Closed github-actions[bot] closed 3 months ago
import pipelineHTML from './Actions/pipelineHTML'; import Google from '@groton/'; import Index from '@groton/knowledgebase.index'; import Zip from 'adm-zip'; import crypto from 'crypto'; import events from 'events'; import mime from 'mime-types'; import path from 'path'; const DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS_REGEX = /.*/; const DEFAULT_FORCE = false; const DEFAULT_IGNORE_ERRORS = true; class File extends Index.File { public static event = new events.EventEmitter(); public async fetchAsHtmlIfPossible() { switch (this.mimeType) { case Google.MimeTypes.Doc: case Google.MimeTypes.Sheet: case Google.MimeTypes.Slides: return await this.fetchAsCompleteHtml(); case Google.MimeTypes.Shortcut: throw new Error(`${this.mimeType} isn't handled yet`); default: return { '.': ( await ( await Google.Client.getDrive() ).files.get({ fileId:!, alt: 'media' }) ).data }; } } protected async fetchAsCompleteHtml(): Promise<Record<string, Blob>> { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { const response = await ( await Google.Client.getDrive() ).files.export({ fileId:!, mimeType: 'application/zip' }); const zip = new Zip( Buffer.from(await ( as Blob).arrayBuffer()) ); const blobs: Record<string, Blob> = {}; zip.getEntries().forEach((entry) => { const data = zip.readFile(entry); if (data) { blobs[entry.entryName] = new Blob([data], { type: mime.contentType( || undefined }); } }); resolve(blobs); } catch (error) { reject(error); } }); } protected static normalizeSubfileName(basePath: string, subfileName: string) { if (subfileName == '.') { return basePath; } if (/\.html$/.test(subfileName)) { subfileName = 'index.html'; } return path.join(basePath, subfileName); } private async exponentialBackoff( action: Function, ignoreErrors = DEFAULT_IGNORE_ERRORS, retries = 5, lastTimeout = 0 ) { try { await action(); return; } catch (_e) { const error = _e as { code?: number; message?: string }; if (error.code == 503 && retries > 0) { File.event.emit( File.Event.Start, `${this.index.path} (${retries} retries left)` ); const timeout = lastTimeout ? lastTimeout * 2 : crypto.randomInt(50, 100); setTimeout( () => this.exponentialBackoff(action, ignoreErrors, retries - 1, timeout), timeout ); } else { this.index.status = error.message || JSON.stringify(error); File.event.emit( File.Event.Fail, `${this.index.path}: ${error.message} (driveId ${})` ); if (!ignoreErrors) { throw error; } } } } /** * Backwards-compatible with naming scheme */ protected static normalizeFilename(filename: string): string { return filename! .replace('&', 'and') .replace(/[^a-z0-9()!@*_.]+/gi, '-') .replace(/-+$/, '') .toLowerCase(); } /** * TODO _re_ index non-destructively * TODO delete/rename cached files */ public async indexContents(): Promise<File[]> { if (this.isFolder()) { let contents: File[] = []; let folderContents: Google.Drive.drive_v3.Schema$FileList = {}; const fileFactory = new Index.FileFactory(File); do { folderContents = ( await ( await Google.Client.getDrive() ).files.list({ q: `'${}' in parents and trashed = false`, supportsAllDrives: true, pageToken: folderContents?.nextPageToken || undefined }) ).data; if (folderContents.files?.length) { for (const item of folderContents.files) { if (! { throw new Error(`${} is unnamed`); } File.event.emit( File.Event.Start, path.join(this.index.path, ); const file = await fileFactory.fromDriveId(!, new Index.IndexEntry(this.index.path) ); file.index = new Index.IndexEntry( path.join(this.index.path, File.normalizeFilename( ); if (file.isFolder()) { contents.push(file); contents.push(...(await file.indexContents())); } else { contents.push(file); } File.event.emit(File.Event.Succeed, file.index.path); } } } while (folderContents.nextPageToken); return contents; } } /** * Cache Drive file as complete web archive in Cloud Storage Bucket * * FIXME need to purge expired files from Cloud Storage as well as upload new files */ public async cache({ bucketName, permissionsRegex = DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS_REGEX, force = DEFAULT_FORCE, ignoreErrors = DEFAULT_IGNORE_ERRORS }: File.Params.Cache) { if (!this.isFolder()) { const bucket = Google.Client.getStorage().bucket(bucketName); if (!this.index.exists) { await this.exponentialBackoff(async () => { for (const uri of this.index.uri) { const filePath = uri.substr(`gs://${bucketName}/`.length); File.event.emit(File.Event.Start, filePath); const file = bucket.file(filePath); await file.delete(); File.event.emit( File.Event.Fail, `${filePath}: expired and deleted` ); } File.event.emit( File.Event.Fail, `${this.index.path}: expired and deleted` ); }, ignoreErrors); } else if ( force || this.index.uri.length == 0 || (this.modifiedTime && this.modifiedTime > this.index.timestamp) ) { this.index.status = Index.IndexEntry.State.PreparingCache; await this.exponentialBackoff(async () => { const files = await this.fetchAsHtmlIfPossible(); for (const subfileName in files) { await this.exponentialBackoff(async () => { let filename = File.normalizeSubfileName( this.index.path, subfileName ); File.event.emit(File.Event.Start, filename); const file = bucket.file(filename); const blob = await pipelineHTML({ file: this, blob: (files as Record<string, Blob>)[subfileName] // TODO better fix than manual typing }); blob.arrayBuffer())); this.index.uri.push(file.cloudStorageURI.href); File.event.emit(File.Event.Succeed, filename); }, ignoreErrors); } this.index.status = Index.IndexEntry.State.Cached; }, ignoreErrors); } } } public async resetPermissions({ bucketName, permissionsRegex = DEFAULT_PERMISSIONS_REGEX, ignoreErrors = DEFAULT_IGNORE_ERRORS }: File.Params.Cache) { const bucket = Google.Client.getStorage().bucket(bucketName); for (const uri of this.index.uri) { const filePath = uri.replace(/^gs:\/\/[^/]+\//, ''); File.event.emit(File.Event.Succeed, filePath); const file = bucket.file(filePath); for (const permission of this.permissions!.filter( (p) => p.emailAddress && new RegExp(permissionsRegex || '.*').test(p.emailAddress) )) { File.event.emit(File.Event.Start, ` ${permission.displayName}`); let entity: string; switch (permission.type) { case 'group': entity = `group-${permission.emailAddress}`; break; case 'user': entity = `user-${permission.emailAddress}`; break; default: throw new Error(`Cannot handle permission type ${permission.type}`); } if (entity) { await this.exponentialBackoff(async () => { await file.acl.add({ entity, role: Google.Storage.acl.READER_ROLE }); File.event.emit(File.Event.Succeed, ` ${entity}`); }, ignoreErrors); } else { File.event.emit(File.Event.Fail, ` ${}`); } } } this.index.update(); } } namespace File { export namespace Event { export const Start = 'start'; export const Succeed = 'succeed'; export const Fail = 'fail'; } export namespace Params { export type Cache = { bucketName: string; permissionsRegex?: string | RegExp; force?: boolean; ignoreErrors?: boolean; }; } } export default File;