grofit / aurelia-chart

A chart element for aurelia which is powered by chart js using html5 canvas.
MIT License
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Not found the chartjs #35

Open ashanvabs opened 7 years ago

ashanvabs commented 7 years ago

I'm using jspm and TypeScript with aurelia. I have install jspm install npm:aurelia-chart and added it main.ts file .plugin('aurelia-chart')

when I ran the application I'm getting

Unhandled rejection (SystemJS) XHR error (404 Not Found) loading http://localhost:9000/jspm_packages/npm/aurelia-chart@0.2.7.js
    Error: XHR error (404 Not Found) loading http://localhost:9000/jspm_packages/npm/aurelia-chart@0.2.7.js
    Error loading http://localhost:9000/jspm_packages/npm/aurelia-chart@0.2.7.js

even though jspm_packages\npm\aurelia-chart@0.2.7 is exist
