grote / osm2gtfs

Turn OpenStreetMap data and schedule information into GTFS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cache based on config file, not selector to support different agencies per city #155

Open amenk opened 4 years ago

amenk commented 4 years ago

In Addis Ababa we have different agencies (short codes AB, SH + lightrail + minibusses)

We believe should run osm2gtfs with 4 different config files.

I created two of them here:

config_AB.json config_SH.json

The problem here is, that if I run osm2gtfs with those configs, the output is exactly the same unless I use --refresh-all.

I assume this happens because the same cache is used.

To avoid this I tried to create different folders per agency (which makes sense as at least for minibus the generation will be different)

But now I get

"ERROR:root:No schedule source found."

So it does not seem to use the proper classes.

Questions I have:

pantierra commented 4 years ago

Hi @amenk, I would try to create on config file for all four agencies? Or do you actually need four separate GTFS files?

Regarding the schedule: what time information do you have available?

amenk commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to create one GTFS file with different agencies? That could work ..

We don't have any exact schedule available. Just operation times.

And for minibusses it's more like GTFS flex

pantierra commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to create one GTFS file with different agencies?

Sure, you are relatively free to select the tags you want for querying OSM.

We don't have any exact schedule available. Just operation times. And for minibusses it's more like GTFS flex.

Currently we dont have any support for GTFS flex. And most cities here, built up an imaginary schedule from frequencies. In case of Accra the frequency info was added to OSM and is being picket up in the custom Accra creator. The Nicaragua providers have the information in some spreadsheet and mock-up the schedule file osm2gtfs has asked you for.

amenk commented 1 year ago

But the agency name is defined in the config - is it possible to have different agencies in one config file? Another option might be to pull the agency name from OSM tags, or threat the whole network as one agency ( and just add the name of the operator in the trips?