grover / homebridge-calendar

A calendar plugin for homebridge (, which allows flexible scheduling of triggers using any iCal calendar.
MIT License
73 stars 13 forks source link

Doubling calendar error #9

Closed Shadewing666 closed 1 year ago

Shadewing666 commented 5 years ago

Hi grover,

I'm really liking this plugin, it's really helping out.

I was trying to have the same trigger twice, once with a 0 offset and once with a -15 minute offset but as soon as I duplicate the calendar I get the following error:

[5/1/2019, 11:45:58 PM] TypeError: Cannot read property 'property' of undefined
    at Function.ICAL.parse.parser._handleContentLine (/homebridge/node_modules/ical.js/build/ical.js:1900:33)
    at /homebridge/node_modules/ical.js/build/ical.js:1732:14
    at Function.ICAL.parse.parser._eachLine (/homebridge/node_modules/ical.js/build/ical.js:2191:11)
    at Object.parser [as parse] (/homebridge/node_modules/ical.js/build/ical.js:1731:12)
    at new IcalExpander (/homebridge/node_modules/ical-expander/index.js:15:26)
    at CalendarPoller._refreshCalendar (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-calendar/src/CalendarPoller.js:69:26)
    at IncomingMessage.resp.on (/homebridge/node_modules/homebridge-calendar/src/CalendarPoller.js:54:14)
    at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:194:15)
    at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1125:12)
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:63:19)
[5/1/2019, 11:45:58 PM] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge...

I tried duping the calendar within the platform and duping the platform in the config and I get the same error.

Any ideas?

Thanks, Edward

Shadewing666 commented 1 year ago

Cleaning up my created issues. No movement on this and I no-longer use HB