grmcdorman / esp8266_web_settings

General, non-specific web-based settings/status manager and classes for ESP8266 (possibly usable for other Arduino-class boards).
MIT License
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Use clone to install lib dependency in sketch compilation workflow #4

Closed per1234 closed 2 years ago

per1234 commented 2 years ago

The "Compile Examples" GitHub Actions workflow defines the dependencies of the example sketches which must be defined before attempting their compilation.

Previously, it attempted to install the "ESP Async WebServer" library via Library Manager, but the library maintainer never submitted the library to Library Manager ( so that is not possible. Fortunately, the arduino/compile-sketches GitHub Actions action supports installing dependencies from multiple sources, which include Git repositories.

This new configuration will cause the library to be installed from a clone of the repository, checked out to the tip of the default branch.

grmcdorman commented 2 years ago

Already working on this, check the rename_class_deps_fixes. Doesn't get the example compiling, though; it can't find DNSServer.h.