Tags - some arguably genres (but not officially listed as an imdb genre)
Age rating
We do not currently offer the above, however if we get movie tag data (probably from TMDB) it could be possible. We've got a list of possible age ratings, however the vast majority of OMDB movies do not have any age rating & research is required to boil down global age ratings into a dialogflow entity.
We now show the age rating, so there shouldn't be surprises about movies contents - unless 'unrated' movies put people off.. we can make them less likely to appear by enforcing minimum imdbVotes etc.
Users are attempting to filter movies based on:
We do not currently offer the above, however if we get movie tag data (probably from TMDB) it could be possible. We've got a list of possible age ratings, however the vast majority of OMDB movies do not have any age rating & research is required to boil down global age ratings into a dialogflow entity.