with open(save_engine_path, mode='wb') as f:
but , when I try to inference image ,the error is _pickle.UnpicklingError: unpickling stack underflow.
two models are the same error, can you help me.
the inference demo is:
from mmdet.apis import inference_detector
from mmdet2trt.apis import create_wrap_detector
@grimoire hello, I turn the yolox and fasterrcnn model to trt engine successfully in the docker , the script is :
import torch from mmdet2trt import mmdet2trt
opt_shape_param=[ [ [1,3,320,320], # min shape [1,3,800,1344], # optimize shape [1,3,1344,1344], # max shape ] ] max_workspace_size=1<<30 # some module and tactic need large workspace. cfg_path = "/root/space/my_test/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_coco.py" weight_path ="/root/space/my_test/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_1x_coco_20200130-047c8118.pth" save_model_path = "/root/space/my_test/fasterrcnn_nofp16.pth" save_engine_path = "/root/space/my_test/fasterrcnn_nofp16.engine" trt_model = mmdet2trt(cfg_path, weight_path, opt_shape_param=opt_shape_param, fp16_mode=False, max_workspace_size=max_workspace_size)
save converted model
torch.save(trt_model.state_dict(), save_model_path)
save engine if you want to use it in c++ api
with open(save_engine_path, mode='wb') as f: f.write(trt_model.state_dict()['engine'])
but , when I try to inference image ,the error is _pickle.UnpicklingError: unpickling stack underflow. two models are the same error, can you help me. the inference demo is:
from mmdet.apis import inference_detector from mmdet2trt.apis import create_wrap_detector
trt_model = "./fasterrcnn_nofp16.engine" cfg_path = "./faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_coco.py" device_id = "cuda:0"
create wrap detector
trt_detector = create_wrap_detector(trt_model, cfg_path, device_id) image_path = "./5329.png"
result share same format as mmdetection
result = inference_detector(trt_detector, image_path) print(result)
trt_detector.show_result( image_path, result, score_thr=0.4, win_name='mmdet2trt', show=Fasle)