grofit / dotween-nodecanvas

Node Canvas actions for DoTween library
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Camera Tweens Missing #7

Closed DogeThis closed 8 years ago

DogeThis commented 8 years ago

Implementing these to learn more about Node Canvas and DOTween.

DogeThis commented 8 years ago
DOAspect(float to, float duration)
DOColor(Color to, float duration)
DOFarClipPlane(float to, float duration)
DOFieldOfView(float to, float duration)
DONearClipPlane(float to, float duration)
DOOrthoSize(float to, float duration)
DOPixelRect(Rect to, float duration)
DORect(Rect to, float duration)
DOShakePosition(float duration, float/Vector3 strength, int vibrato, float randomness)
DOShakeRotation(float duration, float/Vector3 strength, int vibrato, float randomness)
grofit commented 8 years ago

Most of this sort of thing is very easy to implement you can just copy and paste some of he other actions, rename them and target a camera rather than a GameObject for example.