groovy / groovy-eclipse

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Test Errors in groovy-ecliplse-compiler with OpenJDK11 #1078

Closed ochstobi closed 4 years ago

ochstobi commented 4 years ago


I try to migrate from Java 8 to 11 and get an error in my groovy test classes that seems to be related to the groovy-eclipse-compiler. Executing the Tests in Java8 is fine. But when I execute them with Java11 I get the following error:

[ERROR] testSingletonFail  Time elapsed: 0.009 s  <<< FAILURE!
org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Unexpected exception type thrown
==> expected: <java.lang.IllegalStateException> but was: <java.lang.AbstractMethodError>
         at TestSpringBeanScopeChecker.testSingletonFail(TestSpringBeanScopeChecker.groovy:22)
 Caused by: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: Receiver class
 TestSpringBeanScopeChecker does not define or inherit an
 implementation of the resolved method 'abstract java.lang.Object
 getProperty(java.lang.String)' of interface groovy.lang.GroovyObject.
         at TestSpringBeanScopeChecker.testSingletonFail(TestSpringBeanScopeChecker.groovy:22)

When executing the tests in Intellij it passes. This is due I don't have configured groovy-eclipse-compiler in Intellij. When executing maven from command line the error appers because I use the groovy-eclipse-compiler.

Here is the test class and the scrope checker method:

class TestSpringBeanScopeChecker {
    ApplicationContext ctx

    void testSingletonFail() {
        Assertions.assertThrows(IllegalStateException.class) {
            SpringBeanScopeChecker.check(ctx, DummyPrototype.class, BeanDefinition.SCOPE_SINGLETON)
public static void check(ApplicationContext ctx, Class<?> type, String scope)
            throws IllegalStateException {

        AbstractApplicationContext actx = (ctx instanceof AbstractApplicationContext) ? 
                ((AbstractApplicationContext) ctx) : 
                new StaticApplicationContext(ctx);

        ConfigurableListableBeanFactory factory = actx.getBeanFactory();

        for (String key : ctx.getBeanNamesForType(type)) {
            BeanDefinition definition = factory.getMergedBeanDefinition(key);

            if (!scope.equals(definition.getScope())) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Every spring bean "
                                + "must be request scoped in the bean configuration. The current scope is: "
                                + definition.getScope());
eric-milles commented 4 years ago

Can you include your POM as well? Groovy 3 gave some groovy.lang.GroovyObject methods a default implementation, which would prevent Groovy 3 compiled code from running on a previous runtime version. This is probably the cause of your AbstractMethodError.

Groovy 2.5's GroovyObject vs. Groovy 3+'s GroovyObject

ochstobi commented 4 years ago

It is a bit unsorted because I copied it from different parent POMs, but I think this is all the relevant groovy stuff:

        <compilerVersion>${jdkVersion}</compilerVersion> <!-- 11 -->
        <compilerId>${mavenCompilerId}</compilerId> <!-- groovy-eclipse-compiler -->


            <!-- commented out -->
                <version>${groovy.version}</version> <!-- 2.5.10 inherited from spring -->

    <version>${groovy.version}</version> <!-- 2.5.10 inherited from spring -->
eric-milles commented 4 years ago

You are compiling with groovy-eclipse-batch 3.0.1-01 and running with groovy runtime 2.5.10. These should be matched up, so either batch 2.5.10-0x and runtime 2.5.10 or batch 3.0.1-0x and runtime 3.0.x.

vitalii-c commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for pointing that "groovy-eclipse-batch" should correspond to groovy-all version. I have spent hours until found this post.

My current working setup for mixing both java and groovy code is below, before i've always end up with

00:48 $ tree -L 4 src/
└── main
    ├── groovy
    │   └── com
    │       └── example
    └── java
        └── com
            └── example

7 directories, 0 files
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AbstractMethodError: com.example.fieldsgroovy.entity.Entity.getProperty(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object;
    at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.PogoGetPropertySite.getProperty(
    at org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.callsite.AbstractCallSite.callGroovyObjectGetProperty(
    at com.example.fieldsgroovy.service.AppGroovy.main(AppGroovy.groovy:7)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""


                for shared jenkins shared library testing
        <!--           <batch.version>3.0.8-01</batch.version>-->

                <!--          >
                    <!--                    <compilerArguments>-->
                    <!--                        <javaAgentClass>lombok.launch.Agent</javaAgentClass>-->
                    <!--                    </compilerArguments>-->
                    <!--                    <fork>true</fork>-->