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Converting process from C# to .NET #22

Closed astouffer23 closed 2 years ago

astouffer23 commented 2 years ago

I wrote a process to crawl through a shared file repo,locate all pdf,xls,xlsx,dwg files and merge them into one master pdf.

The process works as intended in C#. Example would be 3 pdf documents (1.pdf, 2.pdf, 3.pdf)


This is not working in VB.NET. The end file that is output is only one page (the first page).


Apologies for the images and not the code, pasting code in here was not formatting correctly.

astouffer23 commented 2 years ago


Removed some of the logic for clarity. This is not saving all files in final save.

astouffer23 commented 2 years ago

image Another example of it not working in VB.NET.

astouffer23 commented 2 years ago

I'm wondering if this is more of a licensing issue than anything, as the process works in the first app I developed and only returns one sheet in every application I have built after (through testing of this process).

I created a new Windows Forms .NET C# solution with the same code that works in the first application, yet it also is only returning one page.

My Company is still using the trial version & will be looking to purchase. We would like to be able to change the application that this license is tied to. How do we get that done?

atirtahirgroupdocs commented 2 years ago


Do you see a trial badge or evaluation limitation mark on the generated/output page? However, we'd recommend you to always post such issues on our free support forum.

astouffer23 commented 2 years ago

@atirtahirgroupdocs , thanks for the reply. Wasn't sure appropriate way to contact for trial use prior to purchase. Some companies have teams to assist with config during that time.

No trial badge or eval mark. 1111.5in thick anodize clip_80-20.pdf above is what spits out when I attempt to run this process in any application aside from the first one I tested in, using the following code, which should have two pages: image

atirtahirgroupdocs commented 2 years ago


I created a new Windows Forms .NET C# solution with the same code that works in the first application, yet it also is only returning one page.

Could you please share a sample application using that issue could be reproduced?

astouffer23 commented 2 years ago


I've attempted to upload, but running into file size limitations.

This is essentially the entire code. Even if I don't set license rights it still only spits out one page.


astouffer23 commented 2 years ago

astouffer23 commented 2 years ago

I believe the issue is with release GroupDocs.Merger 22.4.0 FYI. Works as intended (both in C# and visual basic) when I roll back to 22.1.0.

atirtahirgroupdocs commented 2 years ago


This issue is reproduced at our end using latest API version. Therefore, we have logged it in our internal issue tracking system with ID MERGERNET-1231. You'll be notified in case of any update. Thanks

atirtahirgroupdocs commented 2 years ago


This issue is now fixed. Please try with API version 22.5.