groupeLIAMG / ttcr

Codes to do raytracing for geophysical applications
GNU General Public License v3.0
85 stars 33 forks source link

Discussion: Tomography #57

Closed makeabhishek closed 1 year ago

makeabhishek commented 1 year ago

Hi, I saw that ttcr can perform ray tracing in complex topography. I'm wondering if there is any example available to perform tomography to obtain the inverted velocity model? Furthermore, if there is any example for reflection, refraction and joint tomography? Kindly advise!

Looking forward for a response.

Thanks Abhi

bernard-giroux commented 1 year ago

ttcr can of course by used in tomography codes, but that's not the purpose of this package. BhTomoPy and bh_tomo are designed to do crosswell tomography. I have not developed refraction tomo codes, but I think that SimPEG or PyGIMLi can do that.