grosser / i18n_data

Ruby: country/language names and 2-letter-code pairs, in 85 languages, for country/language i18n
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French countries (and maybe others) are not titleized #6

Closed Kulgar closed 8 years ago

Kulgar commented 10 years ago

Hi! :)

It seems that French countries are not titleized when you do:

> I18nData.languages("FR")
=> {"AA"=>"afar", "AB"=>"abkhaze", "AF"=>"afrikaans", "AK"=>"akan", "SQ"=>"albanais", "AM"=>"amharique", "AR"=>"arabe", "AN"=>"aragonais", "HY"=>"arménien", "AS"=>"assamais", "AV"=>"avar", "AE"=>"avestique", "AY"=>"aymara", "AZ"=>"azéri", "BA"=>"bachkir", "BM"=>"bambara", "EU"=>"basque", "BE"=>"biélorusse", "BN"=>"bengali", "BH"=>"biharies, langues", "BI"=>"bichlamar", "BS"=>"bosniaque", "BR"=>"breton", "BG"=>"bulgare", "MY"=>"birman", "CA"=>"catalan", "CH"=>"chamorro", "CE"=>"tchétchène", "ZH"=>"chinois", "CU"=>"Church Slavic; Old Slavonic; Church Slavonic; Old Bulgarian; Old Church Slavonic", "CV"=>"tchouvache", "KW"=>"cornique", "CO"=>"corse", "CR"=>"cree", "CS"=>"tchèque", "DA"=>"danois", "DV"=>"maldivien", "NL"=>"néerlandais", "DZ"=>"dzongkha", "EN"=>"anglais", "EO"=>"espéranto", "ET"=>"estonien", "EE"=>"éwé", "FO"=>"féroïen", "FJ"=>"fidjien", "FI"=>"finnois", "FR"=>"français", "FY"=>"frison occidental", "FF"=>"peul", "KA"=>"géorgien", "DE"=>"allemand", "GD"=>"gaélique ; gaélique écossais", "GA"=>"irlandais", "GL"=>"galicien", "GV"=>"mannois ; manx", "EL"=>"grec moderne (après 1453)", "GN"=>"guarani", "GU"=>"gujarati", "HT"=>"haïtien ; créole haïtien", "HA"=>"haoussa", "HE"=>"hébreu", "HZ"=>"herero", "HI"=>"hindi", "HO"=>"hiri motu", "HR"=>"croate", "HU"=>"hongrois", "IG"=>"igbo", "IS"=>"islandais", "IO"=>"ido", "II"=>"yi de Sichuan", "IU"=>"inuktitut", "IE"=>"interlingue", "IA"=>"interlingua (langue auxiliaire internationale)", "ID"=>"indonésien", "IK"=>"inupiaq", "IT"=>"italien", "JV"=>"javanais", "JA"=>"japonais", "KL"=>"groenlandais", "KN"=>"kannada", "KS"=>"kashmiri", "KR"=>"kanouri", "KK"=>"kazakh", "KM"=>"khmer central", "KI"=>"kikuyu", "RW"=>"rwanda", "KY"=>"kirghiz", "KV"=>"komi", "KG"=>"kongo", "KO"=>"coréen", "KJ"=>"kuanyama", "KU"=>"kurde", "LO"=>"lao", "LA"=>"latin", "LV"=>"letton", "LI"=>"limbourgeois", "LN"=>"lingala", "LT"=>"lituanien", "LB"=>"luxembourgeois", "LU"=>"luba-katanga", "LG"=>"ganda", "MK"=>"macédonien", "MH"=>"marshall", "ML"=>"malayalam", "MI"=>"maori", "MR"=>"marathe", "MS"=>"malais", "MG"=>"malgache", "MT"=>"maltais", "MO"=>"moldave", "MN"=>"mongol", "NA"=>"nauruan", "NV"=>"navaho", "NR"=>"ndébélé du Sud", "ND"=>"ndébélé du Nord", "NG"=>"ndonga", "NE"=>"népalais", "NN"=>"norvégien nynorsk", "NB"=>"norvégien Bokmål", "NO"=>"norvégien", "NY"=>"nyanja", "OC"=>"occitan (après 1500)", "OJ"=>"ojibwa", "OR"=>"oriya", "OM"=>"galla", "OS"=>"ossète", "PA"=>"pendjabi", "FA"=>"persan", "PI"=>"pali", "PL"=>"polonais", "PT"=>"portugais", "PS"=>"pachto", "QU"=>"quechua", "RM"=>"romanche", "RO"=>"roumain", "RN"=>"rundi", "RU"=>"russe", "SG"=>"sango", "SA"=>"sanskrit", "SI"=>"singhalais", "SK"=>"slovaque", "SL"=>"slovène", "SE"=>"sami du Nord", "SM"=>"samoan", "SN"=>"shona", "SD"=>"sindhi", "SO"=>"somali", "ST"=>"sotho du Sud", "ES"=>"castillan", "SC"=>"sarde", "SR"=>"serbe", "SS"=>"swati", "SU"=>"soundanais", "SW"=>"swahili", "SV"=>"suédois", "TY"=>"tahitien", "TA"=>"tamoul", "TT"=>"tatar", "TE"=>"télougou", "TG"=>"tadjik", "TL"=>"tagalog", "TH"=>"thaï", "BO"=>"tibétain", "TI"=>"tigrigna", "TO"=>"tongan (Îles Tonga)", "TN"=>"tswana", "TS"=>"tsonga", "TK"=>"turkmène", "TR"=>"turc", "TW"=>"twi", "UG"=>"ouïgour", "UK"=>"ukrainien", "UR"=>"ourdou", "UZ"=>"ouszbek", "VE"=>"venda", "VI"=>"vietnamien", "VO"=>"volapük", "CY"=>"gallois", "WA"=>"wallon", "WO"=>"wolof", "XH"=>"xhosa", "YI"=>"yiddish", "YO"=>"yoruba", "ZA"=>"zhuang", "ZU"=>"zoulou"}

And so when you want to get the language code from the country you have to downcase it, like so:

> I18nData.language_code("japonais")
=> "JA"
# But in english: 
> I18nData.language_code("japanese")
=> nil
> I18nData.language_code("Japanese")
=> "JA"

Otherwise it returns nil. But for other languages like English, it works when the language is titleized... This bug may also be for other languages.

Could it be fixed for French? Thanks :)


grosser commented 10 years ago

Should be as simple as downcasing everything and comparing based on downcased, PR welcome!

Kulgar commented 10 years ago

Great! I'll try to do a PR soon then :)

yld commented 8 years ago



returns languages names not country names.

Furthermore french spelling disallow titleized languages names. On the other hand, in english you should titleize languages names.

So everything is correct.

grosser commented 8 years ago

thx for the info :D

Kulgar commented 8 years ago

@yld : you are absolutely right °° I don't remember what was wrong for me actually at that time... So, never mind :)