Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 year ago
(async () => { const process = require('process'); const fs = require('fs'); const child = require('child_process'); const { rword } = require('rword'); const path = require('path'); const readline = require('readline/promises').createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout }); rword.load('big'); function createProjectId() { const word1 = rword.generate(1, { length: 4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) }); const word2 = rword.generate(1, { length: 4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * (30 - 8 - word1.length - 4)) }); return `${word1}-${word2}-${Math.floor(99999 + Math.random() * 900001)}`; } const exec = (command) => child.execSync(command, { stdio: 'inherit' }); function versionTest({ name, download = undefined, command = undefined, fail = true }) { command = command || `${name} --version`; if (!/\d+\.\d/.test(child.execSync(command))) { if (fail) { console.error( `${name} is required${download ? `, install from ${download}` : ''}` ); process.exit(1); } else { return false; } } return true; } // TODO configure project name const appName = 'Blackbaud-to-Google Group Sync'; // TODO configure project ID const projectId = createProjectId(); const flags = '--quiet --format=json'; const flagsWithProject = `${flags} --project=${projectId}`; function gcloud(command, withProjectId = true) { let actualFlags = flagsWithProject; if (withProjectId === null) { actualFlags = ''; } else if (actualFlags === false) { actualFlags = flags; } const result = child.execSync(`gcloud ${command} ${actualFlags} `); try { return JSON.parse(result); } catch (e) { return result; } } async function choiceFrom({ prompt, list, display, defaultChoice = 1 }) { switch (list.length) { case 0: throw new Error('empty list'); case 1: defaultChoice = 1; break; default: if (defaultChoice > list.length) { defaultChoice = undefined; } } console.log(prompt); list.forEach((item, i) => console.log(` ${i}. ${item[display]}`)); let choice; let question = `(${defaultChoice > 1 ? 1 : '[1]'}-${defaultChoice < list.length ? `[${defaultChoice}]` : '' }-${defaultChoice === list.length ? `[${defaultChoice}]` : list.length})`; do { choice = await readline.question(question); if (choice.length) { choice = (parseInt(choice) || 0) - 1; } else { choice = defaultChoice - 1; } } while (choice < 0 || choice >= list.length); return list[choice]; } async function nonEmpty({ prompt }) { let response; do { response = await readline.question(prompt); } while (response.length === 0); return response; } async function untilBlank({ prompt }) { const responses = []; let response; do { response = await readline.question(`${prompt} [<Enter> to end]`); if (response.length > 0) { responses.push(response); } } while (response.length > 0); return responses; } // set project root as cwd process.chdir(path.join(__dirname, '..')); // test for CLI dependencies versionTest({ name: 'npm', download: '' }); versionTest({ name: 'composer', download: '' }); versionTest({ name: 'gcloud', download: '' }); const pnpm = versionTest({ name: 'pnpm', dowload: '', fail: false }); // install dependencies exec(`${pnpm ? 'pnpm' : 'npm'} install`); exec('composer install'); // create a new project let response = gcloud( `projects create --name="${appName}" ${projectId}`, false ); if (/error/i.test(response)) { console.error(response); process.exit(1); } // enable billing gcloud(`components install beta`, null); const accountId = path.basename( ( await choiceFrom({ prompt: 'Select a billing account for this project', list: gcloud(`beta billing accounts list --filter=open=true`), display: 'displayName' }) ).name ); gcloud( `beta billing projects link ${projectId} --billing-account="${accountId}`, false ); // enable APIs gcloud(`services enable`); gcloud(`services enable`); gcloud(`services enable`); gcloud(`services enable`); gcloud(`services enable`); // configure workspace admin as owner // TODO output directions/links const googleDelegatedAdmin = await readline.question( 'Enter the Google ID for a Workspace Admin who will delegate authority for this app' ); gcloud( `projects add-iam-policy-binding ${projectId} --member="user:${googleDelegatedAdmin}" --role="roles/owner"`, false ); // create App Engine instance // TODO set default region us-east4 const region = await choiceFrom({ prompt: 'Select a region for the app engine instance', list: gcloud(`app regions list`), display: 'region' }).region; gcloud(`app create --region=${region}`); const url = `https://${gcloud(`app describe`).defaultHostname}`; fs.writeFileSync( '.env', `PROJECT=${projectId} URL=${url}` ); // create default instance so IAP can be configured exec(`npm run build`); exec(`npm run deploy`); // configure IAP (and OAuth consent screen) const supportEmail = await nonEmpty({ prompt: 'Enter a support email address for the app' }); const brand = gcloud( `iap oauth-brands create --application_title${appName} --support_email=${supportEmail}` ).name; const oauth = gcloud( `iap oauth-clients create ${brand} --display_name=IAP-App-Engine-app` ); gcloud( `iap web enable --resource-type=app-engine --oauth2-client-id=${path.basename( )} --oauth2-client-secret=${oauth.secret}` ); ( await untilBlank({ prompt: 'Email address of user who can access the app interface' }) ).forEach((userEmail) => gcloud( `projects add-iam-policy-binding ${projectId} --member="user:${userEmail}" --role="roles/iap.httpsResourceAccessor"`, false ) ); // configure Blackbaud SKY app const blackbaudAccessKey = await nonEmpty({ prompt: 'Enter a subscription access key from' }); console.log('Create a new app at'); const blackbaudClientId = await nonEmpty({ prompt: "Enter the app's OAuth client ID" }); const blackbaudClientSecret = await nonEmpty({ prompt: "Enter one of the app's OAuth secrets" }); const blackbaudRedirectUrl = `${url}/redirect`; console.log(`Configure ${blackbaudRedirectUrl} as the app's redirect URL`); // TODO pause here? // TODO directions for limiting scope of app // configure delegated admin service account const serviceAccount = gcloud( `iam service-accounts create ${appName .toLowerCase() .replace(/[^a-z]/g, '-') .replace(/--/g, '-')} --display-name="Google Delegated Admin"` ); console.log( `${googleDelegatedAdmin} needs to follow the directions at` ); const credentials = `${serviceAccount.uniqueId}.json`; gcloud( `iam service-accounts keys create ${credentials} --iam-account=${}` ); console.log(`The Service Account Unique ID is ${serviceAccount.uniqueId}`); // TODO pause here? // store secrets exec( `echo "${blackbaudAccessKey}" | gcloud secrets create BLACKBAUD_ACCESS_KEY --data-file=- ${flagsWithProject}` ); exec( `echo "null" | gcloud secrets create BLACKBAUD_API_TOKEN --data-file=- ${flagsWithProject}` ); exec( `echo "${blackbaudClientId}" | gcloud secrets create BLACKBAUD_CLIENT_ID --data-file=- ${flagsWithProject}` ); exec( `echo "${blackbaudClientSecret}" | gcloud secrets create BLACKBAUD_CLIENT_SECRET --data-file=- ${flagsWithProject}` ); exec( `echo "${blackbaudRedirectUrl}" | gcloud secrets create BLACKBAUD_REDIRECT_URL --data-file=- ${flagsWithProject}` ); gcloud(`secrets create GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS --data-file=${credentials}`); fs.unlinkSync(credentials); exec( `echo "${googleDelegatedAdmin}" | gcloud secrets create GOOGLE_DELEGATED_ADMIN --data-file=- ${flagsWithProject}` ); console.log(`Authorize the app at ${url}`); // TODO pause here? // schedule daily sync // TODO configurable schedule // TODO configurable job name gcloud( `scheduler jobs create app-engine daily-blackbaud-to-google-sync --schedule="0 1 * * *" --relative-url="/sync"` ); })();
Closed in dff5afce9d18c4616c42c1e316a13fabce1fee91