grondilu / libdigest-raku

Raku implementation of various digests
Artistic License 2.0
27 stars 42 forks source link

Not passing tests in Ubuntu 20, openssl 1.1.1f #27

Open JJ opened 1 year ago

JJ commented 1 year ago

This is what it says

[Digest] Cannot unbox 65 bit wide bigint into native integer
[Digest]   in sub rotl at /home/jmerelo/.zef/tmp/Digest%3Aver%3C0.7.3%3E%3Aauth%3Cgithub%3Agrondilu%3E.tar.gz/libdigest-raku-master/lib/Digest/RIPEMD.rakumod (Digest::RIPEMD) line 12
[Digest]   in block  at /home/jmerelo/.zef/tmp/Digest%3Aver%3C0.7.3%3E%3Aauth%3Cgithub%3Agrondilu%3E.tar.gz/libdigest-raku-master/lib/Digest/RIPEMD.rakumod (Digest::RIPEMD) line 71
[Digest]   in sub rmd160 at /home/jmerelo/.zef/tmp/Digest%3Aver%3C0.7.3%3E%3Aauth%3Cgithub%3Agrondilu%3E.tar.gz/libdigest-raku-master/lib/Digest/RIPEMD.rakumod (Digest::RIPEMD) line 62
[Digest]   in sub rmd160 at /home/jmerelo/.zef/tmp/Digest%3Aver%3C0.7.3%3E%3Aauth%3Cgithub%3Agrondilu%3E.tar.gz/libdigest-raku-master/lib/Digest/RIPEMD.rakumod (Digest::RIPEMD) line 10
[Digest]   in block <unit> at t/ripemd.t line 18
JJ commented 1 year ago

I have been trying to fork and figure it out, but it's just impossible, I'm afraid.

grondilu commented 1 year ago

Could be due to the latest commit. I'll see if I can reproduce the error from a vm of ubuntu 20.

JJ commented 1 year ago

It seems to be failing when installed as a dependency, but not if installed directly. Weird.