groupgets / LeptonModule

Code for getting started with the FLIR Lepton breakout board
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Output Window showing Red Patch on black Screen #90

Open sumit-mandal opened 1 year ago

sumit-mandal commented 1 year ago

I installed everything mentioned in the video guide. Installation ran successfully, but when I try to run the executable file it is showing weird red colored square on black screen. Attached output image for your reference.

192 168 68 124 (raspberrypi) - VNC Viewer 02-08-2022 14_38_12

silver2row commented 1 year ago


I am receiving the same issue. I have a the v2 version and no updated version of the hardware. This adventure into thermal imaging is neat.


I followed some instructions. Has anyone used this v2 hardware w/ a FLIR cam. via SPI on a BeagleBone Black? It seems that w/ the updated images they produce, installing qt4 is obsolete (sort of). I tried w/ some qt5 applications they provide in Debian Bullseye but I receive the black screen w/ red square also.


P.S. It seems what ever was in qt4-dev-tools was needed for this application to work correctly.

Mair commented 1 year ago

same issue here :(

Mair commented 1 year ago

Got it working by changing CE1 to CE0 but for some reason it keeps freezing. in any case a step forward

arnaud-maillard1 commented 1 year ago

Here's a history of all the instructions I've made until it worked (with small jumper wires) :

  1. Checked the connections between the camera and the RPI4.
  2. Cloned this repo for the thermal camera.
  3. Attempted image capture using the Lepton Module repo while following the GroupGets YouTube tutorial.
  4. Even after enabling Xserver for a graphical interface (Yes I use the Lite version without desktop), it was still impossible to capture an image (red square instead of the image, as shown here).
  5. I tried this tutorial found on this page :
    • Compiled the kernel from source (took the last commit of the kernel) -> successfully.
    • Failed at compiling the thermal camera driver (Command: make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build M=$PWD modules) gived in the tutorial.
  6. Changing connection of the thermal camera to the Raspberry Pi following the image at 0:06 in the video: GroupGets YouTube tutorial.
  7. Followed the GroupGets YouTube tutorial meticulously until the end. (This time on the kernel compiled from source)
  8. Finally, it worked: enter image description here

**I'd like to point out that finally when I changed the demo wires for the wires of my final system, I got the red square again...***