grisu / gricli

Grisu commandline client
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Change default group from /nz to a usable group #203

Open mondkaefer opened 12 years ago

mondkaefer commented 12 years ago

When a user uses gricli for the very first time, or when (s)he deletes ~/.grisu, the default group is /nz. Using this group job submission fails with the following message:

"submissionLocation: No submission location specified. Since application is of type "generic" Grisu can't auto-calculate one. Please either specify package or submissionn location."

It's typically new users who run into this problem, and they probably don't know that they have to change the group. So their first attempt in using gricli is an error, which is probably not good. Also, by reading the error message, probably very few users understand what the problem is.

I figured the default is set in in grisu.gricli.environment.GricliEnvironment, should be an easy fix.

I think I'd set it to /nz/nesi

mondkaefer commented 12 years ago

Ah, forgot that having a default queue doesn't entirely solve this for first-time users, because there is no default queue.

makkus commented 12 years ago

Forgot that, but with this next version it's not necessary anymore to set a queue or package. As long that there exists a valid submission location for the selected group users can submit jobs.

If Grisu recongnizes the exectuable as part of a mds-published package, it will set the proper package to the job and submit it somewhere where that package is supported. If not, then it will just submit it to somwhere there the group is supported. That way not all jobs will succeed, but at least all job submissions will. Simple test jobs that use cat, echo and so will also work without problem. If a job fails for a user he'll need to figure out why that is anyway, and at that stage there is no way around him learning a bit more about how everything works anyway. So, obviously, we have to have proper documentation for that. But I think with this in mind I can close this ticket at least. Any objections?