grover66 / kidtimer

Script to manage computer usage by time and schedule.
18 stars 23 forks source link

Multiple issues to fix - patch provided #20

Open StoicTheVast opened 9 years ago

StoicTheVast commented 9 years ago


Thanks for the project. Unfortunately I had a number of issues getting it to work on my kids' computer (zorin-os 6, based on ubuntu 12.04 LTS).


In /usr/local/bin/kidtimer, I had to make the following changes:

Here is my patch to /usr/local/bin/kidtimer ...

--- kidtimer.orig       2014-09-23 23:53:41.970147275 +0930
+++ kidtimer.fixed      2014-09-24 00:08:35.104446943 +0930
@@ -65,11 +65,16 @@

 go_check () {
 for I in `/bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u`; do
+        # This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge.  It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.
         /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
         if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                 if [ -e $basedir/time/$I.ttl ]; then
                         C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl`
-                        C=$((C - 1))
+                        if [ $C -le 0 ]; then
+                                C=0
+                        else
+                                C=$((C - 1))
+                       fi
                         echo $C > $basedir/time/$I.ttl
                        get_ttl_time $I > $basedir/time/$I.ttl
@@ -77,8 +82,8 @@
                # check time
                if [ $C -le 5 ]; then
+                       /usr/bin/passwd $I -l
                        if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
-                               /usr/bin/passwd $I -l
                                go_logout $I
@@ -128,7 +133,13 @@
                                 /usr/bin/passwd $I -u
                                 /usr/bin/passwd $I -l
-                                /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I && /usr/local/bin/kidtimer shutdown $I
+                                # This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge.  It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.
+                                /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
+                                if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
+                                       if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
+                                               go_logout $I
+                                       fi
+                               fi
@@ -155,24 +166,45 @@
 /bin/rm -f $TMPFILE
+touch $TMPFILE
+chmod +x $TMPFILE
 echo "#!/bin/bash" > $TMPFILE
-D=`/usr/bin/who | grep $K | grep -m1 "(:" | cut -d\( -f2 | sed s/\)// | sed s/://`
+# This method to determine the correct display doesn't work, at least on zorin.
+# It only seems to detect a user who has an active shell running
+#D=`/usr/bin/who | grep $K | grep -m1 "(:" | cut -d\( -f2 | sed s/\)// | sed s/://`
+# So instead I'll just send the message to all the first 10 displays, and the ones owned by the correct user will show the message, the rest won't
 if [ -e $basedir/locale/$LANG ]; then
-       MSG=`/bin/sed -n "$LINE"p /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`
+       MSG="$K: `/bin/sed -n "$LINE"p /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
-       MSG="Your computer time will end in $TEXT minutes."
+       MSG="$K's computer time will end in $TEXT minutes."
-echo "/bin/su $K -c 'DISPLAY=:$D /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/local/kidtimer/icons/kidtimer-$TEXT.png \
+for (( D = 0 ; D < 10 ; D = D + 1 )); do
+        echo "/bin/su $K -c 'DISPLAY=:$D /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/local/kidtimer/icons/kidtimer-$TEXT.png \
        \"ALERT\" \"$MSG\"'" >> $TMPFILE
 echo "/bin/rm -f $TMPFILE" >> $TMPFILE
 echo "/bin/bash $TMPFILE" | /usr/bin/at now + $T minutes
+# Note you need the file /var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ owned by daemon:daemon for at to work properly!!!

 go_killall () {
 /bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K
+touch /tmp/killall.bash.$K
+chmod +x /tmp/killall.bash.$K
 echo "#!/bin/bash" > /tmp/killall.bash.$K
+# Not sure if it is better or worse to do a normal kill first...
+# Programs like Firefox will reopen all their previous tabs if it is killed with -KILL
+# But other programs would probably do better if given a chance to save state/data and clean up after themselves eg open office???
+#echo "/usr/bin/pkill -TERM -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K
+#echo "/bin/sleep 5" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K
 echo "/usr/bin/pkill -KILL -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K
 echo "/bin/rm -rf /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K
 echo "/bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K
@@ -450,4 +482,3 @@
 exit 0

And here's the full text of the fixed version:

# Restrict kids computer access to specific hours and total time.
# By: Michael Groves - grover66_at_gmail_dot_com

#LANG="en_US.UTF-8" #unremark to change preferred language.
Cdate=`/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d`
HOUR=`/bin/date +%H`
DOW=`/bin/date +%u`
[ "$DOW" == "6" ] && WEEKEND="yes"
[ "$DOW" == "7" ] && WEEKEND="yes"
[ ! -e $configdir/kid.list ] && touch $configdir/kid.list
[ ! -e $basedir/locale/$LANG ] && LANG="en_US.UTF-8"

[ $# -eq 0 ] && TUI=1
[ $# -eq 1 ] && COMMAND=$1
[ $# -eq 2 ] && COMMAND=$1 && KID=$2
[ $# -eq 3 ] && COMMAND=$1 && KID=$2 && Time=$3

################# Subroutines ##################

get_info () {
echo "kidtimer info"
echo "---------------------------------------------"
echo "---"
echo "find /usr/local/kidtimer/ -print | sort"
/usr/bin/find /usr/local/kidtimer/ -print | /usr/bin/sort
echo "---"
echo "cat $configdir/kid.list"
/bin/cat $configdir/kid.list
echo "---"
echo "passwd -S -a"
/usr/bin/passwd -S -a
echo "---"
echo "cat /usr/local/kidtimer/schedule/*"
/bin/cat /usr/local/kidtimer/schedule/*
echo "---"
echo "cat /usr/local/kidtimer/time/*"
/bin/cat /usr/local/kidtimer/time/*
echo "---"
echo "cat /etc/cron.d/kidtimer"
/bin/cat /etc/cron.d/kidtimer
echo "---"
echo "apt-cache showpkg kidtimer"
/usr/bin/apt-cache showpkg kidtimer
echo "---"
echo "cat /etc/lsb-release"
/bin/cat /etc/lsb-release
echo "---"
echo "uname -a"
/bin/uname -a
echo "---"
echo "env"

go_check () {
for I in `/bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u`; do
        # This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge.  It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.
        /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
        if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                if [ -e $basedir/time/$I.ttl ]; then
                        C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl`
                        if [ $C -le 0 ]; then
                                C=$((C - 1))
                        echo $C > $basedir/time/$I.ttl
            get_ttl_time $I > $basedir/time/$I.ttl
                        C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl`
        # check time
        if [ $C -le 5 ]; then
                    /usr/bin/passwd $I -l
                    if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
                            go_logout $I
                go_clean_jobs $I

get_ttl_time () {
        [ "$WEEKEND" == "no" ] && /bin/cat $basedir/schedule/$1 | /bin/grep ^MAX | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $2 }'
        [ "$WEEKEND" == "yes" ] && /bin/cat $basedir/schedule/$1 | /bin/grep ^MAX | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }'

go_clean_jobs () {
for I in `/usr/bin/atq | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $1 }' | /usr/bin/sort`; do
        /usr/bin/at -c $I | /bin/grep -q "bash.$K"
        [ $? -eq 0 ] && /usr/bin/at -d $I
[ -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K ] && /bin/rm -rf /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K

go_daily () {
for I in `/bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u`; do
        /usr/bin/stat -c %y $basedir/time/$I.ttl | /bin/grep -q $Cdate
        if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
        get_ttl_time $I > $basedir/time/$I.ttl

go_hourly () {
if [ -s $configdir/kid.list ]; then
        for I in `/bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u`; do
                if [ -e $basedir/schedule/$I ]; then
                        [ -e $basedir/time/$I.ttl ] && C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl`
                        [ $C -le 0 ] && /usr/bin/passwd $I -l && exit 0
                        [ "$WEEKEND" == "no" ] && R=`/bin/grep ^$HOUR $basedir/schedule/$I | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $2 }'`
                        [ "$WEEKEND" == "yes" ] && R=`/bin/grep ^$HOUR $basedir/schedule/$I | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }'`
                        if [ "$R" == "y" ]; then
                                /usr/bin/passwd $I -u
                                /usr/bin/passwd $I -l
                                # This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge.  It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.
                                /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
                                if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                            if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
                                    go_logout $I

go_logout () {
go_send $K 5
go_send $K 4
go_send $K 3
go_send $K 2
go_send $K 1
go_killall $K
/usr/bin/touch /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K

go_send () {
/bin/rm -f $TMPFILE
touch $TMPFILE
chmod +x $TMPFILE

echo "#!/bin/bash" > $TMPFILE

# This method to determine the correct display doesn't work, at least on zorin.
# It only seems to detect a user who has an active shell running
#D=`/usr/bin/who | grep $K | grep -m1 "(:" | cut -d\( -f2 | sed s/\)// | sed s/://`

# So instead I'll just send the message to all the first 10 displays, and the ones owned by the correct user will show the message, the rest won't
if [ -e $basedir/locale/$LANG ]; then
    MSG="$K: `/bin/sed -n "$LINE"p /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
    MSG="$K's computer time will end in $TEXT minutes."

for (( D = 0 ; D < 10 ; D = D + 1 )); do
        echo "/bin/su $K -c 'DISPLAY=:$D /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/local/kidtimer/icons/kidtimer-$TEXT.png \
    \"ALERT\" \"$MSG\"'" >> $TMPFILE

echo "/bin/rm -f $TMPFILE" >> $TMPFILE
echo "/bin/bash $TMPFILE" | /usr/bin/at now + $T minutes
# Note you need the file /var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ owned by daemon:daemon for at to work properly!!!

go_killall () {
/bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K
touch /tmp/killall.bash.$K
chmod +x /tmp/killall.bash.$K

echo "#!/bin/bash" > /tmp/killall.bash.$K
# Not sure if it is better or worse to do a normal kill first...
# Programs like Firefox will reopen all their previous tabs if it is killed with -KILL
# But other programs would probably do better if given a chance to save state/data and clean up after themselves eg open office???
#echo "/usr/bin/pkill -TERM -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K
#echo "/bin/sleep 5" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K
echo "/usr/bin/pkill -KILL -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K
echo "/bin/rm -rf /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K
echo "/bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K
echo "/bin/bash /tmp/killall.bash.$K" | /usr/bin/at now + 6 minutes

go_echo_error () {
echo "`/bin/sed -n '12p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

go_echo_done () {
echo "`/bin/sed -n '13p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

go_reset_time () {
get_ttl_time $KID > $basedir/time/$KID.ttl
/usr/bin/passwd $KID -u
go_clean_jobs $KID

go_addtime () {
grep -q $U $configdir/kid.list
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    if [ "$A" == "reset" ]; then
        get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl
            exit 0
    elif [ "$A" == "" ]; then
        #english: Syntax: addtime <user> <minutes|reset>
            echo "`/bin/sed -n '22p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
            exit 1
            C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$KID.ttl`
            C=$((C + Time))
            echo $C > $basedir/time/$KID.ttl
    /usr/bin/passwd $KID -u
    go_clean_jobs $KID
    #english: User not setup.
    echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
    exit 1

get_time () {
if [ -e $basedir/time/$KID.ttl ]; then
    cat $basedir/time/$KID.ttl
    #english: User not setup.
    echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

go_tui () {
echo -n "Choose: "; read X
case "$X" in
1) go_setup_user
2) go_modify_user
3) go_remove_user
4) go_list_users
5) exit 0

go_command_list () {
echo "1) "`/bin/sed -n '7p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`
echo "2) "`/bin/sed -n '8p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`
echo "3) "`/bin/sed -n '9p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`
echo "4) "`/bin/sed -n '10p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`
echo "5) "`/bin/sed -n '11p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`

go_list_users () {
#english: Users configured for kidtimer:
echo "`/bin/sed -n '14p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
if [ -s $configdir/kid.list ]; then
        /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list
    #english: No configured users.
        echo "`/bin/sed -n '15p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

go_setup_user () {
#english: Username:
echo -n "`/bin/sed -n '16p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG` "; read U
/usr/bin/id $U > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        /bin/cp $basedir/schedule/blank $basedir/schedule/$U
    get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl
        echo $U >> $configdir/kid.list
    #english: Modify limits now ?(y/n):
        echo -n "`/bin/sed -n '17p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"; read M
        if [ "$M" == "y" ]; then
                if [ -e /usr/bin/nano ]; then
                    /usr/bin/nano $basedir/schedule/$U
            get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl
                    /usr/bin/vi $basedir/schedule/$U
            get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl
    #english: User does not exist. Please create user using the useradd command first.
        echo "`/bin/sed -n '18p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

go_modify_user () {
#english: Username:
echo -n "`/bin/sed -n '16p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG` "; read U
grep -q ^$U $configdir/kid.list
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        if [ -e /usr/bin/nano ]; then
                /usr/bin/nano $basedir/schedule/$U
                /usr/bin/vi $basedir/schedule/$U
    #english: User not setup.
        echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

go_remove_user () {
#english: Username:
echo -n "`/bin/sed -n '16p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG` "; read U
grep -q ^$U $configdir/kid.list
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
        /bin/grep -v ^$U $configdir/kid.list > /tmp/kidtimer.tmp
        /bin/cat /tmp/kidtimer.tmp > $configdir/kid.list
    #english: User not setup.
        echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

go_help () {
echo "Commands:"
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
echo "addtime <user> <minutes> ... Increases allowed time for the day."
echo "gettime <user> ... Prints remaining time for the day."
echo "reset <user> ... Reset time for the day."
echo "logout <user> ... Starts logout sequence for user."
echo "hourly ... Enables/disables user access based on the schedule."
echo "daily ... Resets time for the new day."
echo "update ... Updates kidtimer to the latest version."
echo "info ... Gather local configurations to troubleshoot issues."
echo "help ... This list."
echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"

check_dependencies () {
/usr/bin/dpkg -s at >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
/usr/bin/dpkg -s libnotify-bin >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
/usr/bin/dpkg -s bsdutils >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then
if [ "$pstatus" == "1" ]; then
    #english: Error. Missing package dependencies.
    echo "`/bin/sed -n '20p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
    #english: Please install using the following line;
    echo "`/bin/sed -n '21p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
    echo "sudo apt-get install "$P1" "$P2" "$P3
    exit 1

get_update () {
if [ -e /usr/bin/wget ]; then
    /usr/bin/wget "$URL" -qO /tmp/kidtimer_latest.deb
    /usr/bin/dpkg -i /tmp/kidtimer_latest.deb
    /bin/rm -f /tmp/kidtimer_latest.deb
    echo "Error. Requires wget"
    echo "To install wget; sudo apt-get install wget"

###################### Code ####################

if [ $TUI -eq 1 ]; then

case "$COMMAND" in
addtime) go_addtime
reset) go_reset_time
gettime) get_time
logout) go_logout $KID
hourly) go_hourly
daily) go_daily
update) get_update
check) go_check
info) get_info
-h) go_help
help) go_help
exit 0

Thanks, StoicTheVast

grover66 commented 9 years ago


Thanks for the help... Switching users is a tough one... Because, to the system, they are still running all the things they were running before. I have tried to tackle this one for a while with no success. Will look over the rest of your changes and hopefully check it in soon... It has been a busy few months, since I started a new contract.

Mike :)

On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 11:32 AM, StoicTheVast wrote:


Thanks for the project. Unfortunately I had a number of issues getting it to work on my kids' computer (zorin-os 6, based on ubuntu 12.04 LTS).


  • AT wasn't working out of the box - it was silently failing. I needed to create /var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ owned by daemon:daemon for at to start working properly
  • Added the file /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/99zzkidtimer as suggested in another issue. Note this file must be executable! (chmod +x)
  • The use of /usr/bin/users to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states. I don't have a fix for that right now - instead I just told the kids to log off when they are done rather than let the screensaver kick in, and log off rather than switch users between them. Not ideal. Any ideas about how to elegantly detect these subtle differences in current computer usage state????

In /usr/local/bin/kidtimer, I had to make the following changes:

  • Tweaked the timer countdown to not go negative, even if other things fail...
  • The script files created to do the warnings/logouts in /tmp weren't executable. They need to be chmod +x
  • /usr/local/bin/kidtimer shutdown is not a supported option - instead I have changed it to use go_logout if /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I doesn't exist, as is done elsewhere in the code.
  • The user notification wasn't working because the x display detection using who doesn't work unless the user has an active shell running (my kids don't do that!). So instead I simply iterate through the first 10 displays and send the notification with the desired user to all of them - it fails gracefully on the screens that don't exist or have the wrong username, passes on the ones it needs to.
  • I couldn't decide if, when killing a user's processes they should be sent a TERM first before the KILL. Firefox will nicely reload its tabs if KILL'ed, but maybe other progs like Open Office would prefer to be TERM'ed first so they can clean up properly and only be KILL'ed if they fail to exit themselves.

Here is my patch to /usr/local/bin/kidtimer ...

--- kidtimer.orig 2014-09-23 23:53:41.970147275 +0930 +++ kidtimer.fixed 2014-09-24 00:08:35.104446943 +0930 @@ -65,11 +65,16 @@

go_check () { for I in /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u; do

  • This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.

    /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ -e $basedir/time/$I.ttl ]; then C=/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl

  • C=$((C - 1))
  • if [ $C -le 0 ]; then
  • C=0
  • else
  • C=$((C - 1))
  • fi echo $C > $basedir/time/$I.ttl else get_ttl_time $I > $basedir/time/$I.ttl @@ -77,8 +82,8 @@ fi

    check time

          if [ $C -le 5 ]; then
  • /usr/bin/passwd $I -l if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
  • /usr/bin/passwd $I -l go_logout $I fi fi @@ -128,7 +133,13 @@ /usr/bin/passwd $I -u else /usr/bin/passwd $I -l
  • /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I && /usr/local/bin/kidtimer shutdown $I
  • This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.

  • /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
  • if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  • if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
  • go_logout $I
  • fi
  • fi fi fi done @@ -155,24 +166,45 @@ TEXT=$((6-$T)) TMPFILE="/tmp/kidtimer.send$T.bash.$K" /bin/rm -f $TMPFILE +touch $TMPFILE +chmod +x $TMPFILE + echo "#!/bin/bash" > $TMPFILE -D=/usr/bin/who | grep $K | grep -m1 "(:" | cut -d\( -f2 | sed s/\)// | sed s/:// + +# This method to determine the correct display doesn't work, at least on zorin. +# It only seems to detect a user who has an active shell running +#D=/usr/bin/who | grep $K | grep -m1 "(:" | cut -d\( -f2 | sed s/\)// | sed s/:// + +# So instead I'll just send the message to all the first 10 displays, and the ones owned by the correct user will show the message, the rest won't if [ -e $basedir/locale/$LANG ]; then
  • MSG=/bin/sed -n "$LINE"p /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG
  • MSG="$K: /bin/sed -n "$LINE"p /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" else
  • MSG="Your computer time will end in $TEXT minutes."
  • MSG="$K's computer time will end in $TEXT minutes." fi -echo "/bin/su $K -c 'DISPLAY=:$D /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/local/kidtimer/icons/kidtimer-$TEXT.png \ + +for (( D = 0 ; D < 10 ; D = D + 1 )); do
  •  echo "/bin/su $K -c 'DISPLAY=:$D /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/local/kidtimer/icons/kidtimer-$TEXT.png \
    \"ALERT\" \"$MSG\"'" >> $TMPFILE

    +done + echo "/bin/rm -f $TMPFILE" >> $TMPFILE echo "/bin/bash $TMPFILE" | /usr/bin/at now + $T minutes +# Note you need the file /var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ owned by daemon:daemon for at to work properly!!! }

    go_killall () { K=$1 /bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K +touch /tmp/killall.bash.$K +chmod +x /tmp/killall.bash.$K + echo "#!/bin/bash" > /tmp/killall.bash.$K +# Not sure if it is better or worse to do a normal kill first... +# Programs like Firefox will reopen all their previous tabs if it is killed with -KILL +# But other programs would probably do better if given a chance to save state/data and clean up after themselves eg open office??? +#echo "/usr/bin/pkill -TERM -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K +#echo "/bin/sleep 5" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/usr/bin/pkill -KILL -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/rm -rf /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K @@ -450,4 +482,3 @@ ;; esac

    exit 0

And here's the full text of the fixed version:


Restrict kids computer access to specific hours and total time.

By: Michael Groves - grover66_at_gmail_dot_com


LANG="en_US.UTF-8" #unremark to change preferred language.

basedir="/usr/local/kidtimer" configdir="/etc/kidtimer" Cdate=/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d TUI=0 HOUR=/bin/date +%H DOW=/bin/date +%u WEEKEND="no" [ "$DOW" == "6" ] && WEEKEND="yes" [ "$DOW" == "7" ] && WEEKEND="yes" [ ! -e $configdir/kid.list ] && touch $configdir/kid.list [ ! -e $basedir/locale/$LANG ] && LANG="en_US.UTF-8"


[ $# -eq 0 ] && TUI=1 [ $# -eq 1 ] && COMMAND=$1 [ $# -eq 2 ] && COMMAND=$1 && KID=$2 [ $# -eq 3 ] && COMMAND=$1 && KID=$2 && Time=$3

################# Subroutines ################## ################################################

getinfo () { echo "kidtimer info" echo "---------------------------------------------" /bin/date echo "---" echo "find /usr/local/kidtimer/ -print | sort" /usr/bin/find /usr/local/kidtimer/ -print | /usr/bin/sort echo "---" echo "cat $configdir/kid.list" /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list echo "---" echo "passwd -S -a" /usr/bin/passwd -S -a echo "---" echo "cat /usr/local/kidtimer/schedule/" /bin/cat /usr/local/kidtimer/schedule/ echo "---" echo "cat /usr/local/kidtimer/time/" /bin/cat /usr/local/kidtimer/time/_ echo "---" echo "cat /etc/cron.d/kidtimer" /bin/cat /etc/cron.d/kidtimer echo "---" echo "apt-cache showpkg kidtimer" /usr/bin/apt-cache showpkg kidtimer echo "---" echo "cat /etc/lsb-release" /bin/cat /etc/lsb-release echo "---" echo "uname -a" /bin/uname -a echo "---" echo "env" /usr/bin/env echo }

go_check () { for I in /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u; do

This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.

    /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            if [ -e $basedir/time/$I.ttl ]; then
                    C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl`
                    if [ $C -le 0 ]; then
                            C=$((C - 1))
                    echo $C > $basedir/time/$I.ttl
        get_ttl_time $I > $basedir/time/$I.ttl
                    C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl`
    # check time
    if [ $C -le 5 ]; then
                /usr/bin/passwd $I -l
                if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
                        go_logout $I
            go_clean_jobs $I

done }

get_ttl_time () { [ "$WEEKEND" == "no" ] && /bin/cat $basedir/schedule/$1 | /bin/grep ^MAX | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $2 }' [ "$WEEKEND" == "yes" ] && /bin/cat $basedir/schedule/$1 | /bin/grep ^MAX | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }' }

go_clean_jobs () { K=$1 for I in /usr/bin/atq | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $1 }' | /usr/bin/sort; do /usr/bin/at -c $I | /bin/grep -q "bash.$K" [ $? -eq 0 ] && /usr/bin/at -d $I done [ -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K ] && /bin/rm -rf /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K }

go_daily () { for I in /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u; do /usr/bin/stat -c %y $basedir/time/$I.ttl | /bin/grep -q $Cdate if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then get_ttl_time $I > $basedir/time/$I.ttl fi done go_hourly }

go_hourly () { if [ -s $configdir/kid.list ]; then for I in /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u; do if [ -e $basedir/schedule/$I ]; then [ -e $basedir/time/$I.ttl ] && C=/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl [ $C -le 0 ] && /usr/bin/passwd $I -l && exit 0 [ "$WEEKEND" == "no" ] && R=/bin/grep ^$HOUR $basedir/schedule/$I | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $2 }' [ "$WEEKEND" == "yes" ] && R=/bin/grep ^$HOUR $basedir/schedule/$I | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }' if [ "$R" == "y" ]; then /usr/bin/passwd $I -u else /usr/bin/passwd $I -l

This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.

                            /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
                            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                        if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
                                go_logout $I

fi }

go_logout () { K=$1 go_send $K 5 go_send $K 4 go_send $K 3 go_send $K 2 go_send $K 1 go_killall $K /usr/bin/touch /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K }

go_send () { K=$1 T=$2 LINE=$((7-$T)) TEXT=$((6-$T)) TMPFILE="/tmp/kidtimer.send$T.bash.$K" /bin/rm -f $TMPFILE touch $TMPFILE chmod +x $TMPFILE

echo "#!/bin/bash" > $TMPFILE

This method to determine the correct display doesn't work, at least on zorin.

It only seems to detect a user who has an active shell running

D=/usr/bin/who | grep $K | grep -m1 "(:" | cut -d\( -f2 | sed s/\)// | sed s/://

So instead I'll just send the message to all the first 10 displays, and the ones owned by the correct user will show the message, the rest won't

if [ -e $basedir/locale/$LANG ]; then MSG="$K: /bin/sed -n "$LINE"p /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" else MSG="$K's computer time will end in $TEXT minutes." fi

for (( D = 0 ; D < 10 ; D = D + 1 )); do echo "/bin/su $K -c 'DISPLAY=:$D /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/local/kidtimer/icons/kidtimer-$TEXT.png \ \"ALERT\" \"$MSG\"'" >> $TMPFILE done

echo "/bin/rm -f $TMPFILE" >> $TMPFILE echo "/bin/bash $TMPFILE" | /usr/bin/at now + $T minutes

Note you need the file /var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ owned by daemon:daemon for at to work properly!!!


go_killall () { K=$1 /bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K touch /tmp/killall.bash.$K chmod +x /tmp/killall.bash.$K

echo "#!/bin/bash" > /tmp/killall.bash.$K

Not sure if it is better or worse to do a normal kill first...

Programs like Firefox will reopen all their previous tabs if it is killed with -KILL

But other programs would probably do better if given a chance to save state/data and clean up after themselves eg open office???

echo "/usr/bin/pkill -TERM -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K

echo "/bin/sleep 5" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K

echo "/usr/bin/pkill -KILL -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/rm -rf /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/bash /tmp/killall.bash.$K" | /usr/bin/at now + 6 minutes }

go_echo_error () { echo "/bin/sed -n '12p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" }

go_echo_done () { echo "/bin/sed -n '13p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" }

go_reset_time () { get_ttl_time $KID > $basedir/time/$KID.ttl /usr/bin/passwd $KID -u go_clean_jobs $KID go_echo_done }

go_addtime () { U=$KID A=$Time grep -q $U $configdir/kid.list if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$A" == "reset" ]; then get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl go_echo_done exit 0 elif [ "$A" == "" ]; then go_echo_error

english: Syntax: addtime <minutes|reset>

        echo "`/bin/sed -n '22p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
        exit 1
        C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$KID.ttl`
        C=$((C + Time))
        echo $C > $basedir/time/$KID.ttl
/usr/bin/passwd $KID -u
go_clean_jobs $KID

else go_echo_error

english: User not setup.

echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
exit 1

fi }

get_time () { if [ -e $basedir/time/$KID.ttl ]; then cat $basedir/time/$KID.ttl else echo

english: User not setup.

echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_tui () { go_command_list echo -n "Choose: "; read X case "$X" in 1) go_setup_user ;; 2) go_modify_user ;; 3) go_remove_user ;; 4) go_list_users ;; 5) exit 0 ;; esac go_tui }

go_command_list () { echo echo "1) "/bin/sed -n '7p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo "2) "/bin/sed -n '8p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo "3) "/bin/sed -n '9p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo "4) "/bin/sed -n '10p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo "5) "/bin/sed -n '11p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo }

go_list_users () { echo

english: Users configured for kidtimer:

echo "/bin/sed -n '14p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" if [ -s $configdir/kid.list ]; then /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list else

english: No configured users.

    echo "`/bin/sed -n '15p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_setup_user () { echo

english: Username:

echo -n "/bin/sed -n '16p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG "; read U /usr/bin/id $U > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /bin/cp $basedir/schedule/blank $basedir/schedule/$U get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl echo $U >> $configdir/kid.list go_echo_done echo

english: Modify limits now ?(y/n):

    echo -n "`/bin/sed -n '17p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"; read M
    if [ "$M" == "y" ]; then
            if [ -e /usr/bin/nano ]; then
                /usr/bin/nano $basedir/schedule/$U
        get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl
                /usr/bin/vi $basedir/schedule/$U
        get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl

else go_echo_error

english: User does not exist. Please create user using the useradd command first.

    echo "`/bin/sed -n '18p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_modify_user () { echo

english: Username:

echo -n "/bin/sed -n '16p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG "; read U grep -q ^$U $configdir/kid.list if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ -e /usr/bin/nano ]; then /usr/bin/nano $basedir/schedule/$U go_echo_done else /usr/bin/vi $basedir/schedule/$U go_echo_done fi else go_echo_error

english: User not setup.

    echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_remove_user () { echo

english: Username:

echo -n "/bin/sed -n '16p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG "; read U grep -q ^$U $configdir/kid.list if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /bin/grep -v ^$U $configdir/kid.list > /tmp/kidtimer.tmp /bin/cat /tmp/kidtimer.tmp > $configdir/kid.list go_echo_done else go_echo_error

english: User not setup.

    echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_help () { echo echo "Commands:" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "addtime ... Increases allowed time for the day." echo "gettime ... Prints remaining time for the day." echo "reset ... Reset time for the day." echo "logout ... Starts logout sequence for user." echo "hourly ... Enables/disables user access based on the schedule." echo "daily ... Resets time for the new day." echo "update ... Updates kidtimer to the latest version." echo "info ... Gather local configurations to troubleshoot issues." echo "help ... This list." echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" }

check_dependencies () {


P1="";P2="";P3="";pstatus="0" /usr/bin/dpkg -s at >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then P1="at" pstatus=1 fi


/usr/bin/dpkg -s libnotify-bin >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then P2="libnotify-bin" pstatus=1 fi


/usr/bin/dpkg -s bsdutils >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then P3="bsdutils" pstatus=1 fi if [ "$pstatus" == "1" ]; then echo

english: Error. Missing package dependencies.

echo "`/bin/sed -n '20p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
#english: Please install using the following line;
echo "`/bin/sed -n '21p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
echo "sudo apt-get install "$P1" "$P2" "$P3
exit 1

fi }

get_update () { URL='' if [ -e /usr/bin/wget ]; then /usr/bin/wget "$URL" -qO /tmp/kidtimer_latest.deb /usr/bin/dpkg -i /tmp/kidtimer_latest.deb /bin/rm -f /tmp/kidtimer_latest.deb else echo echo "Error. Requires wget" echo "To install wget; sudo apt-get install wget" fi }

###################### Code #################### ################################################

if [ $TUI -eq 1 ]; then check_dependencies go_tui fi

case "$COMMAND" in addtime) go_addtime ;; reset) go_reset_time ;; gettime) get_time ;; logout) go_logout $KID ;; hourly) go_hourly ;; daily) go_daily ;; update) get_update ;; check) go_check ;; info) get_info ;; -h) go_help ;; help) go_help ;; esac exit 0

Thanks, StoicTheVast

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

grover66 commented 9 years ago

I do have a couple of other features coming;

  1. One time pass codes... Allows parent to give their child a six digit code which will give them additional time... This is needed when parents are out to dinner and their twelve year old wants more time.
  2. TUI additions... Adding "add time" and "get time" options into the kidtimer TUI application...


On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 11:32 AM, StoicTheVast wrote:


Thanks for the project. Unfortunately I had a number of issues getting it to work on my kids' computer (zorin-os 6, based on ubuntu 12.04 LTS).


  • AT wasn't working out of the box - it was silently failing. I needed to create /var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ owned by daemon:daemon for at to start working properly
  • Added the file /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/99zzkidtimer as suggested in another issue. Note this file must be executable! (chmod +x)
  • The use of /usr/bin/users to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states. I don't have a fix for that right now - instead I just told the kids to log off when they are done rather than let the screensaver kick in, and log off rather than switch users between them. Not ideal. Any ideas about how to elegantly detect these subtle differences in current computer usage state????

In /usr/local/bin/kidtimer, I had to make the following changes:

  • Tweaked the timer countdown to not go negative, even if other things fail...
  • The script files created to do the warnings/logouts in /tmp weren't executable. They need to be chmod +x
  • /usr/local/bin/kidtimer shutdown is not a supported option - instead I have changed it to use go_logout if /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I doesn't exist, as is done elsewhere in the code.
  • The user notification wasn't working because the x display detection using who doesn't work unless the user has an active shell running (my kids don't do that!). So instead I simply iterate through the first 10 displays and send the notification with the desired user to all of them - it fails gracefully on the screens that don't exist or have the wrong username, passes on the ones it needs to.
  • I couldn't decide if, when killing a user's processes they should be sent a TERM first before the KILL. Firefox will nicely reload its tabs if KILL'ed, but maybe other progs like Open Office would prefer to be TERM'ed first so they can clean up properly and only be KILL'ed if they fail to exit themselves.

Here is my patch to /usr/local/bin/kidtimer ...

--- kidtimer.orig 2014-09-23 23:53:41.970147275 +0930 +++ kidtimer.fixed 2014-09-24 00:08:35.104446943 +0930 @@ -65,11 +65,16 @@

go_check () { for I in /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u; do

  • This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.

    /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ -e $basedir/time/$I.ttl ]; then C=/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl

  • C=$((C - 1))
  • if [ $C -le 0 ]; then
  • C=0
  • else
  • C=$((C - 1))
  • fi echo $C > $basedir/time/$I.ttl else get_ttl_time $I > $basedir/time/$I.ttl @@ -77,8 +82,8 @@ fi

    check time

          if [ $C -le 5 ]; then
  • /usr/bin/passwd $I -l if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
  • /usr/bin/passwd $I -l go_logout $I fi fi @@ -128,7 +133,13 @@ /usr/bin/passwd $I -u else /usr/bin/passwd $I -l
  • /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I && /usr/local/bin/kidtimer shutdown $I
  • This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.

  • /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
  • if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  • if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
  • go_logout $I
  • fi
  • fi fi fi done @@ -155,24 +166,45 @@ TEXT=$((6-$T)) TMPFILE="/tmp/kidtimer.send$T.bash.$K" /bin/rm -f $TMPFILE +touch $TMPFILE +chmod +x $TMPFILE + echo "#!/bin/bash" > $TMPFILE -D=/usr/bin/who | grep $K | grep -m1 "(:" | cut -d\( -f2 | sed s/\)// | sed s/:// + +# This method to determine the correct display doesn't work, at least on zorin. +# It only seems to detect a user who has an active shell running +#D=/usr/bin/who | grep $K | grep -m1 "(:" | cut -d\( -f2 | sed s/\)// | sed s/:// + +# So instead I'll just send the message to all the first 10 displays, and the ones owned by the correct user will show the message, the rest won't if [ -e $basedir/locale/$LANG ]; then
  • MSG=/bin/sed -n "$LINE"p /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG
  • MSG="$K: /bin/sed -n "$LINE"p /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" else
  • MSG="Your computer time will end in $TEXT minutes."
  • MSG="$K's computer time will end in $TEXT minutes." fi -echo "/bin/su $K -c 'DISPLAY=:$D /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/local/kidtimer/icons/kidtimer-$TEXT.png \ + +for (( D = 0 ; D < 10 ; D = D + 1 )); do
  •  echo "/bin/su $K -c 'DISPLAY=:$D /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/local/kidtimer/icons/kidtimer-$TEXT.png \
    \"ALERT\" \"$MSG\"'" >> $TMPFILE

    +done + echo "/bin/rm -f $TMPFILE" >> $TMPFILE echo "/bin/bash $TMPFILE" | /usr/bin/at now + $T minutes +# Note you need the file /var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ owned by daemon:daemon for at to work properly!!! }

    go_killall () { K=$1 /bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K +touch /tmp/killall.bash.$K +chmod +x /tmp/killall.bash.$K + echo "#!/bin/bash" > /tmp/killall.bash.$K +# Not sure if it is better or worse to do a normal kill first... +# Programs like Firefox will reopen all their previous tabs if it is killed with -KILL +# But other programs would probably do better if given a chance to save state/data and clean up after themselves eg open office??? +#echo "/usr/bin/pkill -TERM -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K +#echo "/bin/sleep 5" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/usr/bin/pkill -KILL -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/rm -rf /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K @@ -450,4 +482,3 @@ ;; esac

    exit 0

And here's the full text of the fixed version:


Restrict kids computer access to specific hours and total time.

By: Michael Groves - grover66_at_gmail_dot_com


LANG="en_US.UTF-8" #unremark to change preferred language.

basedir="/usr/local/kidtimer" configdir="/etc/kidtimer" Cdate=/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d TUI=0 HOUR=/bin/date +%H DOW=/bin/date +%u WEEKEND="no" [ "$DOW" == "6" ] && WEEKEND="yes" [ "$DOW" == "7" ] && WEEKEND="yes" [ ! -e $configdir/kid.list ] && touch $configdir/kid.list [ ! -e $basedir/locale/$LANG ] && LANG="en_US.UTF-8"


[ $# -eq 0 ] && TUI=1 [ $# -eq 1 ] && COMMAND=$1 [ $# -eq 2 ] && COMMAND=$1 && KID=$2 [ $# -eq 3 ] && COMMAND=$1 && KID=$2 && Time=$3

################# Subroutines ################## ################################################

getinfo () { echo "kidtimer info" echo "---------------------------------------------" /bin/date echo "---" echo "find /usr/local/kidtimer/ -print | sort" /usr/bin/find /usr/local/kidtimer/ -print | /usr/bin/sort echo "---" echo "cat $configdir/kid.list" /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list echo "---" echo "passwd -S -a" /usr/bin/passwd -S -a echo "---" echo "cat /usr/local/kidtimer/schedule/" /bin/cat /usr/local/kidtimer/schedule/ echo "---" echo "cat /usr/local/kidtimer/time/" /bin/cat /usr/local/kidtimer/time/_ echo "---" echo "cat /etc/cron.d/kidtimer" /bin/cat /etc/cron.d/kidtimer echo "---" echo "apt-cache showpkg kidtimer" /usr/bin/apt-cache showpkg kidtimer echo "---" echo "cat /etc/lsb-release" /bin/cat /etc/lsb-release echo "---" echo "uname -a" /bin/uname -a echo "---" echo "env" /usr/bin/env echo }

go_check () { for I in /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u; do

This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.

    /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            if [ -e $basedir/time/$I.ttl ]; then
                    C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl`
                    if [ $C -le 0 ]; then
                            C=$((C - 1))
                    echo $C > $basedir/time/$I.ttl
        get_ttl_time $I > $basedir/time/$I.ttl
                    C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl`
    # check time
    if [ $C -le 5 ]; then
                /usr/bin/passwd $I -l
                if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
                        go_logout $I
            go_clean_jobs $I

done }

get_ttl_time () { [ "$WEEKEND" == "no" ] && /bin/cat $basedir/schedule/$1 | /bin/grep ^MAX | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $2 }' [ "$WEEKEND" == "yes" ] && /bin/cat $basedir/schedule/$1 | /bin/grep ^MAX | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }' }

go_clean_jobs () { K=$1 for I in /usr/bin/atq | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $1 }' | /usr/bin/sort; do /usr/bin/at -c $I | /bin/grep -q "bash.$K" [ $? -eq 0 ] && /usr/bin/at -d $I done [ -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K ] && /bin/rm -rf /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K }

go_daily () { for I in /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u; do /usr/bin/stat -c %y $basedir/time/$I.ttl | /bin/grep -q $Cdate if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then get_ttl_time $I > $basedir/time/$I.ttl fi done go_hourly }

go_hourly () { if [ -s $configdir/kid.list ]; then for I in /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u; do if [ -e $basedir/schedule/$I ]; then [ -e $basedir/time/$I.ttl ] && C=/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl [ $C -le 0 ] && /usr/bin/passwd $I -l && exit 0 [ "$WEEKEND" == "no" ] && R=/bin/grep ^$HOUR $basedir/schedule/$I | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $2 }' [ "$WEEKEND" == "yes" ] && R=/bin/grep ^$HOUR $basedir/schedule/$I | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }' if [ "$R" == "y" ]; then /usr/bin/passwd $I -u else /usr/bin/passwd $I -l

This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.

                            /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
                            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                        if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
                                go_logout $I

fi }

go_logout () { K=$1 go_send $K 5 go_send $K 4 go_send $K 3 go_send $K 2 go_send $K 1 go_killall $K /usr/bin/touch /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K }

go_send () { K=$1 T=$2 LINE=$((7-$T)) TEXT=$((6-$T)) TMPFILE="/tmp/kidtimer.send$T.bash.$K" /bin/rm -f $TMPFILE touch $TMPFILE chmod +x $TMPFILE

echo "#!/bin/bash" > $TMPFILE

This method to determine the correct display doesn't work, at least on zorin.

It only seems to detect a user who has an active shell running

D=/usr/bin/who | grep $K | grep -m1 "(:" | cut -d\( -f2 | sed s/\)// | sed s/://

So instead I'll just send the message to all the first 10 displays, and the ones owned by the correct user will show the message, the rest won't

if [ -e $basedir/locale/$LANG ]; then MSG="$K: /bin/sed -n "$LINE"p /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" else MSG="$K's computer time will end in $TEXT minutes." fi

for (( D = 0 ; D < 10 ; D = D + 1 )); do echo "/bin/su $K -c 'DISPLAY=:$D /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/local/kidtimer/icons/kidtimer-$TEXT.png \ \"ALERT\" \"$MSG\"'" >> $TMPFILE done

echo "/bin/rm -f $TMPFILE" >> $TMPFILE echo "/bin/bash $TMPFILE" | /usr/bin/at now + $T minutes

Note you need the file /var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ owned by daemon:daemon for at to work properly!!!


go_killall () { K=$1 /bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K touch /tmp/killall.bash.$K chmod +x /tmp/killall.bash.$K

echo "#!/bin/bash" > /tmp/killall.bash.$K

Not sure if it is better or worse to do a normal kill first...

Programs like Firefox will reopen all their previous tabs if it is killed with -KILL

But other programs would probably do better if given a chance to save state/data and clean up after themselves eg open office???

echo "/usr/bin/pkill -TERM -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K

echo "/bin/sleep 5" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K

echo "/usr/bin/pkill -KILL -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/rm -rf /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/bash /tmp/killall.bash.$K" | /usr/bin/at now + 6 minutes }

go_echo_error () { echo "/bin/sed -n '12p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" }

go_echo_done () { echo "/bin/sed -n '13p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" }

go_reset_time () { get_ttl_time $KID > $basedir/time/$KID.ttl /usr/bin/passwd $KID -u go_clean_jobs $KID go_echo_done }

go_addtime () { U=$KID A=$Time grep -q $U $configdir/kid.list if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$A" == "reset" ]; then get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl go_echo_done exit 0 elif [ "$A" == "" ]; then go_echo_error

english: Syntax: addtime <minutes|reset>

        echo "`/bin/sed -n '22p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
        exit 1
        C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$KID.ttl`
        C=$((C + Time))
        echo $C > $basedir/time/$KID.ttl
/usr/bin/passwd $KID -u
go_clean_jobs $KID

else go_echo_error

english: User not setup.

echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
exit 1

fi }

get_time () { if [ -e $basedir/time/$KID.ttl ]; then cat $basedir/time/$KID.ttl else echo

english: User not setup.

echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_tui () { go_command_list echo -n "Choose: "; read X case "$X" in 1) go_setup_user ;; 2) go_modify_user ;; 3) go_remove_user ;; 4) go_list_users ;; 5) exit 0 ;; esac go_tui }

go_command_list () { echo echo "1) "/bin/sed -n '7p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo "2) "/bin/sed -n '8p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo "3) "/bin/sed -n '9p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo "4) "/bin/sed -n '10p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo "5) "/bin/sed -n '11p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo }

go_list_users () { echo

english: Users configured for kidtimer:

echo "/bin/sed -n '14p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" if [ -s $configdir/kid.list ]; then /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list else

english: No configured users.

    echo "`/bin/sed -n '15p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_setup_user () { echo

english: Username:

echo -n "/bin/sed -n '16p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG "; read U /usr/bin/id $U > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /bin/cp $basedir/schedule/blank $basedir/schedule/$U get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl echo $U >> $configdir/kid.list go_echo_done echo

english: Modify limits now ?(y/n):

    echo -n "`/bin/sed -n '17p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"; read M
    if [ "$M" == "y" ]; then
            if [ -e /usr/bin/nano ]; then
                /usr/bin/nano $basedir/schedule/$U
        get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl
                /usr/bin/vi $basedir/schedule/$U
        get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl

else go_echo_error

english: User does not exist. Please create user using the useradd command first.

    echo "`/bin/sed -n '18p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_modify_user () { echo

english: Username:

echo -n "/bin/sed -n '16p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG "; read U grep -q ^$U $configdir/kid.list if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ -e /usr/bin/nano ]; then /usr/bin/nano $basedir/schedule/$U go_echo_done else /usr/bin/vi $basedir/schedule/$U go_echo_done fi else go_echo_error

english: User not setup.

    echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_remove_user () { echo

english: Username:

echo -n "/bin/sed -n '16p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG "; read U grep -q ^$U $configdir/kid.list if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /bin/grep -v ^$U $configdir/kid.list > /tmp/kidtimer.tmp /bin/cat /tmp/kidtimer.tmp > $configdir/kid.list go_echo_done else go_echo_error

english: User not setup.

    echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_help () { echo echo "Commands:" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "addtime ... Increases allowed time for the day." echo "gettime ... Prints remaining time for the day." echo "reset ... Reset time for the day." echo "logout ... Starts logout sequence for user." echo "hourly ... Enables/disables user access based on the schedule." echo "daily ... Resets time for the new day." echo "update ... Updates kidtimer to the latest version." echo "info ... Gather local configurations to troubleshoot issues." echo "help ... This list." echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" }

check_dependencies () {


P1="";P2="";P3="";pstatus="0" /usr/bin/dpkg -s at >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then P1="at" pstatus=1 fi


/usr/bin/dpkg -s libnotify-bin >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then P2="libnotify-bin" pstatus=1 fi


/usr/bin/dpkg -s bsdutils >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then P3="bsdutils" pstatus=1 fi if [ "$pstatus" == "1" ]; then echo

english: Error. Missing package dependencies.

echo "`/bin/sed -n '20p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
#english: Please install using the following line;
echo "`/bin/sed -n '21p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
echo "sudo apt-get install "$P1" "$P2" "$P3
exit 1

fi }

get_update () { URL='' if [ -e /usr/bin/wget ]; then /usr/bin/wget "$URL" -qO /tmp/kidtimer_latest.deb /usr/bin/dpkg -i /tmp/kidtimer_latest.deb /bin/rm -f /tmp/kidtimer_latest.deb else echo echo "Error. Requires wget" echo "To install wget; sudo apt-get install wget" fi }

###################### Code #################### ################################################

if [ $TUI -eq 1 ]; then check_dependencies go_tui fi

case "$COMMAND" in addtime) go_addtime ;; reset) go_reset_time ;; gettime) get_time ;; logout) go_logout $KID ;; hourly) go_hourly ;; daily) go_daily ;; update) get_update ;; check) go_check ;; info) get_info ;; -h) go_help ;; help) go_help ;; esac exit 0

Thanks, StoicTheVast

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

StoicTheVast commented 9 years ago

Yes I agree it's tough to determine the actual active user info. If I find a solution I'll be sure to let you know! Regarding your new feature ideas:

  1. Sounds like a good idea - it might be a couple of years until I get to need that one I but I can definitely see its usefulness.

2a). Sounds OK, merely replicating what can be done in the command line already, but perhaps useful enough for the wife to drive...

2b) If that is being done, another option I would suggest is "subtract time". Currently I can do this (eg as part of a "grounding") simply by adding a negative time value. But providing that option explicitly eg implemented internally by adding (-1 * time), may make it easier for the less confident parent administrator.

grover66 commented 9 years ago

looks like the problem with AT is not kidtimer's, but a bug in Debian and Ubuntu starting in 10.10.


Will work the other stuff soon,

Mike :)

On Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 11:32 AM, StoicTheVast wrote:


Thanks for the project. Unfortunately I had a number of issues getting it to work on my kids' computer (zorin-os 6, based on ubuntu 12.04 LTS).


  • AT wasn't working out of the box - it was silently failing. I needed to create /var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ owned by daemon:daemon for at to start working properly
  • Added the file /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/99zzkidtimer as suggested in another issue. Note this file must be executable! (chmod +x)
  • The use of /usr/bin/users to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states. I don't have a fix for that right now - instead I just told the kids to log off when they are done rather than let the screensaver kick in, and log off rather than switch users between them. Not ideal. Any ideas about how to elegantly detect these subtle differences in current computer usage state????

In /usr/local/bin/kidtimer, I had to make the following changes:

  • Tweaked the timer countdown to not go negative, even if other things fail...
  • The script files created to do the warnings/logouts in /tmp weren't executable. They need to be chmod +x
  • /usr/local/bin/kidtimer shutdown is not a supported option - instead I have changed it to use go_logout if /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I doesn't exist, as is done elsewhere in the code.
  • The user notification wasn't working because the x display detection using who doesn't work unless the user has an active shell running (my kids don't do that!). So instead I simply iterate through the first 10 displays and send the notification with the desired user to all of them - it fails gracefully on the screens that don't exist or have the wrong username, passes on the ones it needs to.
  • I couldn't decide if, when killing a user's processes they should be sent a TERM first before the KILL. Firefox will nicely reload its tabs if KILL'ed, but maybe other progs like Open Office would prefer to be TERM'ed first so they can clean up properly and only be KILL'ed if they fail to exit themselves.

Here is my patch to /usr/local/bin/kidtimer ...

--- kidtimer.orig 2014-09-23 23:53:41.970147275 +0930 +++ kidtimer.fixed 2014-09-24 00:08:35.104446943 +0930 @@ -65,11 +65,16 @@

go_check () { for I in /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u; do

  • This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.

    /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ -e $basedir/time/$I.ttl ]; then C=/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl

  • C=$((C - 1))
  • if [ $C -le 0 ]; then
  • C=0
  • else
  • C=$((C - 1))
  • fi echo $C > $basedir/time/$I.ttl else get_ttl_time $I > $basedir/time/$I.ttl @@ -77,8 +82,8 @@ fi

    check time

          if [ $C -le 5 ]; then
  • /usr/bin/passwd $I -l if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
  • /usr/bin/passwd $I -l go_logout $I fi fi @@ -128,7 +133,13 @@ /usr/bin/passwd $I -u else /usr/bin/passwd $I -l
  • /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I && /usr/local/bin/kidtimer shutdown $I
  • This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.

  • /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
  • if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  • if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
  • go_logout $I
  • fi
  • fi fi fi done @@ -155,24 +166,45 @@ TEXT=$((6-$T)) TMPFILE="/tmp/kidtimer.send$T.bash.$K" /bin/rm -f $TMPFILE +touch $TMPFILE +chmod +x $TMPFILE + echo "#!/bin/bash" > $TMPFILE -D=/usr/bin/who | grep $K | grep -m1 "(:" | cut -d\( -f2 | sed s/\)// | sed s/:// + +# This method to determine the correct display doesn't work, at least on zorin. +# It only seems to detect a user who has an active shell running +#D=/usr/bin/who | grep $K | grep -m1 "(:" | cut -d\( -f2 | sed s/\)// | sed s/:// + +# So instead I'll just send the message to all the first 10 displays, and the ones owned by the correct user will show the message, the rest won't if [ -e $basedir/locale/$LANG ]; then
  • MSG=/bin/sed -n "$LINE"p /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG
  • MSG="$K: /bin/sed -n "$LINE"p /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" else
  • MSG="Your computer time will end in $TEXT minutes."
  • MSG="$K's computer time will end in $TEXT minutes." fi -echo "/bin/su $K -c 'DISPLAY=:$D /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/local/kidtimer/icons/kidtimer-$TEXT.png \ + +for (( D = 0 ; D < 10 ; D = D + 1 )); do
  •  echo "/bin/su $K -c 'DISPLAY=:$D /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/local/kidtimer/icons/kidtimer-$TEXT.png \
    \"ALERT\" \"$MSG\"'" >> $TMPFILE

    +done + echo "/bin/rm -f $TMPFILE" >> $TMPFILE echo "/bin/bash $TMPFILE" | /usr/bin/at now + $T minutes +# Note you need the file /var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ owned by daemon:daemon for at to work properly!!! }

    go_killall () { K=$1 /bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K +touch /tmp/killall.bash.$K +chmod +x /tmp/killall.bash.$K + echo "#!/bin/bash" > /tmp/killall.bash.$K +# Not sure if it is better or worse to do a normal kill first... +# Programs like Firefox will reopen all their previous tabs if it is killed with -KILL +# But other programs would probably do better if given a chance to save state/data and clean up after themselves eg open office??? +#echo "/usr/bin/pkill -TERM -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K +#echo "/bin/sleep 5" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/usr/bin/pkill -KILL -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/rm -rf /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K @@ -450,4 +482,3 @@ ;; esac

    exit 0

And here's the full text of the fixed version:


Restrict kids computer access to specific hours and total time.

By: Michael Groves - grover66_at_gmail_dot_com


LANG="en_US.UTF-8" #unremark to change preferred language.

basedir="/usr/local/kidtimer" configdir="/etc/kidtimer" Cdate=/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d TUI=0 HOUR=/bin/date +%H DOW=/bin/date +%u WEEKEND="no" [ "$DOW" == "6" ] && WEEKEND="yes" [ "$DOW" == "7" ] && WEEKEND="yes" [ ! -e $configdir/kid.list ] && touch $configdir/kid.list [ ! -e $basedir/locale/$LANG ] && LANG="en_US.UTF-8"


[ $# -eq 0 ] && TUI=1 [ $# -eq 1 ] && COMMAND=$1 [ $# -eq 2 ] && COMMAND=$1 && KID=$2 [ $# -eq 3 ] && COMMAND=$1 && KID=$2 && Time=$3

################# Subroutines ################## ################################################

getinfo () { echo "kidtimer info" echo "---------------------------------------------" /bin/date echo "---" echo "find /usr/local/kidtimer/ -print | sort" /usr/bin/find /usr/local/kidtimer/ -print | /usr/bin/sort echo "---" echo "cat $configdir/kid.list" /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list echo "---" echo "passwd -S -a" /usr/bin/passwd -S -a echo "---" echo "cat /usr/local/kidtimer/schedule/" /bin/cat /usr/local/kidtimer/schedule/ echo "---" echo "cat /usr/local/kidtimer/time/" /bin/cat /usr/local/kidtimer/time/_ echo "---" echo "cat /etc/cron.d/kidtimer" /bin/cat /etc/cron.d/kidtimer echo "---" echo "apt-cache showpkg kidtimer" /usr/bin/apt-cache showpkg kidtimer echo "---" echo "cat /etc/lsb-release" /bin/cat /etc/lsb-release echo "---" echo "uname -a" /bin/uname -a echo "---" echo "env" /usr/bin/env echo }

go_check () { for I in /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u; do

This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.

    /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
            if [ -e $basedir/time/$I.ttl ]; then
                    C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl`
                    if [ $C -le 0 ]; then
                            C=$((C - 1))
                    echo $C > $basedir/time/$I.ttl
        get_ttl_time $I > $basedir/time/$I.ttl
                    C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl`
    # check time
    if [ $C -le 5 ]; then
                /usr/bin/passwd $I -l
                if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
                        go_logout $I
            go_clean_jobs $I

done }

get_ttl_time () { [ "$WEEKEND" == "no" ] && /bin/cat $basedir/schedule/$1 | /bin/grep ^MAX | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $2 }' [ "$WEEKEND" == "yes" ] && /bin/cat $basedir/schedule/$1 | /bin/grep ^MAX | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }' }

go_clean_jobs () { K=$1 for I in /usr/bin/atq | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $1 }' | /usr/bin/sort; do /usr/bin/at -c $I | /bin/grep -q "bash.$K" [ $? -eq 0 ] && /usr/bin/at -d $I done [ -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K ] && /bin/rm -rf /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K }

go_daily () { for I in /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u; do /usr/bin/stat -c %y $basedir/time/$I.ttl | /bin/grep -q $Cdate if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then get_ttl_time $I > $basedir/time/$I.ttl fi done go_hourly }

go_hourly () { if [ -s $configdir/kid.list ]; then for I in /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list | sort -u; do if [ -e $basedir/schedule/$I ]; then [ -e $basedir/time/$I.ttl ] && C=/bin/cat $basedir/time/$I.ttl [ $C -le 0 ] && /usr/bin/passwd $I -l && exit 0 [ "$WEEKEND" == "no" ] && R=/bin/grep ^$HOUR $basedir/schedule/$I | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $2 }' [ "$WEEKEND" == "yes" ] && R=/bin/grep ^$HOUR $basedir/schedule/$I | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }' if [ "$R" == "y" ]; then /usr/bin/passwd $I -u else /usr/bin/passwd $I -l

This method ( /usr/bin/users ) to determine who is logged in is a kludge. It ignores locked screens (screensaver active) and switched user states.

                            /usr/bin/users | /bin/grep -q $I
                            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                        if [ ! -e /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$I ]; then
                                go_logout $I

fi }

go_logout () { K=$1 go_send $K 5 go_send $K 4 go_send $K 3 go_send $K 2 go_send $K 1 go_killall $K /usr/bin/touch /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K }

go_send () { K=$1 T=$2 LINE=$((7-$T)) TEXT=$((6-$T)) TMPFILE="/tmp/kidtimer.send$T.bash.$K" /bin/rm -f $TMPFILE touch $TMPFILE chmod +x $TMPFILE

echo "#!/bin/bash" > $TMPFILE

This method to determine the correct display doesn't work, at least on zorin.

It only seems to detect a user who has an active shell running

D=/usr/bin/who | grep $K | grep -m1 "(:" | cut -d\( -f2 | sed s/\)// | sed s/://

So instead I'll just send the message to all the first 10 displays, and the ones owned by the correct user will show the message, the rest won't

if [ -e $basedir/locale/$LANG ]; then MSG="$K: /bin/sed -n "$LINE"p /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" else MSG="$K's computer time will end in $TEXT minutes." fi

for (( D = 0 ; D < 10 ; D = D + 1 )); do echo "/bin/su $K -c 'DISPLAY=:$D /usr/bin/notify-send -i /usr/local/kidtimer/icons/kidtimer-$TEXT.png \ \"ALERT\" \"$MSG\"'" >> $TMPFILE done

echo "/bin/rm -f $TMPFILE" >> $TMPFILE echo "/bin/bash $TMPFILE" | /usr/bin/at now + $T minutes

Note you need the file /var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ owned by daemon:daemon for at to work properly!!!


go_killall () { K=$1 /bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K touch /tmp/killall.bash.$K chmod +x /tmp/killall.bash.$K

echo "#!/bin/bash" > /tmp/killall.bash.$K

Not sure if it is better or worse to do a normal kill first...

Programs like Firefox will reopen all their previous tabs if it is killed with -KILL

But other programs would probably do better if given a chance to save state/data and clean up after themselves eg open office???

echo "/usr/bin/pkill -TERM -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K

echo "/bin/sleep 5" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K

echo "/usr/bin/pkill -KILL -u $K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/rm -rf /tmp/kidtimer.shutdown.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/rm -f /tmp/killall.bash.$K" >> /tmp/killall.bash.$K echo "/bin/bash /tmp/killall.bash.$K" | /usr/bin/at now + 6 minutes }

go_echo_error () { echo "/bin/sed -n '12p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" }

go_echo_done () { echo "/bin/sed -n '13p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" }

go_reset_time () { get_ttl_time $KID > $basedir/time/$KID.ttl /usr/bin/passwd $KID -u go_clean_jobs $KID go_echo_done }

go_addtime () { U=$KID A=$Time grep -q $U $configdir/kid.list if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ "$A" == "reset" ]; then get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl go_echo_done exit 0 elif [ "$A" == "" ]; then go_echo_error

english: Syntax: addtime <minutes|reset>

        echo "`/bin/sed -n '22p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
        exit 1
        C=`/bin/cat $basedir/time/$KID.ttl`
        C=$((C + Time))
        echo $C > $basedir/time/$KID.ttl
/usr/bin/passwd $KID -u
go_clean_jobs $KID

else go_echo_error

english: User not setup.

echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
exit 1

fi }

get_time () { if [ -e $basedir/time/$KID.ttl ]; then cat $basedir/time/$KID.ttl else echo

english: User not setup.

echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_tui () { go_command_list echo -n "Choose: "; read X case "$X" in 1) go_setup_user ;; 2) go_modify_user ;; 3) go_remove_user ;; 4) go_list_users ;; 5) exit 0 ;; esac go_tui }

go_command_list () { echo echo "1) "/bin/sed -n '7p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo "2) "/bin/sed -n '8p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo "3) "/bin/sed -n '9p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo "4) "/bin/sed -n '10p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo "5) "/bin/sed -n '11p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG echo }

go_list_users () { echo

english: Users configured for kidtimer:

echo "/bin/sed -n '14p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG" if [ -s $configdir/kid.list ]; then /bin/cat $configdir/kid.list else

english: No configured users.

    echo "`/bin/sed -n '15p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_setup_user () { echo

english: Username:

echo -n "/bin/sed -n '16p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG "; read U /usr/bin/id $U > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /bin/cp $basedir/schedule/blank $basedir/schedule/$U get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl echo $U >> $configdir/kid.list go_echo_done echo

english: Modify limits now ?(y/n):

    echo -n "`/bin/sed -n '17p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"; read M
    if [ "$M" == "y" ]; then
            if [ -e /usr/bin/nano ]; then
                /usr/bin/nano $basedir/schedule/$U
        get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl
                /usr/bin/vi $basedir/schedule/$U
        get_ttl_time $U > $basedir/time/$U.ttl

else go_echo_error

english: User does not exist. Please create user using the useradd command first.

    echo "`/bin/sed -n '18p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_modify_user () { echo

english: Username:

echo -n "/bin/sed -n '16p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG "; read U grep -q ^$U $configdir/kid.list if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then if [ -e /usr/bin/nano ]; then /usr/bin/nano $basedir/schedule/$U go_echo_done else /usr/bin/vi $basedir/schedule/$U go_echo_done fi else go_echo_error

english: User not setup.

    echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_remove_user () { echo

english: Username:

echo -n "/bin/sed -n '16p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG "; read U grep -q ^$U $configdir/kid.list if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then /bin/grep -v ^$U $configdir/kid.list > /tmp/kidtimer.tmp /bin/cat /tmp/kidtimer.tmp > $configdir/kid.list go_echo_done else go_echo_error

english: User not setup.

    echo "`/bin/sed -n '19p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"

fi }

go_help () { echo echo "Commands:" echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "addtime ... Increases allowed time for the day." echo "gettime ... Prints remaining time for the day." echo "reset ... Reset time for the day." echo "logout ... Starts logout sequence for user." echo "hourly ... Enables/disables user access based on the schedule." echo "daily ... Resets time for the new day." echo "update ... Updates kidtimer to the latest version." echo "info ... Gather local configurations to troubleshoot issues." echo "help ... This list." echo "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" }

check_dependencies () {


P1="";P2="";P3="";pstatus="0" /usr/bin/dpkg -s at >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then P1="at" pstatus=1 fi


/usr/bin/dpkg -s libnotify-bin >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then P2="libnotify-bin" pstatus=1 fi


/usr/bin/dpkg -s bsdutils >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then P3="bsdutils" pstatus=1 fi if [ "$pstatus" == "1" ]; then echo

english: Error. Missing package dependencies.

echo "`/bin/sed -n '20p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
#english: Please install using the following line;
echo "`/bin/sed -n '21p' /usr/local/kidtimer/locale/$LANG`"
echo "sudo apt-get install "$P1" "$P2" "$P3
exit 1

fi }

get_update () { URL='' if [ -e /usr/bin/wget ]; then /usr/bin/wget "$URL" -qO /tmp/kidtimer_latest.deb /usr/bin/dpkg -i /tmp/kidtimer_latest.deb /bin/rm -f /tmp/kidtimer_latest.deb else echo echo "Error. Requires wget" echo "To install wget; sudo apt-get install wget" fi }

###################### Code #################### ################################################

if [ $TUI -eq 1 ]; then check_dependencies go_tui fi

case "$COMMAND" in addtime) go_addtime ;; reset) go_reset_time ;; gettime) get_time ;; logout) go_logout $KID ;; hourly) go_hourly ;; daily) go_daily ;; update) get_update ;; check) go_check ;; info) get_info ;; -h) go_help ;; help) go_help ;; esac exit 0

Thanks, StoicTheVast

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StoicTheVast commented 9 years ago

Yes, sorry if I didn't make that clear - I was just trying to document for other people who would be trying to get it to work for them :).

To be clear, on my system I had to do:

But without that there is no indication - it will fail silently.

Hey maybe your dependency check routine could ascertain whether at is functioning or not????