griffithlab / pVACtools
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Transcript in set #1038

Closed evelyn-schmidt closed 8 months ago

evelyn-schmidt commented 10 months ago

adding the line that fixes this error.

susannasiebert commented 9 months ago

Thank you for looking into this bug and making a PR. Your PR looks good to me. However, we will want to try to disentangle your PR from my feature PR and Huiming's update. Your change should also be based on the hotfix branch so we can make an standalone hotfix release for it without inadvertently releasing new features.

The easiest way would be to do the following locally (assuming origin points to` and not a fork):

git checkout hotfix
git pull origin hotfix
git checkout -b transcript_in_set2
git cherry-pick b61e6f5

This will give you a local branch transcript_in_set2 that is based off of the hotfix branch and only has your commit. At this point you can either push this branch to GitHub separately and make a new PR with that branch, or you can overwrite the transcript_in_set branch on GitHub with what is in transcript_in_set2 locally by pushing your local branch as follows: git push origin transcript_in_set2:transcript_in_set --force-with-lease