groege / PdfSharpCore

PdfSharp port NetCore
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Filling comb text field #28

Open AelyPro opened 10 months ago

AelyPro commented 10 months ago

Hello, we are trying to use PdfSharp to fill a pdf document. It's working fine except when we need to fill comb type field. When we fill them, they appear wrongly, each character are next to another like if it wasn't a comb field. Like in this image before clicking

When we click on the field it appear the right way : after clicking

From what I found during my search, you need to specifiy the right value for the property "/Ff" for a field to be a comb. This value is correctly fill on our field. Here are all its properties : field value.

And here is how we fill the field with our text :

(pdfDocument.AcroForm.Fields["D1A_naissance"] as PdfTextField).Text = "10061939";

I'm realy lost, any help would be usefull !