groakat / videotagger

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40x and 60x not working #98

Open matthewpiper opened 9 years ago

matthewpiper commented 9 years ago

I have just (22 Jan) updated the software and tried to start annotating vial 1.

playback at 1x is fine, but cannot run at 40x or 60x (forward or reverse). This is obviously going to be a problem :)

(also, trajectory box is not working on vial 1)

extra notes:

(extra, extra note.... I'm not convinced I have really captured the problem, because I just went back to the screen, was able to scrub back to the start at -40x, switched to playback at 1x and then 40x and seemed to get further into the video before it froze again... sorry if this isn't helping!)

\ I'm not quite sure how much of the terminal text to paste so I have copied from what seems to me to be the point immediately before 40x stopped working:

INFO 2015-01-22 21:59:39,481 [T: 4940541952] [463] recycle new AnnotationLoader /Users/home/Dropbox/matt's work on dropbox/results on dropbox/video files for labelling_peter/fly_data/20130201/11/patches/2013-02-01.11-02-00.v2.bhvr, was previous: WARNING 2015-01-22 21:59:39,484 [T: 4938932224] [572] AnnotationLoader: f does NOT exist create empty Annotation at /Users/home/Dropbox/matt's work on dropbox/results on dropbox/video files for labelling_peter/fly_data/20130201/11/bhvr/2013-02-01.11-02-00.v2.bhvr

INFO 2015-01-22 21:59:39,496 [T: 4938932224] [577] new annotation with length 1762

IndexError Traceback (most recent call last) /Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/videoTagger/ in startVideo(self) 2281 2282 if -> 2283 self.showNextFrame(self.increment) 2284 # self.ui.speed_lbl.setText("speed: {0}x".format(\ 2285 # self.increment))

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/misc/config.pyc in call(self, _args, _kwargs) 56 fStr = "[{0}/" + Fore.RED +"{1}" + Fore.RESET +"]" 57 logE.debug(eStr.format(self.class, #f.im_class, ---> 58 res = f(self, _args, _kwargs) 59 logF.debug(fStr.format(self.class, 60 return res

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/videoTagger/ in showNextFrame(self, increment, checkBuffer) 1819 if increment >= 0: 1820 self.frames += [self.vh.getNextFrame(increment, doBufferCheck=checkBuffer, -> 1821 unbuffered=False)] 1822 elif increment < 0: 1823 self.frames += [self.vh.getPrevFrame(-increment, doBufferCheck=checkBuffer,

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/misc/config.pyc in call(self, _args, _kwargs) 56 fStr = "[{0}/" + Fore.RED +"{1}" + Fore.RESET +"]" 57 logE.debug(eStr.format(self.class, #f.im_class, ---> 58 res = f(self, _args, _kwargs) 59 logF.debug(fStr.format(self.class, 60 return res

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/videoTagger/videoHandler.pyc in getNextFrame(self, increment, doBufferCheck, emitFileChange, unbuffered, posOnly) 603 if not unbuffered: 604 return self.getCurrentFrame(doBufferCheck=doBufferCheck, --> 605 posOnly=posOnly) 606 else: 607 return self.getCurrentFrameUnbuffered(doBufferCheck=doBufferCheck,

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/misc/config.pyc in call(self, _args, _kwargs) 56 fStr = "[{0}/" + Fore.RED +"{1}" + Fore.RESET +"]" 57 logE.debug(eStr.format(self.class, #f.im_class, ---> 58 res = f(self, _args, _kwargs) 59 logF.debug(fStr.format(self.class, 60 return res

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/videoTagger/videoHandler.pyc in getCurrentFrame(self, doBufferCheck, updateAnnotationViews, posOnly) 427 self.checkBuffer(updateAnnotationViews) 428 if updateAnnotationViews: --> 429 self.updateAnnoViewPositions() 430 431 cfg.logGUI.debug(json.dumps({"key":self.posPath,

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/misc/config.pyc in call(self, _args, _kwargs) 56 fStr = "[{0}/" + Fore.RED +"{1}" + Fore.RESET +"]" 57 logE.debug(eStr.format(self.class, #f.im_class, ---> 58 res = f(self, _args, _kwargs) 59 logF.debug(fStr.format(self.class, 60 return res

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/videoTagger/videoHandler.pyc in updateAnnoViewPositions(self, updateOnlyTempPosition) 969 if self.loadingFinished: 970 self.loadingFinished = False --> 971 self.loadAnnotationBundle() 972 973 for aV in self.annoViewList:

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/misc/config.pyc in call(self, _args, _kwargs) 56 fStr = "[{0}/" + Fore.RED +"{1}" + Fore.RESET +"]" 57 logE.debug(eStr.format(self.class, #f.im_class, ---> 58 res = f(self, _args, _kwargs) 59 logF.debug(fStr.format(self.class, 60 return res

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/videoTagger/videoHandler.pyc in loadAnnotationBundle(self) 1005 for aV in self.annoViewList: 1006 aV.addAnnotation(annotation, key, -> 1007 addAllAtOnce=(not self.loadProgressive)) 1008 1009 self.annoDict[key] = aL

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/misc/config.pyc in call(self, _args, _kwargs) 56 fStr = "[{0}/" + Fore.RED +"{1}" + Fore.RESET +"]" 57 logE.debug(eStr.format(self.class, #f.im_class, ---> 58 res = f(self, _args, _kwargs) 59 logF.debug(fStr.format(self.class, 60 return res

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/videoTagger/annoView.pyc in addAnnotation(self, annotation, key, addAllAtOnce) 287 self.behaviourName) 288 --> 289 self.annotationDict[key] = annotation.filterFrameList(filt, exactMatch=False) 290 291

/Users/home/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyTools/videoProc/annotation.pyc in filterFrameList(self, filterTuple, frameRange, exactMatch) 189 190 for vIdx in vials: --> 191 v = self.frameList[frameNo][vIdx] 192 193 vNew = dict()

IndexError: list index out of range INFO 2015-01-22 21:59:39,641 [T: 4793454592] [181] finished loading, emiting signal /Users/home/Dropbox/matt's work on dropbox/results on dropbox/video files for labelling_peter/fly_data/20130201/11/patches/2013-02-01.11-02-00.v2.avi 300 slice(0, 300, None)

groakat commented 9 years ago

i do not have problems with the speed. Maybe something is wrong with the keyboard shortcuts?