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Question: How to implement a ClientInterceptor with async body #710

Open payam-zahedi opened 1 month ago

payam-zahedi commented 1 month ago

I want to have an interceptor to pass the JWT to the headers of the request call

this is the basic class that I want to have

class AuthInterceptor extends ClientInterceptor {
    required this.findAccessToken,

  final Future<String> Function() findAccessToken;

  ResponseFuture<R> interceptUnary<Q, R>(
    ClientMethod<Q, R> method,
    Q request,
    CallOptions options,
    ClientUnaryInvoker<Q, R> invoker,
  ) {
    throw UnimplementedError();

The problem is I can not use the async/await modifiers because the return type is ResponseFuture.

How can I achieve this?