grinnellm / SpawnIndex

:fish: :egg: Calculate the Pacific Herring spawn index
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Add a species term and coefficient to SOK biomass calculation #48

Closed grinnellm closed 2 years ago

grinnellm commented 2 years ago

Consider adding a species term and "species coefficient" to account for which species used in SOK or SOB operation. Something like "To generalize Eq [eqSOKBioGRY] to other algae species and spawn-on-bough operations, a species term and coefficient might be required (e.g., C_v in Eq [eqUnderDensAlgVQTS])."

grinnellm commented 2 years ago

Need a parameter to account for the proportion of the product weight that is not eggs (\nu). Currently pars$sok$nu <- 0.12, but it could be different for other species.

grinnellm commented 2 years ago

Going to leave the calculation as is in the report, but I specified that \nu is for Macrocystis and I added this possible issue to "Future research" opportunities.