gristlabs / grist-core

Grist is the evolution of spreadsheets.
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Support outgoing webhooks #76

Closed paulfitz closed 11 months ago

paulfitz commented 3 years ago

Grist should allow the user (and integrators) to trigger other services on common events such as record updates.

Without webhooks, users (and integrators) need to resort to polling, which is less than ideal for everyone concerned. Our Zapier integration currently uses polling, but if we had webhooks it could be upgraded to 'instant' triggers, meaning faster workflows for users and less server load for us. Update: this happened.

Update: there is some unofficial support for webhooks, for those willing to use the Grist API to configure them.

For hosted Grist, Webhook URLs are allowed for the following domains:

  • [x]
  • [x]
  • [x]
  • [x]
  • [x],
  • [x]
  • [x]
  • [x]
  • [x]

If you need a different domain, please request it. There used to be a limit to the domains hosted Grist would deliver to, but now all domains are permitted.

If self-hosting, be sure to add the domain you care about to a comma-separated ALLOWED_WEBHOOK_DOMAINS environment variable (e.g.,, You can also set ALLOWED_WEBHOOK_DOMAINS to * to allow any domain, but we don't recommend this unless either you (1) trust all Grist document authors, or (2) have configured a proxy with GRIST_HTTPS_PROXY to deliver payloads without exposing your internal endpoints.

Update: there is now a UI for configuring and monitoring webhooks:

paulfitz commented 2 years ago

This is getting closer. If anyone would be interested in being a beta tester of webhooks (and particularly Zapier instant triggers), we'd like to hear from you.

HermesRatgers commented 2 years ago

This is getting closer. If anyone would be interested in being a beta tester of webhooks (and particularly Zapier instant triggers), we'd like to hear from you.

I am interested, but mainly for Pabbly Connect.

paulfitz commented 2 years ago

Great, thanks @HermesRatgers. We'll add Pabbly Connect to the domains allowed for webhooks, and prepare instructions for how to get this set up. Are you comfortable using Grist's API ( One of the steps will involve making a manual API call, since we don't have a way to edit webhooks visually in the app yet.

HermesRatgers commented 2 years ago

I know how to make api calls (I even know how to create integrations from within Pabbly)

paulfitz commented 2 years ago

Here is a sketch of how to use webhooks with Grist. The procedure isn't as smooth as I'd like, which is why I'm writing it in a github comment rather than our support site:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ \
  -XPOST \
  -d '{"records": [{"fields": {"Name": "Test"}}]}'
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ \
  -XPOST \
  -d '{"eventTypes": ["add", "update"], "url": "", "isReadyColumn": "Ready"}'
    "id": 6,
    "manualSort": 6,
    "Ready": true,
    "Name": "Miguel de Cervantes"
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -XDELETE
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ \
  -XPOST \
  -d '{"unsubscribeKey":"60fe7777-d7f8-4521-8e77-b6a9f93b0588","triggerId":1,"webhookId":"f717d5ce-5c26-4d3b-ac4e-49b5dbd93761"}' (

@HermesRatgers I'd be interested to hear how this goes for you, and if you hit any blockers or points of confusion.

HermesRatgers commented 2 years ago

@paulfitz Added it and it works, I also added this thread to Pabbly so they can add the webhook aswell. Btw the integration can be managed by you aswell, simply request this by email them your pabbly emailadres and request editor permission.

HermesRatgers commented 2 years ago

@paulfitz Can the date be changed? In webhook I receive a date as Birthday | 494726400 in stead of 1985-09-05

paulfitz commented 2 years ago

@HermesRatgers if something isn't formatted as you like, one option could be to add another formula column that reformats it. For example, if you have a column called Date with dates in it, you could make another column called (for example) DateString that is just =str($Date). Would that work for you? There's some more information on formatting dates on the support site

HermesRatgers commented 2 years ago

@paulfitz No, thats not it. The date is Grist is formatted and displayed correct as 1985-09-05. But in the webhook its formatted as 494726400.

paulfitz commented 2 years ago

Grist stores dates as seconds since the Unix epoch (, and then formats and displays them as the user wishes in the UI. With webhooks, you are currently getting the data as Grist stores it. There's no way to control that right now, so I'm wondering if a workaround might be to add a second column that calculates a value that has the formatting you want applied to it?

We're looking at giving more control over how data is rendered across our APIs, and for webhooks.

alexmojaki commented 2 years ago

Just to add some extra clarification, a column of type Date will always return a number like that no matter what Date Format you set in the column options, but a formula column of type Text or returning a Python string as in the suggestions will store the same string and return it in the API so it'll match what you see in the UI.

tonyallan commented 2 years ago

Give me /events, not webhooks is interesting and may be easier to implement and support.

simplynail commented 2 years ago

Hi, is there any ETA for the webhooks feature coming in?

paulfitz commented 2 years ago

@simplynail do you mean a UI for creating webhooks? No, there's no ETA for that, sorry. We do want to get it done when we have capacity, I know that isn't very helpful for you.

simplynail commented 2 years ago

Hi, yes, I meant UI actually. I just was wondering if it's still on your radar and perhaps coming soon. Thanks

fabiomoratti commented 1 year ago

I'd like to propose (hope this is the right place) two new domains to be added to the ALLOWED_WEBHOOK_DOMAINS list:

this will allow to configure webhooks that can reach AWS API Gateway and Lambda Function URLs endpoints, allowing developers (possibly many of them) to easily test custom integrations.

For reference:

See here, here and here for the official AWS documentation.


paulfitz commented 1 year ago

Hi @fabiomoratti, this is the right place to ask. Normally we can can add domains to an allow list pretty quickly. But access to AWS endpoints in particular may need to wait for a little refactor before we're comfortable that it doesn't create a new kind of attack surface when Grist itself is hosted on AWS infrastructure. Sorry for the delay.

fabiomoratti commented 1 year ago

@paulfitz , thank you for your reply.

In a way, amazonaws.comand may be considered "general-purpose" domains useful for all the users that deploy their webhooks on AWS, as an alternative it should be possible, on my side, to configure a custom domain for the AWS API GW / Lambda and add it, on your side, to the ALLOWED_WEBHOOK_DOMAINS; of course this solution does not scale because it works for one customer (me, in this case) and on the long run it's not reasonable for you to maintain a long list of allowed domains. Given the above, what is your sentiment about addirng a custom domain while the refactoring is being implemented?

As for alternatives I understand that the way to go is polling: do you have any suggestion for a reasonable polling interval that does not disturb Grist's infrastructure? API calls are limited to 5000 per day per document so one call per minute is well below the limit, but it's worth checking.

Thank you in advance for your support.

acidturtle commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks very much for making Grist. It's been very easy to work with and I just found out about the support for outgoing webhooks. This is a really nice feature.

I was wondering if you could add netlify ( to the list of supported domains?


paulfitz commented 1 year ago

@acidturtle I added support for to the queue, should take effect on November 28, 2022.

@fabiomoratti we could add your custom domain, as a stop-gap (write and mention my name if you don't want to post it here).

acidturtle commented 1 year ago

@paulfitz: thank you for the quick response and for adding, much appreciated.

berhalak commented 1 year ago
  • Prepare to do a practice run on a fresh, disposable Grist document, rather than the document you ultimately intend to use. This is because it can take a long time for information sent to a bad webhook to be abandoned, and there’s no easy way yet to reset that process. So it is better to practice on something low-stakes.

There is now a new API endpoint (still unofficial) that can reset the whole process and clear any queued requests for a document.

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -XDELETE
berhalak commented 1 year ago

We added a new endpoint /webhooks. It returns some basic configuration and monitoring information about all webhooks registered in a document. It is available currently only for document owners. You can query it using:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXX" -XGET

It returns a JSON with a following schema:

   webhooks: [
      id: string, // webhook id
      fields: {
        url: string,
        unsubscribeKey: string,
        eventTypes: string[],
        isReadyColumn?: string|null,
        enabled: boolean,
        tableId: string,
      usage: {
        lastEventBatch?: { // last attempt information
          status: 'success'|'failure'|'rejected',
          httpStatus: number,
          errorMessage: string | null,
          size: number, // number of requests in the batch
          attempts: number, // number of attempts
        lastSuccessTime?: number, // last time the webhook request succeeded
        lastFailureTime?: number,
        lastErrorMessage?: string | null, // last error message and HTTP status
        lastHttpStatus?: number|null,
        updatedTime?: number|null,
        numWaiting: int, // how many requests are queued currently
        status: 'idle'|'sending'|'retrying'|'postponed'|'error'

Webhook status description:

We also modified the /_unsubscribe endpoint. Now, it only requires knowledge of the webhook id (if it is called by the owner) or the webhook id and unsubscribeKey otherwise. Owners can query both these keys using the new /webhooks endpoint, so there is no need to memorize them anymore.

fabiomoratti commented 1 year ago

@fabiomoratti we could add your custom domain, as a stop-gap (write and mention my name if you don't want to post it here).

@paulfitz: thank you for your support; I've been playing both with Grist APIs and webhooks and I'm confident I can make it work so I'll write to the mail you mentioned to have my custom domain added waiting for the refactor. Additionally if you feel it may be useful/interesting for other people I'm willing share the code (a PoC-like version) I use to implement the AWS Lambda webhook; I was going for a public GitHub repo but if you have a better place just let me know.

paulfitz commented 1 year ago

@fabiomoratti we could add your custom domain, as a stop-gap (write and mention my name if you don't want to post it here).

@paulfitz: thank you for your support; I've been playing both with Grist APIs and webhooks and I'm confident I can make it work so I'll write to the mail you mentioned to have my custom domain added waiting for the refactor. Additionally if you feel it may be useful/interesting for other people I'm willing share the code (a PoC-like version) I use to implement the AWS Lambda webhook; I was going for a public GitHub repo but if you have a better place just let me know.

Your custom domain will be supported from Monday. Sharing your PoC in a public github repo sounds great, thanks @fabiomoratti !

paulfitz commented 1 year ago

Update: webhooks are available from the UI now

There is no longer any restriction on the domains our hosted service will deliver to. Self-hosted Grist can be configured similarly by setting ALLOWED_WEBHOOK_DOMAINS to * but, depending on your trust model, you may either want to:

A threat to watch out for is accidentally allowing untrusted users to poke around at your internal endpoints.