grpc / grpc-dart

The Dart language implementation of gRPC.
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Reconnect logic #691

Open haf opened 4 months ago

haf commented 4 months ago

There have already been some questions about how to reconnect. My use-case is bi-directional streaming with gRPC; with a connection that is alive for as long as the app is alive (but like we know the OS might/will close connections after a while). I want to make sure the gRPC client reconnects and retries to send unsent messages.

These issues mentioned reconnection behaviour:

I'd like to get an explainer on how exactly to write "some code".

For background, I keep track of the state like this:

      final sendStream = StreamController<AnalyseRequest>(
        onListen: () {
          loggy.debug('LISTEN ON request stream for listing$listingId');
        onCancel: () {
          loggy.debug('CANCEL request stream for listing$listingId');
        onPause: () {
          loggy.debug('PAUSE request stream for listing$listingId');
        onResume: () {
          loggy.debug('RESUME request stream for listing$listingId');

      // kick-start the bi-directional streaming
      final responses = client.analyse(,
        options: CallOptions(compression: const GzipCodec()),

      // listen to the response stream / messages
      // ignore: cancel_subscriptions
      final subscription = responses.listen(
        // ignore: avoid_types_on_closure_parameters
        onError: (Object error, StackTrace stackTrace) {
          loggy.error('request stream for listing$listingId error: $error', error, stackTrace);
          _events.sink.addError(error, stackTrace);

      _streams[listingId] = (responses, subscription, sendStream);

Then at some point, due to networks being networks; this gets logged:

flutter: 🐛 16:58:25.540942 DEBUG PROVIDER: StreamingAPIPredictor - CANCEL request stream for listingd55a919c-0e8b-419a-a1e0-a208e97a93b2 flutter: ‼️ 16:58:25.541688 ERROR PROVIDER: StreamingAPIPredictor - request stream for listingd55a919c-0e8b-419a-a1e0-a208e97a93b2 error: gRPC Error (code: 14, codeName: UNAVAILABLE, message: Missing trailers, details: null, rawResponse: null, trailers: {})

version: 3.2.4

The ultimate API for me would be that I can rely on the client to keep this stream open; how exactly this would work, I'm not sure, so I'm asking you.

Repro steps

  1. set up a bidirectional stream
  2. sleep the app
  3. switch back to the app


  1. same
  2. switch networks
  3. try to send a request

Expected result: either that we can resume the connection (incl its state server-side with its python gRPC impl); or that there's some guidance on how to build resilient gRPC clients and hooks for me to hook into to resume.

Actual result: the app hangs, because the socket is dead and I don't see how to reconnect it

VolodiaHunkalo commented 2 months ago

@haf did you resolve this issue somehow? have similar problem with bi-directional gRPC stream

haf commented 2 months ago

No, no solution, still need one.

VolodiaHunkalo commented 2 months ago

as I correctly understand, you also need to know status of this stream to make either reconnect or close, yes? @haf

VolodiaHunkalo commented 2 months ago

it is inside http2 library, but it's hidden

haf commented 2 months ago

No I don't believe in statuses; if I try to send and get timeouts or ECONNRST or similar back, then I want to try to reconnect.

VolodiaHunkalo commented 2 months ago

how you handle this issue right now? with connectivity checker and forcefully close connection when change?

haf commented 2 months ago

I moved away from streaming for this reason; I don't have a solution yet. But if I really need one I'm going to dig into this library and maybe I'd wrap the channel or make it a factory method instead of an instance (if it needs to be recreated)