grpc / grpc-dart

The Dart language implementation of gRPC.
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Repeated requests in a loop with a timeout. GRPC DEADLINE_EXCEEDED -> Next request HTTP/2 error: (errorCode: 1) #688

Open RubenGarcia opened 5 months ago

RubenGarcia commented 5 months ago
- I am using dart both for server and client. - I am awaiting repeated GRPC requests with a timeout of 200ms in a for loop - I am creating a new request after a response, a timeout or an error is provided by GRPC After receiving a timeout (GRPC code 4, codeName DEADLINE_EXCEEDED) The next request almost always errors with - code 2 - codeName UNKNOWN - message: HTTP/2 error: Connection error: Connection is being forcefully terminated. (errorCode: 1) HTTP/2 errorCode 1 is PROTOCOL_ERROR according to grpc version: both "3.2.3" and "3.2.4" tested, both present the issue. Tested with two Android phones connected to the same wifi. ## Repro steps Create a server, run it and run this code in the client: ``` Request request = Request(); for (int i = 0; i< size; i++) { try { CallOptions callOptions=CallOptions(timeout: Duration (milliseconds: 50)); MyResponse response = await myGRPC!.getResponse(request, options: callOptions); // log response } on GrpcError catch (e) { // log e } } ``` Expected result: Some good responses, some timeouts, but no consistent HTTP/2 protocol errors after a timeout Actual result: Every timeout ``` GRPC code 4, codeName DEADLINE_EXCEEDED ``` is followed by an HTTP/2 error ``` HTTP/2 error: Connection error: Connection is being forcefully terminated. (errorCode: 1) ``` ## Details I suspect the dart GRPC libraries need to verify that on the event of a timeout, the HTTP/2 protocol is still being followed so no PROTOCOL_ERROR is produced on subsequent calls. Otherwise, if this is desired behaviour, it should be documented at CallOptions class in package:grpc/src/client/call.dart Any input is appreciated regarding this.
RubenGarcia commented 5 months ago

I created a minimal example of the issue with working server and client code at Please check.

mosuem commented 5 months ago

I could not reproduce this with - needs more investigation.

RubenGarcia commented 5 months ago

Can you confirm your results using my repo? You may need to lower your timeout depending on your wifi. Example output after pressing the button a few times.

Started, timeout: 50
GRPC error: code 4, codename DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, message Deadline exceeded
GRPC error: code 4, codename DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, message Deadline exceeded
GRPC error: code 4, codename DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, message Deadline exceeded
GRPC error: code 2, codename UNKNOWN, message HTTP/2 error: Connection error: Connection is being forcefully terminated. (errorCode: 1)
GRPC error: code 4, codename DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, message Deadline exceeded
mosuem commented 5 months ago

Can you confirm your results using my repo?

I don't have any phones to test this with. I could try to set it up for Linux instead.

RubenGarcia commented 5 months ago

Ok, let's check under which platforms this is an issue. I used a Huawei with EMUI-Version 12.0.0 (client) and a Pixel 3 with Android 12 (server) -> Shows the issue.