gristlabs / grist-desktop

Desktop Grist, packaged with Electron
Apache License 2.0
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Desktop user experience overhaul #42

Open SleepyLeslie opened 2 months ago

SleepyLeslie commented 2 months ago

This PR refactored a major portion of Grist Desktop:

Filesystem changes

Grist Desktop used to rely on symlinks to comply with Grist Core's requirement that all documents be stored centrally in GRIST_DATA_DIR. This causes issues on Windows, and impacts the user experience since users cannot choose where to store their Grist documents.

Moreover, this contributed to a bad user experience as documents use docID as name, and GRIST_DATA_DIR defaults to the "Documents" folder. This means users will end up having a lot of <random string>.grist files in their "Documents" folder.

It has also led to complaints from macOS users, since they basically cannot use Grist Desktop without granting permissions to the "Documents" folder.

This PR enables Grist Desktop to open Grist documents anywhere on the local filesystem, without making symlinks. All modifications will directly write to the document.

Window manager

Grist Desktop now knows all documents it has open, and would bring the open document to you if you open it twice. It can keep track of window content changes (i.e. when a user navigates away from / into a document).

It must work together with this PR for grist-core

SleepyLeslie commented 2 months ago

Tested to work on Linux, Windows 10 and Intel Macs; can open documents and symlinks to documents anywhere on the filesystem.

Changes unrelated to the filesystem don't seem to break anything (good!)

Some comments:

SleepyLeslie commented 1 month ago

Now it is possible to create new documents using the in-app "Create Empty Document" button. However, this button will only work for the electron user. Should any user choose to use Grist Desktop as a self-hosted server, external visitors will now be unable to create new documents - they will get an error when clicking on the button.

SleepyLeslie commented 1 month ago

Implemented WindowManager to track open documents properly.

paulfitz commented 1 month ago

Trying this out a little bit.

SleepyLeslie commented 1 month ago

The home page "Import Document" button and "File - Open" menu both work now. Import still "uploads" the document - a little clumsy but gets the job done easily. To avoid copying the imported document, we must rethink how to map the file into the sandbox for all possible sandbox flavors. This is out of scope for now.

"File - Open" now offers an "importable documents" filter. The user would first choose the file to import, then specify where to store the newly created Grist document. Again, not the optimal user experience, but a good balance taking implementation complexity into consideration.

SleepyLeslie commented 1 month ago

I don't see an actual file there

This branch is currently suffering from a resolve-tspaths issue that wrongly resolves stubbed files. Normal building procedure cannot produce a usable build containing the FS changes. A build produced this way still uses old components to handle getPath(), so will not create the file at the externalId location.

For now, it must be compiled without invoking resolve-tspaths. yarn electron:preview can be used to preview the build without actually building it.

SleepyLeslie commented 1 month ago

When a document is deleted, it is first trashed. When the user deletes the document permanently from trash, fse.remove() is called on the path obtained by getPath(). Something bad could happen when for example:

  1. User creates ~/Documents/foo.grist from Grist Desktop.
  2. mv ~/Documents/foo.grist ~/Documents/bar.grist
  3. mv ~/Downloads/baz.grist ~/Documents/foo.grist
  4. User deletes the document foo permanently from Grist Desktop. Grist Desktop doesn't know that the underlying file has changed, and will delete ~/Documents/foo.grist permanently, even if it is not the original foo document.

In general, desktop apps should not deal with document deletion. Some macOS native apps (e.g. MS Excel) seem to deal with this situation using macOS' "recents" API with filesystem integration (there must be some inotify involved), but we'd better not bother doing anything special for macOS.

I am not touching this behavior for now. Users should be careful not to delete documents by accident.