grnhse / greenhouse_io

Ruby API wrapper for API
MIT License
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query opts doesn't work without id #2

Open wyefei opened 10 years ago

wyefei commented 10 years ago

gh_client.offices(id, page: 1, per_page: 2) works but gh_client.offices(page: 1, per_page: 2) failed with error:
/Users/yefeiwang/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/2.1.0/uri/common.rb:176:insplit': bad URI(is not URI?): /candidates/{:page=>1, :per_page=>200} (URI::InvalidURIError)`

capablemonkey commented 8 years ago

Hey @wyefei,

Gee, it's been a while since you've posted this. Sorry about that, and thanks for sharing!

@adrianbautista kindly transferred this repo over to Greenhouse, so we'll be maintaining this gem from now on.

I can confirm this is an issue. It's not possible to call GreenhouseIo::Client#jobs with only an options hash, since it would set the id default parameter instead of the options parameter.

def jobs(id = nil, options = {})
      get_from_harvest_api "/jobs#{path_id(id)}", options

However, if you pass in nil for the id, it should work as expected.

gh_client.offices nil, per_page: 1

I do agree it's not very intuitive and the docs don't point this out. Perhaps a better solution, similar to the Job Board code, is to create a new set of methods for retrieving single objects, and then remove the id param from the current list methods, like so:

def offices(options = {})
      get_from_harvest_api "/offices", options

def office(id, options = {})
      get_from_harvest_api "/offices", options

What do you think, @wyefei?