grinlemon / CLD_Workshop

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Subject validation #1

Open NicolasGlassey opened 1 month ago

NicolasGlassey commented 1 month ago

@grinlemon @dariovas @tasty-orange

I paste here the discussion made on the file in teams

Interesting subject. I agree.

Could you add the following points of analysis:

* what type of cloud model does Infomaniak propose for doing K8s (you're going with IaaS for your demo, but is it possible to do CaaS?).
* plan for scalability in your demo

Trüeb Guillaume
For Github issues and access it's done! Concerning the others tasks we will check this together to meet your expectations!

Are you clear about what you need to do to get started on the Workshop?

I'm always available if you need me.

grinlemon commented 1 month ago

Hi @NicolasGlassey, In our last commit, we made a few corrections to meet the expectations you expressed in this issue. Is this ok for you? Have a nice sunday.

NicolasGlassey commented 1 month ago


Your workshop is progressing well.

Here's my feedback after a quick read of your readme:

In your diagram, I don't identify the ports or protocols used. The cloud models used are also missing. Am I missing something?

Following our last exchanges, I asked you to add a load test. I don't seem to have seen it in your various tests.

Have a nice evening !

grinlemon commented 4 weeks ago

@NicolasGlassey we will update the diagram and the others points ASAP. Now we have correctly deployed our kubernetes cluster with Openstack. My question is that through the process it seems that our steps (in the readme) didn't fit with the actions we made. Can we update them? Have a nice day. Edit: I can't remember the soft you presented in class to create diagrams, could you give it to us again please? Edit2: I updated our steps to make it fit the reality and the changes you requested, can you please give us a feedback about it.

NicolasGlassey commented 4 weeks ago


Good news.

Infra diagram

Feel free to use any drawing software you like.

As a reminder: Visual Studio Code Plug In

The current diagram is not so bad. Add ports, protocols and qualify each element according to the several cloud models (IaaS, Saas, Caas).

Readme and scenarios

After reading your readme, here's my feedback:

Have a nice evening !