groundwater / jobs

Review for Inclusive and Diverse Job Postings
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Creative Mastery #4

Open qianapatterson opened 7 years ago

qianapatterson commented 7 years ago

Could you give me an example or two of what this might be? Is it okay to assume this might be something that I don't do as a function of my job, but something I just love doing in my own spare time?

groundwater commented 7 years ago

Hey @qianapatterson thanks for having a look.

I intentionally left that one open ended, but I've had mixed feelings on it. Some folks have really enjoyed seeing that question, while others get nervous.

In my mind, I just mean some skill (technical or non-technical) that you have mastered, and can express creativity with. This might include artistic skill, technical, or even physical.

My intention with the question is to have folks "show off" their ability to master a topic.

groundwater commented 7 years ago

I actually had an update that removed it.

What did you think of the question overall? Better left out?