gromo / jquery.scrollbar

jQuery CSS Customizable Scrollbar
GNU General Public License v2.0
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CSS Transform вместо top/left #92

Open Evangeline-Rei opened 8 years ago

Evangeline-Rei commented 8 years ago

Как насчет замены способа позиционирования скроллбара на css transform (translateX/translateY) вместо свойств top/left для браузеров, которые поддерживают css transform?

Как в тех же образцах!examples

В каких-то местах это может уменьшить количество лагов

gromo commented 8 years ago

Не думаю, что лаги связаны именно с этим - там больше вероятность bottle neck в цикле в 300мс

Evangeline-Rei commented 8 years ago

Я это просто к тому, что это работает быстрее в любом случае ( ), сам неоднократно проверил и использовал

Я говорю даже не о конкретном лаге скролла или его элементов, а про просадки фпс на тяжелых страницах

arturparkhisenko commented 8 years ago

@gromo what about (replace 300ms cycle) with detach rAF callback on element destroy, or it'll would be better if this plugin will have an option what method it should use (like timer: 'setTimeout' //default or 'requestAnimationFrame'), also i'm not sure but maybe it'll require a something like throttling that. Also we can have option to use like: position-method: 'top-left' //default or 'transform' @gromo demo with current problem related to destroy (we need a method for that or it must be done automatically, or it's just a bug inside updateScrollbars function):

gromo commented 8 years ago

@Evangeline-Rei Наверное можно сделать, и я бы даже попытался, будь у меня свободное время. Но работа и семья на первом месте. Готов смержить Pull Request с изменениями ;)

gromo commented 8 years ago

@arturparkhisenko I'm not sure about rAF and not sure about mentioned issue. Why not call $('main').scrollbar('destroy'); before you remove element? updateScrollbars function is run even if no scrollbars are initialized - it's just like background task.

arturparkhisenko commented 8 years ago

@gromo about destroy, i got this error:

// line 128: this.scrollx.scroll.removeClass('scroll-scrollx_visible').find('div').andSelf()...
VM10061:1 Uncaught TypeError: this.scrollx.scroll.removeClass(...).find(...).andSelf is not a function(…)

andSelf is deprecated from jQuery version: 1.8, we should use addBack Maybe we'll switch to a new method and add a little fallback? it was removed in 3.0.0 Doc's: old andSelf and new addBack I can make a pull request, with a check to support old and new/future versions of jQ 🆕 ; Look at this pls, if you have a free time, currently i just can't disable already inited scrollbar (case with a modal dialog and i must prevent scrolling background behind it);

gromo commented 8 years ago

I'm going to update andSelf to addBack. Thank you for your report. I think it's better to change this line directly in your JS file for now.

arturparkhisenko commented 8 years ago

@gromo found in

var oldSelf = jQuery.fn.andSelf || jQuery.fn.addBack;

jQuery.fn.andSelf = function() {
    migrateWarn( "jQuery.fn.andSelf() replaced by jQuery.fn.addBack()" );
    return oldSelf.apply( this, arguments );