it to me at so that i might try an figure out what has gone wrong?

KevinJaques commented 10 years ago

Thanks Griff! Mine is working now. And now I see that two of the plugins have the names TagChimp and MovieDB. Evidently those are specialized search engines whose plugins should be turned on.

wumpnutt commented 10 years ago

Cubfan I have the same problem with no reason why it happens. I'll be doing a marathon tagging session with some movies/TV shows and it'll tag everything great. I'll take a break for a few days and come back and it won't tag anything even the things it was tagging fine the previous session. I tried the preferences trick and that didn't work. I am going to try to go into the preferences folder and see if that works later. It s frustrating though because this app is the best at what it does when it is working. I love MetaZ

wumpnutt commented 10 years ago

OK just deleted the preferences file and it will pull up info again. This is weird but it worked.

JerrySievert commented 10 years ago seems to be no more, which is why i am not getting any search results. is there an alternative plugin that i can use?

thanks much!

firstbornjohnson commented 5 years ago

Hi Griff, I am now experiencing the same issue. Meta-Z is working fine for movies, but no longer finding anything for TV Shows. I was in the middle of tagging a season and it just stopped finding the meta data information. I looked at the previous comments and tried to remove the preferences file, but that did not work either. Any ideas on this?