groue / GRDB.swift

A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
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GRDB 6 missing DatabasePool/DatabaseQueue interchangeability #1541

Closed freak4pc closed 1 month ago

freak4pc commented 2 months ago

What did you do?

I upgraded from GRDB 5.26.0 to 6.27.0, mostly seamlessly :)

What did you expect to happen?

We have some wrapper code that keeps the databaseWriter in following property:

var dbWriter: any GRDB.DatabaseWriter

Then, in our production code we use a DatabasePool, but in tests we would sometimes swap to an in-memory DatabaseQueue.

This worked fine in GRDB 5 and I hoped it would behave the same in 6.

What happened instead?

The compiler complains that certain pieces like ValueObservation or DatabaseMigrator expect a some DatabaseWriter and not any DatabaseWriter, like so:



GRDB flavor(s): GRDB GRDB version: 6.27.0 Installation method: SPM over Tuist Xcode version: 15.3 Swift version: 5.10 Platform(s) running GRDB: iOS macOS version running Xcode: Sonoma

Demo Project

Doesn't seem needed in this case

groue commented 2 months ago

Thank you @freak4pc for reporting this issue.

It looks that some auditing should be done indeed. Those are APIs I rarely use myself in this way, so I did not notice the problem.

I'll make an exhaustive list of methods that accept a generic DatabaseWriter or Reader.

I don't quite get why SE-0352 does not apply, though.

In the linked proposal text, search for "In the existing language, one could implement a shim..." The described technique will give you the needed workaround until GRDB7 can do what is needed so that no one faces the same issue as you do.

freak4pc commented 1 month ago

This section even more explicitly states you should be able to move from any to some and back, any chance this could be a bug?

groue commented 1 month ago

This section even more explicitly states you should be able to move from any to some and back, any chance this could be a bug?

I'll open a Github issue in the Swift repo if something does not behave as described by the proposal, yes. I'll need a closer look. Meanwhile, we just need GRDB users to be able to use any DatabaseWriter freely, since this is how we can use a pool in the app, and a queue in tests and previews. That's what's important.

(I'm late in my answer because I was in vacations 😎)

groue commented 1 month ago

Hello @freak4pc,

I listed all GRDB apis that accept a DatabaseWriter or DatabaseReader in a generic fashion (some DatabaseReader instead of any DatabaseReader), and gave them an existential. I got no compiler error, from Xcode 15.4 to Xcode 15.0.

In particular, this code compiles, which is as close as possible as your sample code:

func testValuesFromAnyDatabaseWriter(writer: any DatabaseWriter) {
    func observe<T>(
        fetch: @Sendable @escaping (GRDB.Database) throws -> T
    ) throws -> AsyncValueObservation<T> {
        let observation = ValueObservation.tracking(fetch)
        return observation.values(in: writer)

All the GRDB demo apps use a common pattern, with a "manager" type that hides an any DatabaseWriter and exposes an any DatabaseReader:

public struct MyDatabaseManager {
    // Hidden because responsible of database integrity
    private let writer: DatabaseWriter

    // Public because reading can't harm
    public var reader: DatabaseReader { writer }

Those demo apps observe the database from this reader without any compiler error.

I'm not sure how you were able to get this compiler error.

EDIT: CI fails. I'll see what's wrong.

EDIT 2: Just a false positive timeout.

I'm closing this issue. There's no problem with DatabasePool/DatabaseQueue interchangeability via DatabaseWriter existential.

freak4pc commented 2 weeks ago

I missed this being closed, apologies. I'm still able to reproduce this on an entirely brand new project, example:


Attaching the project, i might be missing something:

groue commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you, @freak4pc, for the sample project. Now everything is clear :-)

I recommend you open an issue at, because the compiler does not handle implicitly unwrapped optionals (IUOs) correctly. It would not be reasonable to ask GRDB and all libraries that rely on SE-0352 to avoid generics just because all library users can use IUOs - the root problem lies in the compiler, which was delivered in an incomplete state.

I know two workarounds. The first, at call site:

// Temporary variable that fixes a compiler bug
let writer: DatabaseWriter = dbWriter
return observation.values(in: writer)

The other redefines the property:

private var dbWriter: DatabaseWriter { _dbWriter }
private var _dbWriter: DatabaseWriter!

func setup() {
    _dbWriter = ...

I might have to document one of those patterns, though. I'd favor the second.

groue commented 2 weeks ago

I recommend you open an issue at

I filed

freak4pc commented 2 weeks ago

Was just about to file something, thank you for doing it 🙌 I'll follow there