grommet / hpe-design-system

HPE Design System
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Notification - Continue exploring designs for multiple inline notifications and global banner notifications #3513

Open KennyAtHPE opened 1 year ago

KennyAtHPE commented 1 year ago

This is in "converging" mode.

Building off #2788 Working file

Problem statement

Currently, the design system offers designs and guidance only for singular inline notifications. There are currently multiple platforms with use cases that require more than one inline notification specifically at a page-level.

How might we display multiple inline notifications at a page-level so that users are able to quickly and confidently ascertain how many notifications there are, which ones require their attention the most, and if applicable, what is and how to solve the issue?

Out of scope


Success criteria

Final design for multiple inline notifications should be:

Areas to explore

The following questions should be explored and answered before design can be finalized:

KennyAtHPE commented 1 year ago

8/29 update:

Continuing to explore more options for styling and visuals that better align with the success criteria. Further accessibility considerations were also researched.

Pulling this back into the to-do column to be reprioritized since this was pulled in late last sprint.

KennyAtHPE commented 1 month ago

More explorations shared from Swati Desai in OH 8/8 OH discussion timestamp 3:50-14:00

halocline commented 1 month ago

More explorations shared from Swati Desai in OH 8/8

Reviewing these explorations, I am wondering how we might simplify more? It feels like we are trying to make the notification do too much work, communicate too much information, and are introducing complexity with a side drawer detail.


KennyAtHPE commented 3 weeks ago

Exploration file

Repurposed Swati and Harsha's initial 3 designs for multiple global banner notifications. Keep in mind that these are just quick explorations. Ultimately, the main goal of all these different designs are to:

I edited the original 3 options to avoid: