grinnellm / SpawnIndex

:fish: :egg: Calculate the Pacific Herring spawn index
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RK on SOK calculations #27

Closed grinnellm closed 3 years ago

grinnellm commented 3 years ago
  1. I haven't thought about this much. Help me out. We need to account for the spawners that deposited the eggs and add them to the spawn index, right? But why do we need to account for the adult biomass represented by these eggs HAD THEY BEEN allowed to grow and survive to be spawners? This process is like increasing mortality at a (very) young age. To account for future adults that would have survived you also have to account for natural mortality as they mature and then age-dependent mortality at maturity. But, like I said, I haven't thought about this much.
  2. Future spawning biomass! But, those eggs would have had to go through natural mortality and fisheries to be future spawning biomass.
grinnellm commented 3 years ago

I added some text to clear up this possible confusion. We are not trying to account for the spawning biomass that those eggs removed would have grown into. Instead, we are trying to account for the biomass of Pacific Herring that spawned and produced the eggs that were removed from the population by the SOK fishery.