grinnellm / SpawnIndex

:fish: :egg: Calculate the Pacific Herring spawn index
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Review subscript order for `x` and `s` #41

Closed grinnellm closed 2 years ago

grinnellm commented 3 years ago

For equation subscripts,

Right now the order is xs as in t_{xs} for transect in spawn survey type x and spawn number s. Not sure if this is correct, or if it should be t_{sx}.

grinnellm commented 3 years ago

Also need to double-check equation subscripts in the Statistical framework (# 1 to 7). Done.

grinnellm commented 3 years ago

In addition, maybe these subscripts should be at the same level, like {ry} is now. So, for example, understory spawn index (Eq 32) would change from B_{s_{nry}}' to B_{{sx}_{nry}}' (or whatever order I decide for s and x). Then the total spawn index (Eq 33) would change from \sum_{x=1}^X B_{x_{snry}}' to \sum_{x=1}^X B_{sx_{nry}}', which would align with Figure 3 (except the order is xs).

grinnellm commented 3 years ago

I think it's correct as is: transect t within type x within spawn s. But need to sort out subscripts in the spawn level observations/calculations (sections 5.2, 6.3, and 7.3). They jump from sample (5.2) and transect (6.3 and 7.3) level observations/calculations to spawn level, but skip the type x. The x subscript shows up again in total spawn calculations (section 8).

Sages11 commented 3 years ago

Does each spawn (s) event only has 1 type (x) survey? How are locations (n), regions (r), and years (y) combined?

grinnellm commented 3 years ago

A spawn (s) can have 1, 2, or 3 types (x), but usually just 1 or 2 (either surface, or dive (understory and/or Macrocystis)).