gristlabs / grist-desktop

Desktop Grist, packaged with Electron
Apache License 2.0
154 stars 7 forks source link

App Image does not work on Wayland #17

Closed seantwie03 closed 1 month ago

seantwie03 commented 10 months ago

OS: Fedora 39

Desktop: Gnome 45 - Wayland

Grist version: grist-electron-linux-0.2.7-x86_64.AppImage

Problem: Application does not launch. Window is never displayed.

Workaround: Log out of Wayland and log back into Gnome on Xorg

Error: GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed

Console Output:

user@hostname:~/Downloads$ ./grist-electron-linux-0.2.7-x86_64.AppImage 
2023-11-03 06:56:02.804 - info: == Grist version is 1.1.3 (commit unknown)
2023-11-03 06:56:02.811 - debug: skipping incomplete language fa (set GRIST_OFFER_ALL_LANGUAGES if you want it)
2023-11-03 06:56:02.818 - info: Loading empty config because /home/sean/.config/grist-electron/config.json missing
2023-11-03 06:56:02.824 - warn: did not find an appropriately named example workspace in deployment
2023-11-03 06:56:02.825 - info: No plugins directory: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/home/sean/.grist/plugins'
2023-11-03 06:56:02.849 - info: Found 1 valid plugins on the system
2023-11-03 06:56:02.849 - debug: PLUGIN builtIn/core -- /tmp/.mount_grist-uoc6a1/resources/app.asar.unpacked/core/plugins/core
2023-11-03 06:56:02.853 - info: Server timeouts: keepAliveTimeout 305000 headersTimeout 306000
2023-11-03 06:56:02.854 - info: server(home,docs,static,app) available at localhost:47478
2023-11-03 06:56:02.857 - info: activity docCount=0, orgCount=0, orgInGoodStandingCount=0, userCount=5, userWithLoginCount=5
2023-11-03 06:56:02.861 - warn: Failed to create GoogleAuth endpoint: GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET is not defined
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == appRoot: /tmp/.mount_grist-uoc6a1/resources/app.asar/core
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == i18:namespace: client,server
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == docsRoot: /home/sean/Documents
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == defaultBaseDomain: localhost
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == pluginUrl: http://plugins.invalid
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == instanceRoot: /home/sean/.config/grist-electron
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == tag: unknown
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == database: sqlite:///home/sean/.config/landing.db
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == userRoot: /home/sean/.grist
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == loginMiddlewareComment: electron-login
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == docWorkerId: testDocWorkerId_47478
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == grist.access.supportEmail: [default] [GRIST_SUPPORT_EMAIL]
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == grist.access.listPublicSites: false [default] [GRIST_LIST_PUBLIC_SITES]
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == grist.locale.offerAllLanguages: - [GRIST_OFFER_ALL_LANGUAGES]
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == grist.login.skipSession: - [GRIST_IGNORE_SESSION]
2023-11-03 06:56:02.863 - info: == grist.login.forced: true [GRIST_FORCE_LOGIN]
2023-11-03 06:56:02.864 - info: == grist.externalStorage.minio.bucket: - [GRIST_DOCS_MINIO_BUCKET]
2023-11-03 06:56:02.864 - info: == grist.externalStorage.disable: - [GRIST_DISABLE_S3]
2023-11-03 06:56:02.864 - info: == false
2023-11-03 06:56:02.864 - info: == grist.integrations.allowedWebhookDomains: - [ALLOWED_WEBHOOK_DOMAINS]
2023-11-03 06:56:02.864 - info: == grist.integrations.proxy: - [GRIST_HTTPS_PROXY]
2023-11-03 06:56:02.864 - debug: onStartup null
updateManager loadable, but not used yet
2023-11-03 06:56:02.984 - info: backup skipped
2023-11-03 06:56:03.033 - debug: Auth[GET]: localhost:47478 / customHostSession=, method=GET, host=localhost:47478, path=/, org=,, userId=5, altSessionId=s1Rdcu1HGV7ZQVcYvdsczt
2023-11-03 06:56:03.036 - debug: Redirecting userId 5 to: http://localhost:47478/o/docs/?electron_key=bd3Fca4RDjQhyoNkgs9fEg
2023-11-03 06:56:03.042 localhost:47478 GET /?electron_key=bd3Fca4RDjQhyoNkgs9fEg 302 9.685 ms - 176
2023-11-03 06:56:03.043 - debug: Auth[GET]: localhost:47478 / customHostSession=, method=GET, host=localhost:47478, path=/, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=s1Rdcu1HGV7ZQVcYvdsczt
2023-11-03 06:56:03.049 localhost:47478 GET /o/docs/?electron_key=bd3Fca4RDjQhyoNkgs9fEg 200 5.580 ms - 4782
2023-11-03 06:56:03.211 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/jqueryui/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css 200 7.783 ms - 36536
2023-11-03 06:56:03.211 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/hljs.default.css 200 4.809 ms - -
2023-11-03 06:56:03.212 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/bootstrap-datepicker/dist/css/bootstrap-datepicker3.min.css 200 4.356 ms - 21100
2023-11-03 06:56:03.212 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css 200 6.144 ms - 122540
2023-11-03 06:56:03.212 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/bundle.css 200 3.838 ms - 90612
2023-11-03 06:56:03.219 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/icons/icons.css 200 2.885 ms - 200592
2023-11-03 06:56:03.219 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/locales/en.client.json 200 5.854 ms - 63790
2023-11-03 06:56:03.219 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js 200 2.047 ms - 36816
2023-11-03 06:56:03.220 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/locales/en.server.json 200 1.334 ms - 52
2023-11-03 06:56:03.221 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js 200 4.718 ms - 89493
2023-11-03 06:56:03.235 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/bootstrap-datepicker/dist/js/bootstrap-datepicker.min.js 200 15.148 ms - 33693
2023-11-03 06:56:03.235 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/jqueryui/jquery-ui.min.js 200 4.071 ms - 253669
2023-11-03 06:56:03.236 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/browser-check.js 200 2.008 ms - 113262
2023-11-03 06:56:03.237 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/img/gplaypattern.png 200 0.511 ms - 12047
2023-11-03 06:56:03.238 localhost:47478 GET /v/unknown/main.bundle.js 200 13.613 ms - 1214648
2023-11-03 06:56:03.381 - debug: Auth[GET]: localhost:47478 /session/access/active customHostSession=, method=GET, host=localhost:47478, path=/session/access/active, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=s1Rdcu1HGV7ZQVcYvdsczt
2023-11-03 06:56:03.385 - debug: Auth[GET]: localhost:47478 /session/access/all customHostSession=, method=GET, host=localhost:47478, path=/session/access/all, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=s1Rdcu1HGV7ZQVcYvdsczt
2023-11-03 06:56:03.393 localhost:47478 GET /o/docs/api/session/access/active 304 11.161 ms - -
2023-11-03 06:56:03.394 localhost:47478 GET /o/docs/api/session/access/all 304 11.610 ms - -
2023-11-03 06:56:03.402 - debug: Auth[GET]: localhost:47478 /orgs/0/workspaces customHostSession=, method=GET, host=localhost:47478, path=/orgs/0/workspaces, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=s1Rdcu1HGV7ZQVcYvdsczt
2023-11-03 06:56:03.408 - debug: Auth[GET]: localhost:47478 /orgs/0/usage customHostSession=, method=GET, host=localhost:47478, path=/orgs/0/usage, org=docs,, userId=5, altSessionId=s1Rdcu1HGV7ZQVcYvdsczt
2023-11-03 06:56:03.410 localhost:47478 GET /o/docs/api/orgs/0/workspaces?includeSupport=1 304 7.106 ms - -
2023-11-03 06:56:03.411 localhost:47478 GET /o/docs/api/orgs/0/usage 304 8.046 ms - -
[13103:1103/] GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for 1 times!
SleepyLeslie commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your feedback. I can launch the AppImage successfully in Hyprland, so I don't know how to debug this. However, it could be due to our use of Electron 22, which is heavily outdated. The Electron dependency has been bumped to v30 and the next release will see that change. If you have yarn installed, you can try building the latest commit on main (steps are in the README). Otherwise please wait until the next release and see if the problem is fixed.

SleepyLeslie commented 2 months ago

Hello, following up on this issue, have you tried the latest 0.2.10 release? Is the issue resolved?

SleepyLeslie commented 1 month ago

Closing as stale.