grimbough / msmbstyle

Tufte inspired bookdown template
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Acknowledgement of msmbstyle and author #18

Closed aridus closed 5 years ago

aridus commented 5 years ago

In my forthcoming Writing for Conservation guide, I acknowledge msmbstyle in the following way, in the Preface (note link through to the github page):

Screenshot from 2019-05-14 19-14-33

I would also be happy to acknowledge the author by name, if you feel that is appropriate. Could you kindly let me know?

With thanks.

grimbough commented 5 years ago

That acknowledgement is fine with me. Having one name probably means you should have names for bookdown etc too, and I expect that would be clunky to read.

If you could let me have a link to the book once it's available, that would be great to put on the Github page here as another example of what can be produced.

aridus commented 5 years ago

Many thanks. I will send you a link to the manual - which will be embedded in our website - in a few weeks.

aridus commented 5 years ago

I am happy to let you know that my guide, which is formatted with the great msmbstyle, is now available on our new website Thank you very much for help along the way!

To jump directly to the guide:

This is something of a first draft (more material will be added in time).

One outstanding matter is the presentation of the tables, which I would like to improve (see this issue).