grimbough / biomaRt

R package providing query functionality to BioMart instances like Ensembl
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Non protein_coding biotypes #83

Open AHinsu opened 1 year ago

AHinsu commented 1 year ago


I am using this package and it is working very great. Thank you for such wonderful resource.

While working, I realised that the results doesn't include non protein_coding biotypes in result which are resulted in online version. Is there anything I am missing or needs to give in the command. I am giving the below command to fetch from chicken genome galGal6a part of Ensembl 106. I am inputting the list of coordinates (chr:start:end) which gives me only the protein_coding genes in the output.

getBM(attributes = c('ensembl_gene_id',"chromosome_name", "start_position", "end_position", "external_gene_name", "description", "gene_biotype", "entrezgene_id", "goslim_goa_description", "goslim_goa_accession", "go_id"), mart = useEnsembl(biomart = "genes", version = 106, dataset = "ggallus_gene_ensembl"), filters = 'chromosomal_region', values = inputNamesdf)

Can you please advice on this.

Thanks, Ankit