Closed zhangyafeng1 closed 4 years ago
Yes, you can use pVACtools to make predictions for mice but the available alleles are very limited:
$ pvacseq valid_alleles | grep H2
$ pvacseq valid_alleles | grep H-2
Fortunately, if you are working with common lab mice (as most people are) there is a good chance it will involve one of these alleles. e.g.
C57BL/6 is: H-2-Kb, H-2-Db, H2-IAb 129 is: H-2-Kb, H-2-Db, H2-IAb BALB/Cj is: H-2-Kd, H-2-Dd, H-2-Ld, H2-IAd, H2-IEd
Tkank you very much! but when I tested it, I met with some errors. My command line are as follows
pvacseq run \ MC38_somatic_final.vcf.gz \ MC38_Met_Lines \ H-2-Kb,H-2-Db \ NetMHCpan \ /out_dir/snv_pvac \ -e 8 \ -t 2 \ -p MC38_Met_Lines_phased_vep.vcf.gz \ --iedb-install-directory database_dir/mhc_database \ --normal-sample-name MC38_N_Lines
when it running Top Score Filter , the following error occurred , I didn't met this problem when I used a species human.
`Running Transcript Support Level Filter Complete Running Top Score Filter usage: pvacseq [-h] {run,binding_filter,coverage_filter,transcript_support_level_filter,top_score_filter,generate_protein_fasta,generate_condensed_ranked_report,download_example_data,install_vep_plugin,valid_alleles,allele_specific_cutoffs} ...
positional arguments: {run,binding_filter,coverage_filter,transcript_support_level_filter,top_score_filter,generate_protein_fasta,generate_condensed_ranked_report,download_example_data,install_vep_plugin,valid_alleles,allele_specific_cutoffs} run Runs the pVACseq pipeline binding_filter Filters variants processed by IEDB by binding score coverage_filter Filters variants processed by IEDB by coverage, vaf, and gene expression transcript_support_level_filter Filters variants processed by IEDB by transcript support level top_score_filter Pick the best neoepitope for each variant generate_protein_fasta Generate an annotated fasta file from a VCF with protein sequences of mutations and matching wildtypes generate_condensed_ranked_report Generate a condensed, ranked report from a pVACseq .all_epitopes.tsv or .filtered.tsv report file. download_example_data Downloads example input and output files install_vep_plugin Installs the Wildtype VEP plugin into your VEP_plugins directory valid_alleles Shows a list of valid allele names allele_specific_cutoffs Show the allele specific cutoffs
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Error: No command specified
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/ifs/TJPROJ3/HWEU/PUBLIC/software/reseq/pvac_python3/anaconda3/bin/pvacseq", line 8, in
could you give me some help? Thank you!
I carried out this step alone for testing.
pvacseq top_score_filter MC38_Met_Lines.all_epitopes.tsv out.tsv
When I modified the beginning of transcript in input file from ENSMUST to ENST . The normal execution of the script is over.
I have a little confused . Did I miss some necessary parameters?
This looks like a bug. I will look into it further.
This bug has been fixed in version 1.5.9.
So , could I use pvactools to predict in mice?