groupeLIAMG / ttcr

Codes to do raytracing for geophysical applications
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ValueError: type mismatch in tmesh.Mesh2d #65

Closed bjornrommel closed 8 months ago

bjornrommel commented 8 months ago


I get a ValueError when running your example 5 inside Spyder.

Traceback (most recent call last):

File ~\AppData\Local\Programs\Anaconda3\Lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\ in compat_exec exec(code, globals, locals)

File c:\users\bjorn\documents\projekt\ambiguity\ mesh = Mesh2d(nodes, triangles.astype(int), method='SPM', n_secondary=10, aniso='weakly_anelliptical')

File src\ttcrpy\tmesh.pyx:1228 in ttcrpy.tmesh.Mesh2d.cinit

ValueError: Buffer dtype mismatch, expected 'int64_t' but got 'long'

I am confused as Jupyter works fine???

Pylint also reports an Error

E0611(no-name-in-module) ... No name 'Mesh2d' in module 'tt.crpy.tmesh'

but that could be due to a missing' in the directory scr.


bernard-giroux commented 8 months ago


Please try editing the notebook to read

mesh = Mesh2d(nodes, triangles.astype(np.int64),

instead of

mesh = Mesh2d(nodes, triangles.astype(int),

For the second error, there must have been a . that has been added between tt and crpy, you shoud have ttcrpy