griptape-ai / griptape

Modular Python framework for AI agents and workflows with chain-of-thought reasoning, tools, and memory.
Apache License 2.0
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WebLoader retrieval seems to stop one task early #146

Closed adam-fallon closed 10 months ago

adam-fallon commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug When performing a task, such as retrieving a bit of information from a web page, it seems like griptape will do a few tasks, and just as it is about to give you the information you want, it stops 1 task short.

To Reproduce

from griptape.drivers import OpenAiPromptDriver
from griptape.structures import Agent
from import WebScraper
from import StartPromptEvent, FinishPromptEvent
from griptape.memory.structure import ConversationMemory
from griptape.tasks import PromptTask, ToolkitTask
from griptape.structures import Pipeline
from griptape import utils
from griptape.loaders import WebLoader
from griptape.engines import VectorQueryEngine
from import KnowledgeBaseClient

import openai

def handle_prompt_event(event, token_counter):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    namespace = "travel-expert"
    token_counter = utils.TokenCounter()
    web_scraper = WebScraper()
    engine = VectorQueryEngine()

    artifacts = WebLoader().load(

        {namespace: artifacts}

    kb_client = KnowledgeBaseClient(
        description="Contains information about travel destinations. "
        "Use it to answer any travel-related questions.",

    pipeline = Pipeline(
            StartPromptEvent: [
                lambda e: handle_prompt_event(e, token_counter)
            FinishPromptEvent: [
                lambda e: handle_prompt_event(e, token_counter)

            tools=[web_scraper, kb_client]
    )"What are the names of the Pandas in Edinburgh Zoo?")

    print(f"total tokens: {token_counter.tokens}")

Expected behavior The task would complete. Instead I get

[07/28/23 13:15:10] INFO     Task 5c7b4fbb9ee540bc89dc3fdb28c6df3f
                             Input: What are the names of the Pandas in Edinburgh Zoo?
[07/28/23 13:15:14] INFO     Subtask 0cefe3e3e3364d85b73920fb821c2e06
                             Thought: I don't have this information in my memory, so I'll need to use a tool to find it. The KnowledgeBaseClient tool might have information about the animals in Edinburgh Zoo.

                               "type": "tool",
                               "name": "KnowledgeBaseClient",
                               "activity": "search",
                               "input": {
                                 "values": {
                                   "query": "What are the names of the Pandas in Edinburgh Zoo?"
[07/28/23 13:15:17] INFO     Subtask 0cefe3e3e3364d85b73920fb821c2e06
                             Observation: Output of "" was stored in memory: {"memory_id":"TextToolMemory", "artifact_namespace": "06bb13fbfe834f5eaa8a2a2eb5ee6a74"}
[07/28/23 13:15:18] INFO     Task 5c7b4fbb9ee540bc89dc3fdb28c6df3f
                             Output: I have found information about the names of the Pandas in Edinburgh Zoo. Let me retrieve it for you.
total tokens: 3278

Screenshots N/a

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context N/a

adam-fallon commented 1 year ago

I think the obvious suggestion here is that I need to up max_tokens, but removing the limit and running again stops even earlier.

Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 16 58 15

vasinov commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting this! This is a known issue related to gpt-3.5-turbo behavior in Griptape. should address it once it's complete.

adam-fallon commented 1 year ago

Oh sorry - I clearly didn't look hard enough at open issues, apologies. Sorry for making more work for you. Want me to close this so you can focus conversation in the other issue?

vasinov commented 1 year ago

@adam-fallon, no worries at all! Let's keep this one open until the fix is deployed and pushed to PyPI. Targeting late next week right now.

adam-fallon commented 1 year ago

God speed and thanks for making this library!

pb376 commented 1 year ago

Is this behavior only limited to gpt-3.5?

I've been struggling to get some test agents working reliably for prompts I've used successfully with other frameworks. The main issues I've been hitting are:

  1. The agent stops right before the last task, like described in this issue
  2. The agent performs the first step of the task and then stops, sort of like the inverse of this issue
  3. The agent prints the full list of actions that they could take to generate a response, but stops after printing them
  4. The agent gives a single empty response/output, then stops

I've tried setting tool_memory to None (recommended in another issue) and have tested both gpt-3.5 and gpt-4, but the issues persist regardless.

Do these all sound related to the work being done in #149? If not, I can open a separate issue with examples.

pb376 commented 1 year ago

I see that #149 was just recently merged. I went ahead and gave it a try with gpt3.5, and am still seeing the issue OP described. The output (with some of the prompt removed) is this:

[08/16/23 15:25:26] INFO     Task 002b4b8a948c4f918379068cc6fe3795
                             Input: Please use your tools to research CVE-2023-0515, including the data provided for it by
                             NIST and any advisories released by the affected vendor (which may be included as references in
                             NIST's data for the CVE.) Please provide a JSON-formatted result including the following keys: [...]

[08/16/23 15:25:29] INFO     Task 002b4b8a948c4f918379068cc6fe3795
                             Output: {
                               "type": "tool",
                               "name": "WebSearch",
                               "activity": "search",
                               "input": {
                                 "values": {
                                   "query": "CVE-2023-0515"

The code is this:

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv

from griptape.structures import Agent
from import WebScraper, WebSearch, ToolOutputProcessor
from griptape.drivers import OpenAiChatPromptDriver
from griptape.memory.tool import TextToolMemory, BlobToolMemory

text_memory = TextToolMemory(allowlist=[])

agent = Agent(
                "get_content": [text_memory],

I have not bothered re-testing the other issues I brought up in my previous message but I assume they would likely still be present if this one is.

I also double checked I am using the current main branch with the PR merged, i.e. quick check to verify a change from one of the final commits is present:

grep Output /home/[...]/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/[..]-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/griptape/templates/tasks/toolkit_task/system.j2
Output: your final response after all Thought/Action/Observation
pb376 commented 1 year ago

Another update, I tried out one of the examples from basically verbatim:

import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv


from griptape.drivers import OpenAiChatPromptDriver
from griptape.structures import Agent
from import WebScraper

agent = Agent(
    "based on, tell me what Griptape is"

but hit issue 3 from my first post:

$ poetry run python
[08/16/23 15:56:24] INFO     Task 109ba17f7fe64fc9a095a4c372b7a666                                                                                                                                                                                            
                             Input: based on, tell me what Griptape is                                                                                                                                                               
[08/16/23 15:56:26] INFO     Task 109ba17f7fe64fc9a095a4c372b7a666                                                                                                                                                                                            
                             Output: To find out what Griptape is, I can use the WebScraper tool to load the content of the website    

In subsequent runs indicated the model seems to intend to use the actually use the tool, so this seems like it may just be the same issue as 1/OP's and not a separate one:

$ poetry run python
[08/16/23 15:59:39] INFO     Task 56547eb0153d473b8ab9301e0611d9fd                                                                                                                                                                                             
                             Input: based on, tell me what Griptape is                                                                                                                                                                
[08/16/23 15:59:40] INFO     Task 56547eb0153d473b8ab9301e0611d9fd                                                                                                                                                                                             
                             Output: To find out what Griptape is, I can use the WebScraper tool to load the web page and get its content. Let me do that for you. 
pb376 commented 1 year ago

Yes, poetry run pip install, and I verified the changes from the PR were present in the local files.

vasinov commented 1 year ago

@pb376, sorry for the earlier question that I ended up deleting—noticed your comment about using the latest version too late.

We are still experimenting with the base system prompt. gpt-3.5 is being very finicky. Is gpt-3.5 a hard requirement for your use case?

vasinov commented 1 year ago

@pb376, added a few more changes in main. Can you try using gpt-3.5 now? I think it's still not consistent enough but is behaving better. gpt-4 and claude2 are both working flawlessly.

pb376 commented 1 year ago

Thanks. The example from the README now works as expected. The CVE prompt's performance/results didn't change, but after random tweaking of the prompt template in templates/tasks/toolkit_task/system.j2 it began to actually follow through with the execution of the chosen tools. However, it eventually hits the same roadblock a few steps later, and ends after stating the next action it intends to take:

$ poetry run python
[08/17/23 02:35:56] INFO     Task 910cbbb360af4a50806ef5931df9124e                                                                                                                                                                                        
                             Input: Please use your tools to research CVE-2023-38408 and provide a summary in the format I describe later in this message. [...]      

[08/17/23 02:36:03] INFO     Subtask a46def5955234d1ebc2873398a72fddb                                                                                                                                                                                         
                             Thought: To research CVE-2023-38408 and provide a summary, I can use the WebSearch tool to search for information about the CVE. I can also use the WebScraper tool to scrape data from the NIST website and the vendor's website.
                             Finally, I can use the ToolOutputProcessor tool to summarize the gathered information and format it into a JSON response.                                                                                                        

                               "type": "tool",                                                                                                                                                                                                                
                               "name": "WebSearch",                                                                                                                                                                                                           
                               "activity": "search",                                                                                                                                                                                                          
                               "input": {                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
                                 "values": {                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
                                   "query": "CVE-2023-38408"                                                                                                                                                                                                  

[08/17/23 02:36:04] INFO     Subtask a46def5955234d1ebc2873398a72fddb                                                                                                                                                                                         
                             Observation: {'url': '', 'title': 'CVE-2023-38408- Red Hat Customer Portal', 'description': 'Jul 18, 2023 ... The PKCS#11 feature in the ssh-agent in OpenSSH has an        
                             insufficiently trustworthy search path, leading to remote code execution if an agent is\xa0...'}                                                                                                                                 
                             {'url': '', 'title': 'CVE-2023-38408 - NVD', 'description': 'Jul 19, 2023 ... CVE-2023-38408 Detail ... This vulnerability has been modified since it was last analyzed by the NVD.
                             It is awaiting reanalysis which may result\xa0...'}                                                                                                                                                                              
                             {'url': '', 'title': "CVE-2023-38408: Remote Code Execution in OpenSSH's ...",            
                             'description': "Jul 19, 2023 ... The Qualys Threat Research Unit (TRU) has discovered a remote code execution vulnerability in OpenSSH's forwarded ssh-agent."}                                                                  
                             {'url': '', 'title': 'How to fix CVE-2023-38408 in OpenSSH | Vulcan Cyber', 'description': "Jul 20, 2023 ... CVE-2023-38408 is a vulnerability that enables remote   
                             code execution and resides in the SSH-agent's forwarded feature, particularly in\xa0..."}                                                                                                                                        
                             {'url': '', 'title': "CVE-2023-38408: Remote Code Execution in OpenSSH's ...", 'description': "Jul 19, 2023 ... Qualys Security Advisory     
                             CVE-2023-38408: Remote Code Execution in OpenSSH's ... in ssh-agent bears a striking resemblance to CVE-2010-3856,\xa0..."}            

[08/17/23 02:36:10] INFO     Subtask 8cb56f7a936e4d249fff3a878ed710d2                                                                                                                                                                                         
                             Thought: Now that I have obtained search results related to CVE-2023-38408, I can use the WebScraper tool to scrape data from the NIST website and the vendor's website to gather more information about the vulnerability. I will
                             start by scraping data from the NIST website.                                                                                                                                                                                    

                             Action: {"type": "tool", "name": "WebScraper", "activity": "get_content", "input": {"values": {"url": ""}}}                              

[08/17/23 02:36:13] INFO     Subtask 8cb56f7a936e4d249fff3a878ed710d2                                                                                                                                                                                         
                             Observation: Output of "WebScraper.get_content" was stored in memory: {"memory_id":"TextToolMemory", "artifact_namespace": "251fe897aa5f46e8b71258550d99935d"}   

[08/17/23 02:36:18] INFO     Task 910cbbb360af4a50806ef5931df9124e                                                                                                                                                                                            
                             Answer: Thought: I have successfully scraped data from the NIST website. Now, I will scrape data from the vendor's website to gather more information about the vulnerability. Action: {"type": "tool", "name": "WebScraper",    
                             "activity": "get_content", "input": {"values": {"url": ""}}}

I'm not sure why it created a task instead of subtask for the last step, which could be related to the issue here. The Answer: Thought: bit also seems relevant to the issue. Random shots in the dark, could this be somehow related to max token counts (since one of the steps performed, web scraping, would involve outputs with high token counts) or maybe the memory/summarization being performed per step eventually losing enough original context that the agent is unclear how to proceed?

Also, is there a way to increase the verbosity of output or change the log level to something like DEBUG? Seeing the full prompts provided at each step would definitely be helpful for debugging and just generally understanding how things are working.

alexanderwilkie commented 1 year ago

I have also been running into this issue using gpt-3.5-turbo-16k - I also tried installing from main (pip install git+ to include the latest changes (I think) and still seem to get output that stops before anything useful being output. Trying to run the query from the readme (in Chat(agent).start() mode rather than gives me:

Q: based on, tell me what Griptape is
[08/17/23 13:52:14] INFO     Task 9fdf6d5e8ea345498b5dc24990996a5c                                                                                                                                                    
                             Input: based on, tell me what Griptape is                                                                                                                       
[08/17/23 13:52:18] INFO     Subtask 3f1fa4568e9849f6bf0be9d11bdd45d7                                                                                                                                                 
                             Thought: To find out what Griptape is, I can use the WebScraper tool to get the content of the website                                                         

                               "type": "tool",                                                                                                                                                                        
                               "name": "WebScraper",                                                                                                                                                                  
                               "activity": "get_content",                                                                                                                                                             
                               "input": {                                                                                                                                                                             
                                 "values": {                                                                                                                                                                          
                                   "url": ""                                                                                                                                                  
[08/17/23 13:52:19] INFO     Subtask 3f1fa4568e9849f6bf0be9d11bdd45d7                                                                                                                                                 
                             Observation: Output of "WebScraper.get_content" was stored in memory: {"memory_id":"TextToolMemory", "artifact_namespace": "9b452d087d014367862cf55c3c9afc00"}                           
[08/17/23 13:52:21] INFO     Task 9fdf6d5e8ea345498b5dc24990996a5c                                                                                                                                                    
                             Output: I have retrieved the content of the website Let me summarize it for you.                                                                               
A: I have retrieved the content of the website Let me summarize it for you.
vasinov commented 1 year ago

Can you try running your prompts in v0.15.2? We just shipped some base prompt improvements that should address some of the gpt-3.5 issues.

alexanderwilkie commented 1 year ago

Hmm no improvement for me for the following script:

from griptape.drivers import OpenAiChatPromptDriver
from griptape.structures import Agent
from import WebScraper
from griptape.utils import Chat

agent = Agent(


I get the following

Q: based on, tell me what Universities are listed on that path
[08/21/23 15:31:53] INFO     Task bdc674d767cb494fb33cf379c87a5c76                                                                                                                                                    
                             Input: based on, tell me what Universities are listed on that path                                                                      
[08/21/23 15:31:57] INFO     Task bdc674d767cb494fb33cf379c87a5c76                                                                                                                                                    
                             Answer: Thought: To find the universities listed on the given web page, I can use the WebScraper tool to get the content of the page and then extract the relevant information.          

                             Action: I will use the WebScraper tool to get the content of the web page.                                                                                                               

                               "type": "tool",                                                                                                                                                                        
                               "name": "WebScraper",                                                                                                                                                                  
                               "activity": "get_content",                                                                                                                                                             
                               "input": {                                                                                                                                                                             
                                 "values": {                                                                                                                                                                          
                                   "url": ""                                                                                                                          
A: Thought: To find the universities listed on the given web page, I can use the WebScraper tool to get the content of the page and then extract the relevant information.

Action: I will use the WebScraper tool to get the content of the web page.

  "type": "tool",
  "name": "WebScraper",
  "activity": "get_content",
  "input": {
    "values": {
      "url": ""
pb376 commented 1 year ago

Same, things are still not working. I've ended up just using the OpenAI library directly for now.

Is the current belief that this issue is just a prompting problem? That would somewhat surprise me, partly because I've tried more than a few other frameworks and haven't hit issues like this with their built-in prompts, and partly because it seems like prompt-related issues would be relatively straightforward to fix and just a matter of spending some time testing variations.

The reason I was drawn to Griptape was because of the design and abstractions, which felt like an oasis of sanity in the fever dream-like hellscape of langchain-esque frameworks. I am guessing that general-purpose prompts (non-use case specific) will be basically fully commoditized sooner or later, probably sooner, and am also guessing that improvements to prompts/prompting techniques will largely come from researchers and practitioners, who will then use them within their framework of choice, rather than the framework developers themselves... all of which is to say, if prompting is really the issue here, just go look around Github for some prompts that work well and let's use those!

collindutter commented 1 year ago

@alexanderwilkie @pb376 sorry to hear you guys are still facing issues! It looks like prompt changes from a recent commit fixed this issue. @vasinov will likely push soon. We're currently working on developing integration tests to catch issues like this that can occur from minor prompt changes.

Output when running griptape@0.15.3:

[08/28/23 14:56:15] INFO     Task 2da5a206daba40efa25f0e9bd5cb5cb2
                             Input: based on, tell me what Universities are listed on that
[08/28/23 14:56:18] INFO     Task 2da5a206daba40efa25f0e9bd5cb5cb2
                             Answer: Thought: To find the universities listed on the given webpage, I can use the WebScraper tool to extract
                             the content of the webpage and then search for any mentions of universities.

                             Action: I will use the WebScraper tool to get the content of the webpage.

                               "type": "tool",
                               "name": "WebScraper",
                               "activity": "get_content",
                               "input": {
                                 "values": {
                                   "url": ""

Output when running griptape@main:

[08/28/23 14:58:43] INFO     Task 114e2278a44e4f2bb0a7ac52da7ee37b
                             Input: based on, tell me what Universities are listed on that
[08/28/23 14:58:44] INFO     Subtask ffde66b6e2ef4979b7f342d6846f9682
                             Action: {"type": "tool", "name": "WebScraper", "activity": "get_content", "input": {"values": {"url":
[08/28/23 14:58:45] INFO     Subtask ffde66b6e2ef4979b7f342d6846f9682
                             Observation: Output of "WebScraper.get_content" was stored in memory with memory_name "TextToolMemory" and
                             artifact_namespace "1e009d70d2574a9ea2cbdb46aea621cc"
[08/28/23 14:58:47] INFO     Subtask 932c6c63556643089318bba5c3b4fe32
                             Action: {"type": "memory", "name": "TextToolMemory", "activity": "search", "input": {"values": {"memory_name":
                             "TextToolMemory", "artifact_namespace": "1e009d70d2574a9ea2cbdb46aea621cc", "query": "Universities"}}}
[08/28/23 14:58:52] INFO     Subtask 932c6c63556643089318bba5c3b4fe32
                             Observation: - ShanghaiTech University
                             - Seoul National University
                             - Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
                             - NCsoft
                             - Tsinghua University
                             - Kyung Hee University
                             - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                             - UC San Diego
                             - The University of Hong Kong
                             - The University of Edinburgh
                             - National Institute of Informatics
                             - KTH Royal Institute of Technology
                             - Bryn Mawr College
                             - University of Birmingham
                             - Nanjing University of Science and Technology
                             - Nankai University
                             - Adobe Research
                             - Tel-Aviv University
                             - Reichman University
                             - NVIDIA
                             - Goldsmiths University
                             - Max Planck Institute for Informatics
                             - Saarbrucken Research Center for Visual Computing, Interaction and AI
                             - CTU in Prague
                             - Fraunhofer IEE
                             - University of Kassel
                             - Zhejiang University
                             - KooLab, Manycore Tech Inc.
                             - RaysEngine Tech Inc.
                             - Beijing Institute of Technology
                             - McGill University
                             - Princeton University
                             - EPFL
                             - University of Michigan
                             - Sun Yat-sen University
                             - South China University of Technology
                             - UCBL
                             - INSA Lyon
                             - LS2N
                             - Centrale Lyon
                             - ENISE
                             - UC San Diego
                             - Delft University of Technology
[08/28/23 14:58:58] INFO     Task 114e2278a44e4f2bb0a7ac52da7ee37b
                             Answer: The universities listed on the path are:

                             1. ShanghaiTech University
                             2. Seoul National University
                             3. Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
                             4. NCsoft
                             5. Tsinghua University
                             6. Kyung Hee University
                             7. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                             8. UC San Diego
                             9. The University of Hong Kong
                             10. The University of Edinburgh
                             11. National Institute of Informatics
                             12. KTH Royal Institute of Technology
                             13. Bryn Mawr College
                             14. University of Birmingham
                             15. Nanjing University of Science and Technology
                             16. Nankai University
                             17. Adobe Research
                             18. Tel-Aviv University
                             19. Reichman University
                             20. NVIDIA
                             21. Goldsmiths University
                             22. Max Planck Institute for Informatics
                             23. Saarbrucken Research Center for Visual Computing, Interaction and AI
                             24. CTU in Prague
                             25. Fraunhofer IEE
                             26. University of Kassel
                             27. Zhejiang University
                             28. KooLab, Manycore Tech Inc.
                             29. RaysEngine Tech Inc.
                             30. Beijing Institute of Technology
                             31. McGill University
                             32. Princeton University
                             33. EPFL
                             34. University of Michigan
                             35. Sun Yat-sen University
                             36. South China University of Technology
                             37. UCBL
                             38. INSA Lyon
                             39. LS2N
                             40. Centrale Lyon
                             41. ENISE
                             42. UC San Diego
                             43. Delft University of Technology
shhlife commented 1 year ago

That's looking so much better, thanks Collin! However, it seems like it's still missing a few of the universities mentioned on the page - Simon Fraser University, Cardiff University, and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences to name a few. It would be interesting to figure out why it seems to be missing some of the universities - Vasily mentioned that maybe the csv extraction engine might be a better solution for this type of problem?

collindutter commented 10 months ago

This is the output I get on the latest version of griptape (v0.20.0) with gpt-4.

from griptape.drivers import (
from griptape.structures import Agent
from import WebScraper, TaskMemoryClient

agent = Agent(
    tools=[WebScraper(), TaskMemoryClient(off_prompt=False)],
    "Give me a numbered list of the names of all the universities listed here:"
[11/16/23 09:10:25] INFO     ToolkitTask 2e58abb64e5f4533bfeb580021ebbdff
                             Input: Give me a numbered list of the names of all the universities listed here:
[11/16/23 09:10:36] INFO     Subtask 82a71c9ef9ce459693ea22d06018dc2a
                             Thought: To get the names of all the universities listed on the webpage, I need to use the
                             WebScraper action to load the webpage content.

                               "name": "WebScraper",
                               "path": "get_content",
                               "input": {
                                 "values": {
                                   "url": ""
[11/16/23 09:10:43] INFO     Subtask 82a71c9ef9ce459693ea22d06018dc2a
                             Response: Output of "WebScraper.get_content" was stored in memory with memory_name "TaskMemory"
                             and artifact_namespace "8c415f15ce9543ba8037f54dd089d685"
[11/16/23 09:10:51] INFO     Subtask a51719b853cc424793535287a387bb34
                             Thought: Now that the webpage content is stored in memory, I need to query this memory to extract
                             the names of all the universities listed on the webpage.
                             Action: {"name": "TaskMemoryClient", "path": "query", "input": {"values": {"memory_name":
                             "TaskMemory", "artifact_namespace": "8c415f15ce9543ba8037f54dd089d685", "query": "What are the
                             names of all the universities listed on the webpage?"}}}
[11/16/23 09:11:40] INFO     Subtask a51719b853cc424793535287a387bb34
                             Response: Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nankai University, Adobe Research,
                             University of California, Santa Barbara, Tel-Aviv University, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
                             Reichman University, NVIDIA, Goldsmiths University, Max Planck Institute for Informatics,
                             Saarbrucken Research Center for Visual Computing, Interaction and AI, University of Pennsylvania,
                             Google AR/VR, CTU in Prague, Beijing Institute of Technology, McGill University, Princeton
                             University, Fraunhofer IEE, University of Kassel, Zhejiang University, Zhejiang Lab, RaysEngine
                             Tech Inc., Cornell University, EPFL, University of Michigan, Sun Yat-sen University, South China
                             University of Technology, Univ Lyon, UCBL, CNRS, INSA Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205, Nantes Universite,
                             Ecole Centrale Nantes, LS2N, UMR 6004, UC San Diego, Delft University of Technology, ShanghaiTech
                             University, Seoul National University, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, NCsoft,
                             Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Tsinghua University, Kyung Hee University, Peking
                             University, Guangdong Academy of Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, The University of
                             Edinburgh, Reality Labs Research at Meta, National Institute of Informatics, KTH Royal Institute
                             of Technology,, Clemson University, Bryn Mawr College, Meta Reality Labs Research,
                             University of Birmingham, Ecole de technologie superieure, Inria, Univ. Lille, Univ. Rennes,
                             IRISA, SUTD, Cardiff University, ETH Zurich, Nanyang Technological University, University of
                             Oxford, The University of Michigan, South China University of Technology, Singapore Management
                             University, University of Amsterdam, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Carnegie Mellon
                             University, Centre Inria d’Universite Cote d’Azur, University of Washington, The University of
                             Tokyo, Nature Architects, Inc., Miyagi University, Elephantech Inc., Purdue University, KAUST,
                             Adam Mickiewicz University, University of Lausanne, University of Oxford, The Pennsylvania State
                             University, Arizona State University, Dartmouth College, The University of Michigan, Suren
                             Jayasuriya, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Cornell Tech, Google Research, University of
                             Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications.
[11/16/23 09:12:33] INFO     ToolkitTask 2e58abb64e5f4533bfeb580021ebbdff
                             Output: Here is a numbered list of the universities listed on the webpage:

                             1. Nanjing University of Science and Technology
                             2. Nankai University
                             3. Adobe Research
                             4. University of California, Santa Barbara
                             5. Tel-Aviv University
                             6. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
                             7. Reichman University
                             8. NVIDIA
                             9. Goldsmiths University
                             10. Max Planck Institute for Informatics
                             11. Saarbrucken Research Center for Visual Computing, Interaction and AI
                             12. University of Pennsylvania
                             13. Google AR/VR
                             14. CTU in Prague
                             15. Beijing Institute of Technology
                             16. McGill University
                             17. Princeton University
                             18. Fraunhofer IEE
                             19. University of Kassel
                             20. Zhejiang University
                             21. Zhejiang Lab
                             22. RaysEngine Tech Inc.
                             23. Cornell University
                             24. EPFL
                             25. University of Michigan
                             26. Sun Yat-sen University
                             27. South China University of Technology
                             28. Univ Lyon, UCBL, CNRS, INSA Lyon, LIRIS, UMR5205
                             29. Nantes Universite, Ecole Centrale Nantes, LS2N, UMR 6004
                             30. UC San Diego
                             31. Delft University of Technology
                             32. ShanghaiTech University
                             33. Seoul National University
                             34. Seoul National University Bundang Hospital
                             35. NCsoft
                             36. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
                             37. Tsinghua University
                             38. Kyung Hee University
                             39. Peking University
                             40. Guangdong Academy of Sciences
                             41. The University of Hong Kong
                             42. The University of Edinburgh
                             43. Reality Labs Research at Meta
                             44. National Institute of Informatics
                             45. KTH Royal Institute of Technology
                             47. Clemson University
                             48. Bryn Mawr College
                             49. Meta Reality Labs Research
                             50. University of Birmingham
                             51. Ecole de technologie superieure
                             52. Inria, Univ. Lille, Univ. Rennes, IRISA
                             53. SUTD
                             54. Cardiff University
                             55. ETH Zurich
                             56. Nanyang Technological University
                             57. University of Oxford
                             58. The University of Michigan
                             59. South China University of Technology
                             60. Singapore Management University
                             61. University of Amsterdam
                             62. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
                             63. Carnegie Mellon University
                             64. Centre Inria d’Universite Cote d’Azur
                             65. University of Washington
                             66. The University of Tokyo
                             67. Nature Architects, Inc.
                             68. Miyagi University
                             69. Elephantech Inc.
                             70. Purdue University
                             71. KAUST
                             72. Adam Mickiewicz University
                             73. University of Lausanne
                             74. University of Oxford
                             75. The Pennsylvania State University
                             76. Arizona State University
                             77. Dartmouth College
                             78. The University of Michigan
                             79. Suren Jayasuriya
                             80. The Chinese University of Hong Kong
                             81. Cornell Tech
                             82. Google Research
                             83. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
                             84. Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications.

When I run it with gpt-3.5-turbo it only picks up 37 of the 84 universities due to a less optional TaskMemoryClient query. It's possible that this could be improved with Rules or a better prompt. Closing this as it seems to be a limitation of gpt-3.5-turbo.