griffithchaffee / wormstorysearch-rails

Rails application for tracking Worm fanfiction updates
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SV/SB/QQ Story Description #12

Open griffithchaffee opened 5 years ago

griffithchaffee commented 5 years ago


Look for a Spoiler, Quote, or Article labeled as being a description in the first post of the thread (regardless of whether or not it happens to be threadmarked or in which category).

Based on SV:

Spoiler: Look for a bbCodeSpoilerContainer div containing a button->span->span class="SpoilerTitle", the inner span containing "Description" or "Summary". A div in the top bbCodeSpoilerContainer div with a bbCodeSpoilerText class would hold the text.

Quote: Look for a bbCodeQuote div with a data-author attribute of "Description" or "Summary". The aside->blockquote inside of that with a class of "quoteContainer" would hold the text.

Article: Look for a div with class advbbcodebar_article with a member div of class "adv_source" with "Description" or "Summary" as the text. The fieldset before that will contain the text, though you'd want to skip the block inside of it (that will probably always just say 'Article:').

Xfel commented 4 years ago

Since SB and SV now have a summary field on stories, could that be used for the description?