groupschoof / AHRD

High throughput protein function annotation with Human Readable Description (HRDs) and Gene Ontology (GO) Terms.
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Active branch to pull from? #18

Closed lucventurini closed 4 years ago

lucventurini commented 4 years ago

Dear AHRD developers, I am a bit puzzled from which branch users should pull the code from. The master branch was last updated two years ago, while there are other branches that have been updated much more frequently, even this week. Should I want to use the program, which branch should I use?

Kind regards

FlorianBoecker commented 4 years ago

Hi lucventurini!

Our master branch is indeed a bit stale in comparison to some of our current experimental branches. The latest commit in the "sem_sim_go_OWL"-branch (745bed191e00f0a8478341bfbbb4d021698af368) has newer parameter sets in the example yml-files (test/resources/ahrd_example_input.yml and test/resources/ahrd_example_input_go_prediction.yml). I recommend you pull this commit or at least use the new parameter sets. Although this branch is still experimental the main functionality to assign human readable descriptions and GO terms hasn't changed much. The main features are better training and evaluation of AHRDs parameter sets, which can only be performed with a set of ground truth proteins. So this might not be a benefit to you.

Kind regards