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Enhancement: GraphQL endpoint #764

Open jperon opened 8 months ago

jperon commented 8 months ago

As a follow-up to #757, it would be very handy, for custom plugins, to have a GraphQL endpoint. This would allow, in only one query, to get all information needed, no more. But I'm not sure I realize how much work it would be, especially to deal with access rules!

I don’t know whether it would be useful, but seems able to automatically build such a service from a SQLite database as soon as foreign keys are defined within the database.

almereyda commented 5 months ago

This will also be useful to include Grist databases into GraphQL-federation-backed data meshes.

almereyda commented 1 month ago

After a quick test with an adapted OpenAPI spec and little manual modifications, it is possible to hook Grist behind a GraphQL API with using Hasura Actions.

Taking and changing it like:

<   - url: https://{subdomain}
>   - url:
<     WebhookProperties:
<       size:
<         type: number
<         example: 1
<       attempts:
<         type: number
<         example: 1
<       errorMessage:
<         type: string
<         nullable: true
<         example: null
<       httpStatus:
<         type: number
<         example: 200
<       status:
<         type: string
<         example: "success"
>     WebhookProperties: {}
<           enum: [Any, Text, Numeric, Int, Bool, Date, DateTime:<timezone>, Choice, ChoiceList, Ref:<tableId>, RefList:<tableId>, Attachments]
>           enum: [Any, Text, Numeric, Int, Bool, Date, "DateTime:<timezone>", Choice, ChoiceList, "Ref:<tableId>", "RefList:<tableId>", Attachments]
<         dialect:
<           $ref:
<         schema:
<           $ref:

The additions and removals were necessary, due to the schema failing validation in the Hasura Console.

After reading up a bit on nullability in GraphQL, it became necessary to remove the ! behind the User type of the owner property in the Org type at

Some generated queries already include certain headers (X-Sort, X-Limit), which must be deleted, due to malformed template values like {{$body.input?.X-Sort}} and {{$body.input?.X-Limit}}, which somehow don't work.

After adding the Authorization token to the environment and modifying the listOrg action to contain an Authorization header from the GRIST_TOKEN environmental variable, it became possible to query Grist with GraphQL in the Hasura Console. It could be interesting to look into automating this procedure. Hasura has a nice export functionality, which produces a declarative description of the system.


Hasura and Docker Compose `.env.example`: ```console DATA_POSTGRES_USER=localhost-example-data DATA_POSTGRES_PASSWORD= META_POSTGRES_USER=localhost-example-meta META_POSTGRES_PASSWORD= ## postgres database to store Hasura metadata # Database URL postgresql://username:password@hostname:5432/database HASURA_GRAPHQL_METADATA_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://${META_POSTGRES_USER}:${META_POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@hasura-meta:5432/${META_POSTGRES_USER} ## this env var can be used to add the above postgres database to Hasura as a data source. this can be removed/updated based on your needs PG_DATABASE_URL=postgresql://${DATA_POSTGRES_USER}:${DATA_POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@data:5432/${DATA_POSTGRES_USER} ## enable the console served by server HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_CONSOLE=true # set to "false" to disable console ## enable debugging mode. It is recommended to disable this in production HASURA_GRAPHQL_DEV_MODE=true HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLED_LOG_TYPES=startup, http-log, webhook-log, websocket-log, query-log ## uncomment next line to run console offline (i.e load console assets from server instead of CDN) # HASURA_GRAPHQL_CONSOLE_ASSETS_DIR=/srv/console-assets ## uncomment next line to set an admin secret # HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET=myadminsecretkey # For Hasura Actions to pick up their secret GRIST_TOKEN=Bearer # For the Hasura CLI to talk to the correct endpoint HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENDPOINT= ``` Docker Compose `compose.yml`: ```yaml networks: internal: x-default: &default restart: unless-stopped networks: ["internal"] x-pg-default: &pg-default <<: *default image: postgres:15-alpine healthcheck: interval: 10s retries: 10 test: "pg_isready -U \"$$POSTGRES_USER\" -d \"$$POSTGRES_DB\"" timeout: 2s services: data: <<: *pg-default ports: - "" volumes: - ./.state/postgres/data:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: POSTGRES_USER: ${DATA_POSTGRES_USER} POSTGRES_DB: ${DATA_POSTGRES_USER} POSTGRES_PASSWORD: ${DATA_POSTGRES_PASSWORD} hasura-meta: <<: *pg-default ports: - "" volumes: - ./.state/postgres/meta:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: POSTGRES_USER: ${META_POSTGRES_USER} POSTGRES_DB: ${META_POSTGRES_USER} POSTGRES_PASSWORD: ${META_POSTGRES_PASSWORD} hasura-console: <<: *default image: hasura/graphql-engine ports: - "" depends_on: hasura-meta: condition: service_healthy data: condition: service_healthy environment: - PG_DATABASE_URL - HASURA_GRAPHQL_METADATA_DATABASE_URL - HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_CONSOLE - HASURA_GRAPHQL_DEV_MODE - HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLED_LOG_TYPES - GRIST_TOKEN ``` `justfile`: ```console install: if [ ! -f .env ]; then \ cp .env.example .env; \ perl -pe "s/(?<=DATA_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=).*/$(openssl rand -hex 32)/" -i .env; \ perl -pe "s/(?<=META_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=).*/$(openssl rand -hex 32)/" -i .env; \ sed "s//${GRIST_TOKEN}/" -i .env; \ fi docker compose pull run: docker compose up -d import: hasura metadata apply export: hasura metadata export ``` With the above files and the Just task action runner, you should be able to run: ```sh GRIST_TOKEN= just install just run ``` It would be possible to adapt the `justfile` into a regular shell script, but that is often not what's needed.

Then you can switch to and configure your OpenAPI import and update certain types in the Actions, or use the hasura CLI, which will read its endpoint from the .env file.

Loading OpenAPI-generated and manually modified Hasura Action definitions

The `hasura metadata` commands provide convenient access to the definitions of the generated actions, which can be easily modified. **`just export`** runs `hasura metadata export` and generates a `metadata/` directory, in which two files are not empty. **`just import`** runs `hasura metadata import` to read the files from the expected places and applies them to the Hasura environment. An example Hasura working directory will follow the conventions of the directories when generated with `hasura init`. Alternatively, the Hasura endpoint can also be configured in the generated `config.yaml`, which in this case might read: ```yaml version: 3 endpoint: metadata_directory: metadata actions: kind: synchronous handler_webhook_baseurl: ``` There are also other convenience methods, like `hasura metadata diff`, which is useful for previewing the changes during an `apply` run, in case something was modified locally in the files. `actions.graphql`: ```graphql type Mutation { addColumns( createColumnsInput: CreateColumnsInput! docId: String! tableId: String! ): ColumnsWithoutFields } type Mutation { addRecords( docId: String! noparse: Boolean recordsWithoutIdInput: RecordsWithoutIdInput! tableId: String! ): RecordsWithoutFields } type Mutation { addRows( dataWithoutIdInput: JSON! docId: String! noparse: Boolean tableId: String! ): [Int] } type Mutation { addTables( createTablesInput: CreateTablesInput! docId: String! ): TablesWithoutFields } type Mutation { createDoc( docParametersInput: DocParametersInput! workspaceId: Int! ): String } type Mutation { createWorkspace( orgId: JSON! workspaceParametersInput: WorkspaceParametersInput! ): Int } type Mutation { deleteColumn( colId: String! docId: String! tableId: String! ): String } type Mutation { deleteDoc( docId: String! ): String } type Mutation { deleteRows( docId: String! rowIdsInput: [Int]! tableId: String! ): String } type Mutation { deleteWorkspace( workspaceId: Int! ): String } type Query { describeDoc( docId: String! ): DocWithWorkspace } type Query { describeOrg( orgId: JSON! ): Org } type Query { describeWorkspace( workspaceId: Int! ): WorkspaceWithDocsAndOrg } type Query { getTableData( docId: String! filter: String limit: Float sort: String tableId: String! xLimit: Float xSort: String ): JSON } type Query { listColumns( docId: String! hidden: Boolean tableId: String! ): ColumnsList } type Query { listDocAccess( docId: String! ): DocAccessRead } type Query { listOrgAccess( orgId: JSON! ): OrgAccessRead } type Query { listOrgs: [Org] } type Query { listRecords( docId: String! filter: String hidden: Boolean limit: Float sort: String tableId: String! xLimit: Float xSort: String ): RecordsList } type Query { listTables( docId: String! ): TablesList } type Query { listWorkspaceAccess( workspaceId: Int! ): WorkspaceAccessRead } type Query { listWorkspaces( orgId: JSON! ): [WorkspaceWithDocsAndDomain] } type Mutation { modifyColumns( docId: String! tableId: String! updateColumnsInput: UpdateColumnsInput! ): String } type Mutation { modifyDoc( docId: String! docParametersInput: DocParametersInput! ): String } type Mutation { modifyDocAccess( docAccessInput: DocAccessInput! docId: String! ): String } type Mutation { modifyOrg( orgId: JSON! orgParametersInput: OrgParametersInput! ): String } type Mutation { modifyOrgAccess( orgAccessInput: OrgAccessInput! orgId: JSON! ): String } type Mutation { modifyRecords( docId: String! noparse: Boolean recordsListInput: RecordsListInput! tableId: String! ): String } type Mutation { modifyRows( dataInput: JSON! docId: String! noparse: Boolean tableId: String! ): [Int] } type Mutation { modifyTables( docId: String! tablesListInput: TablesListInput! ): String } type Mutation { modifyWorkspace( workspaceId: Int! workspaceParametersInput: WorkspaceParametersInput! ): String } type Mutation { modifyWorkspaceAccess( workspaceAccessInput: WorkspaceAccessInput! workspaceId: Int! ): String } type Mutation { moveDoc( docId: String! docMoveInput: DocMoveInput ): String } type Mutation { replaceColumns( docId: String! noadd: Boolean noupdate: Boolean replaceall: Boolean tableId: String! updateColumnsInput: UpdateColumnsInput! ): String } type Mutation { replaceRecords( allowEmptyRequire: Boolean docId: String! noadd: Boolean noparse: Boolean noupdate: Boolean onmany: Onmany recordsWithRequireInput: RecordsWithRequireInput! tableId: String! ): String } enum Access { owners editors viewers } enum Onmany { first none all } enum Type { Any Text Numeric Int Bool Date DateTimetimezone Choice ChoiceList ReftableId RefListtableId Attachments } input DocParametersInput { isPinned: Boolean name: String } input DocMoveInput { workspace: Int! } input OrgParametersInput { name: String } input OrgAccessInput { delta: OrgAccessWriteInput! } input OrgAccessWriteInput { users: JSON! } input WorkspaceParametersInput { name: String } input WorkspaceAccessInput { delta: WorkspaceAccessWriteInput! } input WorkspaceAccessWriteInput { maxInheritedRole: Access users: JSON } input DocAccessInput { delta: DocAccessWriteInput! } input DocAccessWriteInput { maxInheritedRole: Access users: JSON } input Records3ListItemInput { fields: JSON! } input RecordsWithoutIdInput { records: [Records3ListItemInput]! } input Records2ListItemInput { fields: JSON! id: Float! } input RecordsListInput { records: [Records2ListItemInput]! } input Records5ListItemInput { fields: JSON require: JSON! } input RecordsWithRequireInput { records: [Records5ListItemInput]! } input ColumnsListItemInput { fields: JSON id: String } input CreateTablesInput { tables: [Tables2ListItemInput]! } input Tables2ListItemInput { columns: [ColumnsListItemInput]! id: String } input TablesListInput { tables: [TablesListItemInput]! } input TablesListItemInput { fields: JSON! id: String! } input Columns3ListItemInput { fields: CreateFieldsInput id: String } input CreateColumnsInput { columns: [Columns3ListItemInput]! } input CreateFieldsInput { formula: String isFormula: Boolean label: String recalcDeps: String recalcWhen: Int type: Type untieColIdFromLabel: Boolean visibleCol: Int widgetOptions: String } input Columns5ListItemInput { fields: Fields4Input! id: String! } input Fields4Input { colId: String formula: String isFormula: Boolean label: String recalcDeps: String recalcWhen: Int type: Type untieColIdFromLabel: Boolean visibleCol: Int widgetOptions: String } input UpdateColumnsInput { columns: [Columns5ListItemInput]! } type Org { access: Access! createdAt: String! domain: String! id: BigInt! name: String! owner: User updatedAt: String! } type User { id: BigInt! name: String! picture: String! } type DocWithWorkspace { access: Access! id: String! isPinned: Boolean! name: String! urlId: String! workspace: WorkspaceWithOrg! } type WorkspaceWithOrg { access: Access! id: BigInt! name: String! org: Org! } type OrgAccessRead { users: [UsersListItem]! } type UsersListItem { access: Access email: String id: Int! name: String! } type Doc { access: Access! id: String! isPinned: Boolean! name: String! urlId: String! } type WorkspaceWithDocsAndDomain { access: Access! docs: [Doc]! id: BigInt! name: String! orgDomain: String } type WorkspaceWithDocsAndOrg { access: Access! docs: [Doc]! id: BigInt! name: String! org: Org! } type Users2ListItem { access: Access email: String id: Int! name: String! parentAccess: Access } type WorkspaceAccessRead { maxInheritedRole: Access! users: [Users2ListItem]! } type DocAccessRead { maxInheritedRole: Access! users: [Users2ListItem]! } type Records2ListItem { fields: JSON! id: Float! } type RecordsList { records: [Records2ListItem]! } type Records4ListItem { id: Float! } type RecordsWithoutFields { records: [Records4ListItem]! } type TablesList { tables: [TablesListItem]! } type TablesListItem { fields: JSON! id: String! } type Tables3ListItem { id: String! } type TablesWithoutFields { tables: [Tables3ListItem]! } type Columns2ListItem { fields: GetFields id: String } type ColumnsList { columns: [Columns2ListItem] } type GetFields { colRef: Int formula: String isFormula: Boolean label: String recalcDeps: [Int] recalcWhen: Int type: Type untieColIdFromLabel: Boolean visibleCol: Int widgetOptions: String } type Columns4ListItem { id: String! } type ColumnsWithoutFields { columns: [Columns4ListItem]! } scalar BigInt scalar JSON ``` `actions.yaml`: ```yaml actions: - name: addColumns definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.createColumnsInput}}' method: POST query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/columns' version: 2 - name: addRecords definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.recordsWithoutIdInput}}' method: POST query_params: noparse: '{{$body.input?.noparse}}' template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/records' version: 2 - name: addRows definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: POST query_params: noparse: '{{$body.input?.noparse}}' template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/data' version: 2 comment: Deprecated in favor of `records` endpoints. We have no immediate plans to remove these endpoints, but consider `records` a better starting point for new projects. - name: addTables definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.createTablesInput}}' method: POST query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables' version: 2 - name: createDoc definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.docParametersInput}}' method: POST query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/workspaces/{{$body.input.workspaceId}}/docs' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: createWorkspace definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.workspaceParametersInput}}' method: POST query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/orgs/{{$body.input.orgId}}/workspaces' version: 2 - name: deleteColumn definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: DELETE query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/columns/{{$body.input.colId}}' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: deleteDoc definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: DELETE query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: deleteRows definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: POST query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/data/delete' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: deleteWorkspace definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: DELETE query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/workspaces/{{$body.input.workspaceId}}' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: describeDoc definition: kind: "" handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: GET query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}' version: 2 - name: describeOrg definition: kind: "" handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: GET query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/orgs/{{$body.input.orgId}}' version: 2 - name: describeWorkspace definition: kind: "" handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: GET query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/workspaces/{{$body.input.workspaceId}}' version: 2 - name: getTableData definition: kind: "" handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: GET query_params: filter: '{{$body.input?.filter}}' limit: '{{$body.input?.limit}}' sort: '{{$body.input?.sort}}' template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/data' version: 2 comment: Deprecated in favor of `records` endpoints. We have no immediate plans to remove these endpoints, but consider `records` a better starting point for new projects. - name: listColumns definition: kind: "" handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: GET query_params: hidden: '{{$body.input?.hidden}}' template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/columns' version: 2 - name: listDocAccess definition: kind: "" handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: GET query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/access' version: 2 - name: listOrgAccess definition: kind: "" handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: GET query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/orgs/{{$body.input.orgId}}/access' version: 2 - name: listOrgs definition: kind: "" handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: GET query_params: {} request_headers: add_headers: {} remove_headers: - content-type template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/orgs' version: 2 comment: This enumerates all the team sites or personal areas available. - name: listRecords definition: kind: "" handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: GET query_params: filter: '{{$body.input?.filter}}' hidden: '{{$body.input?.hidden}}' limit: '{{$body.input?.limit}}' sort: '{{$body.input?.sort}}' request_headers: add_headers: {} remove_headers: - content-type template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/records' version: 2 - name: listTables definition: kind: "" handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: GET query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables' version: 2 - name: listWorkspaceAccess definition: kind: "" handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: GET query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/workspaces/{{$body.input.workspaceId}}/access' version: 2 - name: listWorkspaces definition: kind: "" handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: GET query_params: {} request_headers: add_headers: {} remove_headers: - content-type template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/orgs/{{$body.input.orgId}}/workspaces' version: 2 - name: modifyColumns definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.updateColumnsInput}}' method: PATCH query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/columns' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: modifyDoc definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.docParametersInput}}' method: PATCH query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: modifyDocAccess definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.docAccessInput}}' method: PATCH query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/access' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: modifyOrg definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.orgParametersInput}}' method: PATCH query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/orgs/{{$body.input.orgId}}' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: modifyOrgAccess definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.orgAccessInput}}' method: PATCH query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/orgs/{{$body.input.orgId}}/access' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: modifyRecords definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.recordsListInput}}' method: PATCH query_params: noparse: '{{$body.input?.noparse}}' template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/records' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: modifyRows definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: method: PATCH query_params: noparse: '{{$body.input?.noparse}}' template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/data' version: 2 comment: Deprecated in favor of `records` endpoints. We have no immediate plans to remove these endpoints, but consider `records` a better starting point for new projects. - name: modifyTables definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.tablesListInput}}' method: PATCH query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: modifyWorkspace definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.workspaceParametersInput}}' method: PATCH query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/workspaces/{{$body.input.workspaceId}}' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: modifyWorkspaceAccess definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.workspaceAccessInput}}' method: PATCH query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/workspaces/{{$body.input.workspaceId}}/access' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: moveDoc definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.docMoveInput}}' method: PATCH query_params: {} template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/move' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: replaceColumns definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.updateColumnsInput}}' method: PUT query_params: noadd: '{{$body.input?.noadd}}' noupdate: '{{$body.input?.noupdate}}' replaceall: '{{$body.input?.replaceall}}' template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/columns' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 - name: replaceRecords definition: kind: synchronous handler: forward_client_headers: true headers: - name: Authorization value_from_env: GRIST_TOKEN request_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body.input.recordsWithRequireInput}}' method: PUT query_params: allow_empty_require: '{{$body.input?.allow_empty_require}}' noadd: '{{$body.input?.noadd}}' noparse: '{{$body.input?.noparse}}' noupdate: '{{$body.input?.noupdate}}' onmany: '{{$body.input?.onmany}}' template_engine: Kriti url: '{{$base_url}}/docs/{{$body.input.docId}}/tables/{{$body.input.tableId}}/records' version: 2 response_transform: body: action: transform template: '{{$body}}' template_engine: Kriti version: 2 custom_types: enums: - name: Access values: - description: null is_deprecated: null value: owners - description: null is_deprecated: null value: editors - description: null is_deprecated: null value: viewers - name: Onmany values: - description: null is_deprecated: null value: first - description: null is_deprecated: null value: none - description: null is_deprecated: null value: all - name: Type values: - description: null is_deprecated: null value: Any - description: null is_deprecated: null value: Text - description: null is_deprecated: null value: Numeric - description: null is_deprecated: null value: Int - description: null is_deprecated: null value: Bool - description: null is_deprecated: null value: Date - description: null is_deprecated: null value: DateTimetimezone - description: null is_deprecated: null value: Choice - description: null is_deprecated: null value: ChoiceList - description: null is_deprecated: null value: ReftableId - description: null is_deprecated: null value: RefListtableId - description: null is_deprecated: null value: Attachments input_objects: - name: DocParametersInput - name: DocMoveInput - name: OrgParametersInput - name: OrgAccessInput - name: OrgAccessWriteInput - name: WorkspaceParametersInput - name: WorkspaceAccessInput - name: WorkspaceAccessWriteInput - name: DocAccessInput - name: DocAccessWriteInput - name: Records3ListItemInput - name: RecordsWithoutIdInput - name: Records2ListItemInput - name: RecordsListInput - name: Records5ListItemInput - name: RecordsWithRequireInput - name: ColumnsListItemInput - name: CreateTablesInput - name: Tables2ListItemInput - name: TablesListInput - name: TablesListItemInput - name: Columns3ListItemInput - name: CreateColumnsInput - name: CreateFieldsInput - name: Columns5ListItemInput - name: Fields4Input - name: UpdateColumnsInput objects: - name: Org - name: User - name: DocWithWorkspace - name: WorkspaceWithOrg - name: OrgAccessRead - name: UsersListItem - name: Doc - name: WorkspaceWithDocsAndDomain - name: WorkspaceWithDocsAndOrg - name: Users2ListItem - name: WorkspaceAccessRead - name: DocAccessRead - name: Records2ListItem - name: RecordsList - name: Records4ListItem - name: RecordsWithoutFields - name: TablesList - name: TablesListItem - name: Tables3ListItem - name: TablesWithoutFields - name: Columns2ListItem - name: ColumnsList - name: GetFields - name: Columns4ListItem - name: ColumnsWithoutFields scalars: - name: BigInt - name: JSON ```

Example queries that actually work:

query Test {
  describeWorkspace(workspaceId: 7) {
    org {
    docs {

query Organisations {
  listOrgs {
    owner {

query WorkspaceDocuments {
  listWorkspaces(orgId: "7") {
    docs {

query DescribeTable {
  listTables(docId: "bPkMaixKDzP1e5zGufoE4z") {
    tables {

query ListTableRecords {
  listRecords(docId: "bPkMaixKDzP1e5zGufoE4z", tableId: "Phase_I") {
    records {

Would be interesting to know if mutations also work.

Maybe someone would like to replicate this setup and check if it's usable for certain use cases?