Migrated from rnabio.org proposed improvements page
We previously had a fusion detection module but it was difficult to complete in time frames appropriate for a workshop. Further optimization is required. Another challenge is the lack of well engineered fusion detection software. This publication State-of-the-art fusion-finder algorithms sensitivity and specificity does a decent job of summarizing the current options available. Another caveat of this topic is that is mostly of interest to cancer researchers so it might only be included where there are sufficient students with this interest.
Migrated from rnabio.org proposed improvements page
We previously had a fusion detection module but it was difficult to complete in time frames appropriate for a workshop. Further optimization is required. Another challenge is the lack of well engineered fusion detection software. This publication State-of-the-art fusion-finder algorithms sensitivity and specificity does a decent job of summarizing the current options available. Another caveat of this topic is that is mostly of interest to cancer researchers so it might only be included where there are sufficient students with this interest.