gritzko / swarm-ron-docs
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Is this project still alive? #13

Open ckaran opened 5 years ago

ckaran commented 5 years ago

Is this project still alive? I can't tell if this supercedes RON, or if it's dead.

gritzko commented 5 years ago

Hi! The current iteration is supported by @protocol, see Once the site is fully operational, we'll disable all earlier repos to avoid confusion.

ckaran commented 5 years ago

OK, thanks. Do you have a time frame for when the site is fully operational, and there is a single source of truth for the repos?

gritzko commented 5 years ago

31 March 2019, according to the plan.

ckaran commented 5 years ago

OK, thank you. I'll check in on then to see where the project is at.